Talk about stunning. Seriously, this might be the best looking game I've ever seen. It has some other great elements, but the Art is what stands out.

The Artwork conveys so much emotion in one frame. Every area looks insane. So much color and detail. They took so much time and effort to make every piece of an area look incredible. I can't say enough, it's proably the best thing about the game.

The Music also has a case for the best element of the game. My gosh this shit is amazing. It also conveys so much emotion, and it works in perfect tandum with the Art work, and makes the story moments feel like they have so much more emotional weight. Just incredible stuff.

Gameplay wise, it was good. Nothing incredible, but some fun stuff. Platforming could have been better, but puzzles were usually well done and smart. I appreciate all the aditional mechanics they added in throughout the game. They should make a sequal to this and just develope the gameplay furthur.

The Narrative, though I don't understand eveything that happened. I'm sure it's all a metophor for something, I'm guessing death. However there are so many memorable and incredible moments in the game throughout the story. Lots of great set pieces and awesome fights with that black goo transforming thing.

I do wish this was a little longer, and I wish the gameplay was more fun, especially the platforming, but this was all and all a very good game. Gris is unlike anything I've ever played, it's a pure work of art. The Music, The Story, The Art style, I loved just looking and sitting back and expericing the game. If you want a truly beautiful work of art, and/or a short game to sit down and beat, I'd recommend Gris.

Score: 3.7/5
Letter Grade: B+

This was fun. Tedious yes, but a good time. I have my complaints but all and all it was very good.

I found the Levels to be well designed, memorable, had great settings, but were also way to long. I don't know if they were told to make them so long, or if they coulnd't stop thinking of ideas. They probably should have split them into more levels, but at least they were fun. I found many objectives to be tedious and frustrating. Most were fine, but definitely more than there should have been were annoying.

Gameplay wise, it's a nice 3D platformer. Though the jumping could have been better, it was decent enough. Getting to play as Patrick and Sandy was cool, both having different move sets. I do wish Squidward was a playable character, but the 3 we could play as were good.

The best part of the game, is the Art design and SpongeBob atmosphere. It seriously feels like you're in Bikini Bottom. They did such a good job with it, that it's one of the most impressive things I've seen in any game I've played. The Levels bring back old episodes and make them the entire level, it's really cool to see.

Characters were awesome as usual, since they all came from the show. Voice actors did such a great Job, though not having the Voice actors for Mr. Krabs and Mermaid Man did suck, it was at least passable.

The Story was just fun, straight out of the Cartoon. Not much else to say besides that it felt very Spongebob. I honestly can't say enough about how well they did making this feel like a Spongebob Episode.

A lot of the Music was from the show, but a lot of it wasn't as well. Either way, it was really good. This game had a lot going for it, but they sadly dropped the ball in other areas. It's a shame since the OST is really good.

I touched on it earlier, but a good bit of the objectives felt very tedious. I didn't even bother finishing Kelp Forest, I hated that shit. It's just a dumb oversight by the Devs with some of these objectives. They could've done more play testing or something. It holds the game back for sure.

I wish they made some sort of Sequel to this. I know THQ released other Spongebob games, but they set a good foundation here that I would like to see a direct sequel. Maybe Cosmic Shake can fill that hole for me. Besides some dumb mistakes by the Developers, they did a damn good job here. Very Good Levels, Great OST, Great Characters, Very Funny, Fantastic atmosphere, and a Funny Story. If you want a fun 3D platformer with tuns of Charms, and/or you love Spongebob like me, I'd definitely recommend Battle For Bikini Bottom.

Score: 3.7/5
Letter Grade: B+

A very fun little sandbox PS2 era game. This has to be one of the most 2000s feeling games ever, you'll have to play it to see what I mean.

First off, the game is really funny. I laughed a bunch of times, weather it was Crypto, or the Humans thoughts, the ridiculous story, I found the humor very well done.

Gameplay wise, it was pretty good. A bit janky, but it really is just so damn fun to destroy all the humans and even more fun to blow up buildings. I wish they had more missions built around just flying in your saucer and blowing everything up, since that was what was the most fun. Guns and Saucer upgrades were just awesome as well.

The Story was pretty good, some memorable moments and a lot of laughs. Nothing ground breaking, but thats not what they set out to do, and the achieved making a nice funny story.

