Such a wonderful, heartfelt story with some amazing characters. Easily my favorite of the 3 modern Persona games, and one of the best RPGs from the PS2 era. Reload shaves off the rough edges of the original and leaves a game polished and shining for a new generation to enjoy.

The art is beautiful! The battle system is (mostly) good! The music is stunning! But it's all ruined because the story is awful with no resolution because it's a prequel for absolutely no reason, and the characters are awful and generally unlikable. The two main characters are default Good GuyTM archetypes with absolutely no soul, and their best friend that the game desperately wants you to care about is just a generic nice guy. The story stumbles over itself and fails at a base level, and I can't understand why people praise this game as if it's better than the things it's pulling inspiration from. This game could of been a genuine classic if the person writing it understood even the most basic elements of writing an engaging story with likable characters, and that's what hurts the most. It genuinely drags down every other aspect of an overall decent game.

Genuinely magical first time playing through a game. Actually feels like exploring a brand new world step by step. It completely revolutionized how an open world game could feel when it released. It has no replay value because the game is entirely about discovering the world you're placed in but it's still a wonderful time I could recommend to just about anybody.

Beautiful soundtrack with with my all time favorite aesthetic for a Mario game. Is it the best Mario? Probably not. But everything combines together in such a magical way that no other Mario game does for me.

Absolutely the best rpg on the console, and still one of the better ones overall. A brisk 20 hour journey, with a very memorable story and world. Music is a treat, and the combat is still one of the better systems I've played with.

A great Mario game with my favorite depiction of Bowser yet. The best Mario RPG next to the first 2 Paper Mario games, and my personal favorite overall.

Such a cozy game, absolutely the peak of the series. It does everything better than New Horizons other than the customization.

A 2D Metroid that stands shoulder to shoulder with Super in my eyes. Fun and quite difficult at times. Exploration feels great with many opportunities to sequence break just like the days of old. Getting 100% was a treat, and some of the speed booster/shinespark puzzles were actually quite challenging.

Humor and writing is pretty dated by this point, and the gunplay feels awful by todays standards, but it's still one of the better action rpg loot fests.


Probably the most interesting game I've ever played. Go in completely blind and have a wonderful time.

My favorite 2D Zelda game. A blast the entire way through. The music and visuals are such a treat, even on a tiny 3DS with it's mediocre speakers. Dungeons are all fun, and you can do them almost however you'd like.

My favorite Zelda. Has the most unique setting and gameplay gimmicks out of every Zelda game IMO, with a wonderfully weird, dark atmosphere and themes that no other modern Zelda game would dare to come close to again.

Fell off right at the end before Kefka's Tower, but it's still a very good Final Fantasy that holds up to this day. Many memorable moments that still get referenced to this day, and it set the groundwork for the games after.

If you told me this was a long lost souls game I'd believe you

Such a weird, wonderful mix of Disney and Square Enix. It feels like it shouldn't work at all, but it just does.