Every remaster should be like this. An amazing translation of the Metroid formula to 3D made even better with a complete graphical overhaul and modernized controls. Easily the most impressive Switch game visually and it's a remaster of a GameCube game.

One of the most stylish games I've ever played, with a great battle system to boot. The overall story and gameplay are great, but I think the characters are kind of poor overall and it drags the whole package down for me. Characters are great in their initial arcs, but they get left in the dust as the story progresses. I also would like to kick Morgana into the sun.

The art is beautiful! The battle system is (mostly) good! The music is stunning! But it's all ruined because the story is awful with no resolution because it's a prequel for absolutely no reason, and the characters are awful and generally unlikable. The two main characters are default Good GuyTM archetypes with absolutely no soul, and their best friend that the game desperately wants you to care about is just a generic nice guy. The story stumbles over itself and fails at a base level, and I can't understand why people praise this game as if it's better than the things it's pulling inspiration from. This game could of been a genuine classic if the person writing it understood even the most basic elements of writing an engaging story with likable characters, and that's what hurts the most. It genuinely drags down every other aspect of an overall decent game.

Got about 5 hours in before I gave up. It has a great visual presentation, and the gameplay is good! But the story and characters are so painfully bland that I just cannot keep myself engaged. It fails in one of the most important aspects of an RPG. I don't get why people hold this game in such high regard.

Absolutely a flawed game, but it's one of my favorites in the series. Everything about this game has such a strange vibe to it that hasn't been replicated in any Mario game since.

Genuinely peak in every aspect from beginning to end. Absolute must play.

Incredibly tight platformer that uses it's difficulty and frustration from the gameplay to strengthen it's own core themes of bettering yourself and overcoming your weaknesses in a way that I've never seen before. It's tough, but incredibly fair. Every death feels like it was your own fault, and you can always identify your own mistakes and correct them.

Not a classic like the two that came before it, but it has enough of it's own ideas and creativity to stand alongside the first two in my eyes. It's basically a different genre entirely with Paper Mario slapped onto it, but I think that's fine.

A lighthearted and charming adventure, just an absolutely cozy time from start to finish. Like a hot bowl of soup on a cold winter day in the form of a video game. On par with TTYD imo.

A great Mario game with my favorite depiction of Bowser yet. The best Mario RPG next to the first 2 Paper Mario games, and my personal favorite overall.

An absolutely charming game brimming with soul from start to finish. A wonderful time in every aspect that could be enjoyed by just about anybody. The best Mario game in my eyes next to Inside Story.

Stellar remake of the first game that puts it on par with Super, and potentially even passes it in some aspects. It just feels good to move around and play with Samus' toolkit.

Absolutely stunning piece of art, feels like running around in a painting with a wonderful soundtrack.

One of the better 3D Mario platformers, and having it on a handheld with a neat depth gimmick is really novel. Definitely worth playing, but it won't blow your mind.

Not as good as Super or Dread in my eyes, but it has such a good atmosphere and narrative. It's a little too linear for my liking but it serves the portable nature and the story itself so I can give it a pass.