The Missions were usually pretty fun with cool objectives, though near the end they had some dumb stealth sections. They would be ok if Crypto didn't randomly turn back into an Alien randomly. Also, probably the worst part about the game, is that if you die, you have to go back to the start of the mission no matter how far ahead you are. That was really dumb but hopefully you don't die too often.

Crypto is a great protagonist, he's just a loveable funny Alien that just wants to kill all humans. He even becomes the president, which I was not expecting.

Ost was nice, nothing crazy but very well done. Set the right tone and atmopshere of an Alien B movie type game they were going for.

Speaking of B movie, they nailed the feeling of one. Even the name feels like it was something that came out of the 50s. I liked it a lot and found it to be very well done.

The game was definitely a bit janky, definitely ruff around the edges. I fell through the map, only once though. Definitely a few glitched hear and there, nothing game breaking though. Shooting was a little janky, but I expect that from a PS2 shooter. I also had to use a few cheat codes here and there, due to the difficulty spikes at some parts, just a lot of enemies at once at times.

Besides some mistakes they made, I enjoyed it. A very fun sandbox with Fun gameplay, a nice OST, good levels, a funny story, a great protagonist, a nice art style, and a lot of charm.
If you want a funny PS2 era title, and/or a fun Sandbox, I'd recomend Destroy All Humans.

Score: 3.6/5
Letter Grade: B

Very good, but to be honest I don't think it holds a candle to the original 2.

For starters, the Level design is a step back from the first 2. Sections are also no where near as memorable. In the first 2, you spend a lot more time in each level, but in Infinite, you spend very little time in every area, and I feel like that works against it. It leaves you a lot less immersed, and not being able to get comfortable in an area just isn't great. It's still very good design, just not on the master level of the first 2.

I did like the amount of Music that they took from later musicians and made it sound older. I love the cover of "God Only Knows".

The games art style has aged like fine wine, probably the best look Bioshock. Though I prefer Rapture by a lot, Columbia looks incredible. They did a great job with the colors and lighting in this game.

I feel like they were really pretentious with this story, and especially the ending. If you asked me explain that I'd have no idea where to start. It was really cool to see Rapture again, but it was only for like 2 seconds. Elizabeth being Booker's daughter is a twist that I found kinda dumb, and this whole multiple doors things, I couldn't get into it. Also how is Booker himself and Comstock at the same time? Just some ridiculous stuff. The first 2 games, especially the first, are more simple and smarter stories. Infinite still had a cool and interesting narrative throughout, but it also felt like they were trying way to much. I loved the incredible set pieces though, and the tears that Elizabeth makes are cool as well, but that's all I can say.

Booker DeWitt, to me, was a pretty mediocre protagonist. His dialogue and personality was just so dry to me, he felt like he was trying to say the coolest thing every time he spoke. He didn't seem to have much character to him. Elizabeth is a great companion, but they also sacrificed a lot of gameplay for the player by allowing her to give you Health, Salts, and Ammo. I appreciate the money she gives me, but I want to be able to collect Health and Salts like the previous games.

Speaking of the Gameplay, it was fun. I still think Bioshock 2 has the best in the series, but Infinite was very good. Though I found the powers you had weren't as good or useful as the Previous games, I only used like 2-3 of them. Also, why can I only have 2 guns? Stuff like that, removing things the player can do, sets the game back. I also found the RPG mechanics to be very lacking from the other games. Adam is what is really missing, it was such a crucial part of the first 2, that I think something like it would've been great, but again you spend such little time each area, they wouldn't be allowed to implement something like that properly.

Bioshock is famous for it's villains, and I honestly think Sofia Lamb might be better than Comstock. Not that he's bad, just all the ridiculous stuff they do with him in the story makes me appreciate Sofia a bit more. Comstock is just completely insane, and an absolute monster. No one can top the mastery of Andrew Ryan though.

Although I was disappointed with Infinite, and have my fair share of complaints, I thought it was very good. Gameplay, Music, Art, and a unique narrative, there's a lot of good here, it's just held back by poor choices and dumb mistakes. If you like the Bioshock games, and/or Shooters, I'd recommend Bioshock Infinite.

Score: 3.7/5
Letter Grade: B+

A very intelligent, well made Puzzle game. Very short, not saying that as a bad thing at all though.

I feel like this game was made on another planet. If we found an alien civilization, and they also had videogames, this would be the game we find there. It just feels so Alien. Not just in the way it looks, but in its Atmosphere, Puzzles, Narrative, and Music. The nailed the Sci-Fi setting in this one.

