Games I played in 2023 RANKED

I played a lot of games this year

Not only the best Doom WAD I have played but one of my favourite FPS campaigns in general

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The frustrating precision gameplay couldn't stop me from enjoying,this wonderful magical journey, I will always love anything with strong criticisms of environmental destruction
A wonderful game, creative and heartfelt, games like these make me happy that I play games, A perfect use of the medium
A weird and wild game, the so called Journey across varieties of environments always kept me excited for more

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Shows the best Dishonored has to offer, markedly better writing and story than the base game

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A great DOOM WAD but there's a few stinkers here and there
A bit worse than Knife of Dunwall level design wise, but ends Daud's story arc perfectly

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Wonderfully written and emotional game that got me invested in its mythical world and grounded characters
Abe doesnt talk in rhymes anymore and the later parts drag majorly, improvement on the first game other than that
Very fun game, always feel clever when I beat a level and the soundtrack fucks

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Great story with a lot of soul, with good character writing and clever twists but the gameplay is really tedious and outdated
A terrifying game with a story worthy of being called a horror classic, better than Amnesia
Amazing aesthetics and atmosphere with some stellar sound design, the gameplay generally very fun is brought down by the fact that it is so grindy
Great combat but the area exploration leaves a lot to be desired, I would love for Fromsoft to continue this style of storytelling in their games

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Weird and jank little game, the uniqueness in presentation makes me love this game even though its on the weaker side in other departments

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Some of the best gameplay and one of the worst stories, would rate higher if parts of the game was less frustrating

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Went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised, the scares are still great
The start a bit rough around the edges and boring at points but once the story picked up I was hooked
Great at the start slowly gets weaker
It's fine in what it does and pretty stylish but nothing noteworthy overall

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Short little game but manages to be creepy
Great aesthetic but gameplay can move from fun to frustrating really quick
Fun but extremely inconsistent

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Oh Alien Isolation I wanted to Love you but you wouldn't let me

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Great atmosphere but the fucking pixel hunting fuck that
I knew I was too tired of Umineko afterthis


Didn't click at all, the writing fell flat and the mythical basketball league I didn't enjoy at all
Copying classics and making them worse


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