素晴らしきレビューとエッセイ Japanese Only

Stolen from letshugbro's excellent list. I'm sorry, letshugbro. The amount of game essays I knew about was quite large and I thought it would be hard work to put them on your list, so I made them myself. This is a list of Japanese game reviews and essays that I have read and found 'interesting', regardless of whether they are famous or not. It is limited to those that do not involve corporate money, such as 4gamer and IGN.

Japanese syllabary order(あかさたなはまやらわ) below.


Love's Secret Domain -The haunted and intimate world of Linda³ - Hirayama Yu
There is a link to the English Ver at the beginning of the link if you are interested.
必然性とはアナログな人間性 - 『十三機兵防衛圏』は「人間不在の無機質なパズル」- Nishimura Motoi
A review that differs from my own opinion, but which I found quite convincing.
地味なRTSパート+SF・サブカルネタの集合体 - Sakura Tetsu
Amazon' review. It is completely different from my star rating, but 80% of the text written is identical to my opinion. My opinion and assessment of 13s would be a mixture of the above two and the following three words. 'Showa era(昭和), nostalgia, lies'. ...But I can't find the motivation to write a coherent statement.
【11/22-23】人生を攻略する主人公 - Kagami Kyosuke
P5 play diary of light novel writer Kagami Kyosuke. He wrote a very dangerous book before he started writing light novels. One of them is a book called "A History of Christianity Without Honor and Humanity", which is -- I can't tell you what it's about. It is too dangerous.
ペルソナ5は現代日本に対するアンチテーゼである - 俺の世界史
He's a history buff, so there was a lot of nods to that interpretation from me too. I also agree that my favourite character in P5 is Toranosuke Yoshida. I love human characters like that. If you read this and watch Shin Godzilla, you will know most of what P5 is about.

I will not be writing a review of P5R. So you'll have to think for yourself from here. ...I have decided. I will never write about P5R. ま、要するに「自分で納得する答えを探せ」って事だ。
Ringo Ishikawaはときメモの正統続編であり無限の荒野だ - Noji Kurage
A great review that no ordinary person would think of comparing Tokimeki Memorial with Ringo Ishikawa.
I read it over three times and I couldn't argue with it. This review reminded me of something, and I'm planning to write something about Tokimeki Memorial's sequel, 2, in the near future.
執筆予定中 - LSW
All critiques by Sawaduki Yo except the end.
Memo: Of these, only Sawaduki Yo(沢月耀) can be considered a celebrity in Japanese game criticism, while the others are hobbyists. Incidentally, Sawaduki Yo wrote a critique included in the Xenogears Perfect Works.
補足1 親子について
補足2 エリィという「人間」
君が読む カバラごしの『ゼノギアス』- Hirayama Yu

1 Comment

1 year ago

- CDX, why are you studying japanese, such a difficult language?

Me: [widely gesture toward this whole list]

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