Puzzles were extremely intelligent, especially at the end. The Orbs, the little robot spider things that follow you, etc, are just used in every way you could possibly think to use them. Seriously, they go far with such simple mechanics. The Mechanic of entering the exiting the Orbs are just awesome to do and look at. The Puzzles look very convoluted but are actually very simple in what you actually have to do. I got stuck a couple times, but once you figure it out, it will make you feel very smart, but also it can make you feel dumb at times for not figuring it out sooner.

If you asked me to recap the Narrative, I would have no clue what to even say. I wish they made the story more understandable, because I had no idea on what was happening. Especially that ending, It looks great but I'm not sure what any of this means.

The art style is what cought pulled me in originally, and it's what usually gets me into these independent games. It's absolutely stunning and so detailed. I just loved looking at it.

Music was really great, it set the atmosphere and the tone of the game so well. I also liked the way they used it. For example, whenever you are on the right track, the music will give you a sing when you are doing the right things. You'll have to play it to see what I mean, it's pretty cool.

One thing I wasn't a fan of was just the bit of backtracking you had to do with some of the puzzles. Just having to bring the orbs back and forth and back and forth. Often it was my fault, still annoying though.

Besides the little bit of backtracking, this was just a great time. Though I do hope they can expand apon this and make a longer sequel or something like that. Great Music, Art, Atmosphere, Puzzles, Gameplay, and a hard to understand though interesting Narrative. If you want a nice short game and/or Very Good Puzzle Game, I recommend you play Cocoon.

Score: 3.7/5
Letter Grade: B+

Finally. One of the hardest games I've ever beaten, and though it has it's flaws, I did enjoy Demon Souls. Some flaws are more major than others, but the good definitley outways the bad.

First off something good, the Level Design. I thought it was pretty fantastic. Memorable layouts and lots of places to go and secrets to find in the levels, and everywhere seems to be leading you in the right direction. You're definitely rewarded for looking around, I thought they did a great job with the Levels Designs and their memorability.

Some parts in the Levels, though designed well, either had enemies that just screw you in the way, or the players movement didn't really work well with it. The Players Movement can feel pretty Janky, and I fell so many times to my death, often by the jank in the game. I know it sounds like and excuse but I promise that shit isn't on me. 4-2 is the bane of my existence. So many enemies mixed with Ledges, it was such a long trek back to the already hard as fuck Boss, it was easily the worst area in the game for me. 4-2 shows where the Level Design at times comes up short, though besides that I felt it was usually great.

Speaking of Bosses, they were pretty damn easy. Old Hero was definitely the Hardest for me, not only could he see me even though he was Blind, the trek back to him was so long, which is something I already touched on. I heard people saying Flame Lurker was the hardest, but I didn't find him to bad. Old King Allant was a little tough, but I beat him on my 2nd try. Kinda disappointing but also a relief at the same time, since getting to them without any checkpoints is hard enough. The Arch Demons should have been much harder, but oddly enough they were the easiest ones. The Final Boss, was just terrible. I'm not sure if you can even call that a Final Boss, since he literally didn't even hit me, and was weak as hell.

The Checkpoints. Where are the damn Checkpoints? I know you get them after you beat a Boss, but the game would've benefited so much if they just gave me some like they did in the other games. You eventually get stronger but it's still hard and annoying as hell, especially if the Boss is far from the checkpoint.

The Gameplay, though at times very janky, was fun and satisfying. Spells were so OP, I have no Idea how anyone could beat this game without them. I played as a Knight for like an hour and a half, and I deleted that and restarted as Royalty. I'm so glad I did that, since without the magic I was really struggling. Sword fighting still felt really good, it's just that magic was so much more affective. The amount of Spells were cool as well. I used some sort of Fire spell of which I forgot the name, and Warding. Warding is an absolute must, it makes the game so much less complete horse shit.

The RPG leveling up mechanics were well done, and expensive as hell near the end of the game. Collecting the souls and making sure you don't lose them all was satisfying and challenging. Increasing the power of my weapons was a little grindy since I had so collect the Shards, but it wasn't to bad.

Characters and Enemies were well designed and pretty cool. The characters didn't talk much but they were still well done. Enemies, though often annoying, gave the game some more challenge and they were well though out.

The Story and Lore were pretty cool. I'm not gonna pretend that I can say that I know what exactly is going one, but It kept me invested and was well told. One of the games biggest strengths was it's world building and story telling in the world. Without any dialogue, the game could give you an image and you could understand exactly what happened. From Software, from what I've seen, is fantastic at in Game Story telling. They did a great job with it in this game.

I thought the Music was great. It didn't come up often, which did help set the unnerving atmosphere, but when It came on it sounded great. The Boss Fights especially had great Themes. Nothing I'd listen to in my free time, but that makes no difference on how good it is.

To touch back on the atmosphere, it's probably the best part about the game. Its this unwavering feeling of just utter despair and oppression, that It makes you believe that nothing will get better in this world. But it also keeps you going, trying to get rid of that atmosphere, kill the Demons, and restore the land.

I gotta admit something, I kinda cheated. I duped some items, like heals and Spices, and I honestly think it was the best decision I made. Grinding in this game is so tedious and just complete horseshit. For me to continue having fun I had to do something like that, or I would have just given up. I didn't dupe any souls or Stones, I thought that would've just ruined the whole experience.

If you want to get into the Souls games, I'm not sure if I'd start If with this one. I think I'm just gonna retire this game for ever, a great experience that I never want to have again. I definitely have my complaints with this game, No checkpoints, Levels at times very frustrating, Bosses a little to easy, some janky controls, but all in all, I liked it. Great Music, Great and Memorable Level Design, Enemies designs were cool, Great Characters, Great RPG Elements, Story and lore were good, and the Gameplay was fun. If you want something very challenging, Like the Souls games, and/or want a Dark Fantasy adventure game, I'd recommend Demon's Souls.

Score: 3.8/5
Letter Grade: B+

Very fun little platformer. Extremely short, like beat it in one sitting short. That isn't a bad thing at all, but even though I knew it was short I was just surprised on how quickly it ended.

Level Design was smart, fun, and full of secrets. I thought it would be much more linear and straight forward, but it had a lot of secret areas and items to find. They did a great job of rewarding the player for exploring and finding the secrets as well. I found the last level, Pete's Castle, to be cool but a bit convoluted and not as intelligently designed as previous levels, especially the 2nd level which was my personal favorite. Levels had a good length, though there was only 6 stages, but each level was broken up into multiple different sections, so it's not just one long level for each one.

Gameplay was running and jumping like any platformer, but they made it much more unique with the abilities they give Mickey to use. The Magic Outfit, the Climbing Outfit, and the Fire Fighter Outfit, were all pretty cool. I liked how they all worked, though the Climbing could be a little janky, it was still fun.

Story was pretty much nothing, Mickey needs to find Pluto who has been captured by Pete. It's nice and all, definitely made for a younger audience, nothing to complex but it was nice.

The game was fairly easy, mainly because when you die and lose all your lives, you just go back to the start of the section of the level you died in, so there really isn't even a need for lives in the first place, since all losing your lives does is make you renter the level, and you don't lose any progress.

Boss Fights were probably the most difficult part. They actually were a lot of fun and had a decent challenge to them. Cool Boss Music and great designs. I was really impressed with them.

Music was great honestly. Just some really nice toons. The World Map, the Level Themes, the Title Screen, Boss Fights, all had some great sounding music.

Art style was beautiful to look at. I was a big fan of how it all looked. Backgrounds looked really nice, and so did the models of all the characters and Enemies. The game had a really nice and uplifting atmosphere to it.

Ending was alright, not always a fan of the "It Was All a Dream" trope, I was a little cought of guard by it, but it's a Mickey Mouse game, so it's not a big deal.

Honestly the worst part about the game is the fact that you can't save your progress. Thankfully they made it so short you don't really need them, though I also don't like leaving my system on, so I at least wanted a password to use. Hit detection could be a bit weird, but that's a lot of SNES games, and it didn't come up very often any way.

All and all just a really fun little game. Not much to complain about, though I wish it was a bit longer and had the ability to save, I still really liked it. Great Music, Good Design, Great Art work, a Cute little story, and a Loveable protagonist. If you want to play a nice little platformer and/or like Disney stuff, this would be a great one to play.

Score: 3.6/5
Letter Grade: B

Really Good edition to an already great experience. Just adds on some extra content and a cool quest line, which is more Final Fantasy fun. Not sure how they didn't know about the other Crystal, but I'm not gonna think that deeply about it. Boss fights were tough but cool. Great Gameplay and Music just like the base game. I wish it was free, but it doesn't cost much as it is, so I'd definitely recommend it.

Score: 3.7/5
Letter Grade: B+

First Kirby game I've beaten so far. A really good game, though one that could have been great if it didn't make some dumb mistakes. Most of the game is good, though it falls a little short in other parts.

First off, the Levels are well designed, though a bit long. The length wouldn't be an issue if Kirby didn't move so damn slow. Like C'mon man, if he was just a little faster, it would improve the game tremendously.

Gameplay was nice, the yarn mechanics were well done and felt really clean. Though they dropped the ball with some of the end of level parts, like when you turn into a vehicle or animal of some kind. These are a very mixed bag. My personal favorite though would be turning into the shark. However, these often didn't feel very good, which is what happened a lot with this games level mechanics, they just didn't feel like they were tested enough.

The Art style is definitely where this game shines. It looks great, and everything from the Characters, the environments, Cutscenes, Backgrounds, all blend so well together to make a great look.

Kirby is a great, cheerful protagonist. He's Heroic, and happy, and determined. All the best things to make up a great character.

Music was nice, but also could put you to sleep as it often sounds similar to a lullaby. Pretty slow, but nice.

This might be the best option for a kid who wants to play their first game. If you have a kid(s) and they want to play a game, I'd sit them down with this. It's not difficult enough so they won't understand, and a decent enough platforming challenge to where they can understand the ins and outs of how games work.

Speaking of challenge, you can't die. It's not a bad thing, though I would honestly rather die than lose all my shit. Why does so much of it just go everywhere when you get hit? It's so damn unnecessary. Even though you can't die, I did feel like it had some fairly challenging platforming moments to keep the player engaged.

It has it's flaws, but this was genuinely a really good game. If it was just less sluggish and tedious it would be so much better. However, some great Level Design, Great Art Style, Very Good Music, Great Protagonist and Characters, and just a really chill time. If you like Kirby games, Platformers, or want a chill game to play, I'd give this a try.

Score: 3.8/5
Letter Grade: B+

Fantastic. Lived up to the hype surrounding it and then some. Such an intelligntley designed game, and one I hope I never forget.

The World was so well designed, everything felt connected to another place. The areas you explore were fun and memorable, and the Puzzles, Enemies, and Missions you do in them were all pretty damn great.

Story was great, though I wasn't totally sure what was happening in the begining. I really thought Pey'j was dead there for a second. So many heartwarming and heartbreaking moments. Cutscenes were cinematic and transitioned well with the gameplay. The characters only amplified how good it was.

Characters wise, it's also great. Since this Universe has both Humans and animals living amongst each other, it allows for so much variety in their designs and stories. Jade is a fantastic protagonist, she's selfless, Heroic, Caring, and at times she has doubt in her self and if she is doing the right things, making her feel much more Personal. Pey'j and Double H are two great companions, and everyone else along the way are also just so well done.

The Voice acting for these characters is so good. Everyone gave it their all, and made the experience that much more immersive and enhanced the story telling.

The music was just phenomenal. Really set the atmosphere, and often helped convey the emotion of the story and the situation.

This is such an intelligent game. Every mechanic felt like they interviewed. My personal favorite would be taking Pictures and getting money. Taking pictures in games (and real life) is something I've always heavily enjoyed. Besides that, Combat was nice, Racing was a ton of fun, Flying a ship, Driving the boat, playing games, Stealth, solving Puzzles, all just great mechanics in the overall gameplay.

I decided to collect all the Pearls, rarely were they ever tedious. One of the best collectables I've seen in a video game. Not only are they fun, but the way you get them makes the player feel so smart. You can go on these heist like Missions that aren't even marked, and the game rewards the player for exploring and discovering. Maybe the best parts of the game involve finding these Pearls.

The last bit of the game, at least on the PS2, had some really bad buggy moments. Like restart the console bad. Just a lot of stupid stuff, that unfortunately hindered the experience a little. Despite that, not much to complain about, besides some frame rate drops here and there, nothing too bad until near the end.

So glad I liked this game this much. Really one of the very best I've ever had the pleasure of playing. Ubisoft might have peaked with this, I don't know I'll have to play more of their stuff. Music, Design, Mechanics, World, Story, Characters, Combat, Puzzles, Collectables, all great. If you enjoy stuff that is great, I'd recommend this game.

Score: 4.5/5
Letter Grade: A

The only Mario game I've ever played that I consider actually bad is Lost Levels. People talk about NSMB2 like it stands along side it as the lowest of the low Mario games. After replaying it after like 11 years, this is one of the best games ever made of course. It's a Mario game, only Lost Levels is bad. 2.9 average Score? Seriously? This is just more Mario levels, and that is all I need in life.

I want to get it's biggest flaw out of the way, It is very derivative to a fault. Probably the most unoriginal Mario game ever made. This is why people rate this so low, and it's definitely not a good thing, but it does have its own fair share of new level mechanics as well, not to mention the main coin mechanic.

The Levels are what makes these games so great. Even if these games are so derivative, the Levels are designed so well and are made specifically for you to have fun. The star coins are well placed in the levels as well. Nintendo just does 2D Level design so well.

Music is what I found to be the most unoriginal. I swear the OST is just straight up from NSMB Wii. Note for Note, I swear it's the same. It still slaps but damn, can't you make it at least a little different?

World Maps were also derivative as hell. Just same old NSMB stuff. They still looked great, just felt like I had seen them before, just in a different font.

I love the art style of this game, and the NSMB games in general. Though I believe NSMB2 has the worst background art of all the other games, It all still looks great.

This game was so unbelievably easy. The coin mechanic allows you to easily get hundreds of lives, and with the tanuki suit, you'll rarely die as it is. The Mini Bosses and Main Bosses were also very easy. I wish it was harder, as that would be a way to separate it from the others, though I know Nintendo was marketing towards a younger and more casual audience with these games.

I wanna mention the Bosses again, the Mini castle bosses are very mediocre. Just so easy to beat, and it's literally the same thing every time, just slightly harder with each world. The Main Castles actually had some pretty cool mechanics involved in the Boss fights, and I've always really liked the Koopalings anyway. The Final Boss, Bowser, was pretty awesome, and my 2nd Favorite in the NSMB series, besides NSMB Wii. He was fairly easy, but very cinematic and a nice conclusion. I also really loved the Credits after beating Bowser, I thought they were pretty damn cool.

To touch on the Coin Mechanic one last time, it is pretty cool, but I feel they could have done it so much better. Maybe don't make it so 100 coins give you 1 life, make it like 300. Probably should've had Wario as the main villain, that would have been pretty awesome. Just felt like they could've done a lot more, though it was still a lot of fun.

Though It is so very derivative and unoriginal, often to a fault, this is a 2D Mario game, so It's just a great fun time. I've always loved these games, and I will continue to do so. If you want a fun platformer, or you like playing games in general, I recommend NSMB2.

Score: 4.1/5
Letter Grade: A-

Such a fun arcade style game. I say this with a lot of games I play, but I did not expect this to be so good. I thought it would be a lot clunkier, but it has aged so well mechanics wise. I have a couple complaints, but mainly complaments.

Level design is top tier. It's just so well done and specifically made for you to have fun. Rails and ramps everywhere. The locations of each Level are all so unique as well, Skating in at a school, Skating down a Canyon, Skating in a Mall, Skating in a contest, Skating in cities, etc., all of this is so memorable and so damn fun to mess around in.

The Stuff you collect and do in the Levels only adds to the arcade fun. Collecting Letters to spell "SKATE", finding the Hidden Tape, and usually breaking or skating on a certain amount of things, as well as getting a certain amount of points. Getting anything over 25,000 points was way to hard for me, so I usually only got 4 out of the 5 Tapes. Still awesome though.

The Music just adds on to this games feel. This game really feels like a Time Capsule from the 90s. Music was some white boy punk stuff, but it amplified the Skating atmosphere so well, I really enjoyed the OST.

As I stated earlier, the Mechanics have aged great. Skating feels really great, and is just so smooth and rarely messes up, really impressive what they were able to do. Some would say it aged poorly graphically, which I guess is technically true, but I've always liked how these 3D 90s graphics look.

Some stuff didn't age as well. Sometimes it feels like you should have landed on something and you don't, sometimes going up the ramps can be a bit wonky, playing on the D-Pad isn't bad at all, but it shows it's age with the amount of moves that require you to press multiple different buttons on the D-Pad and the other Shape Buttons. None of this is all that bad, just a little frustrating at times.

Besides a couple minor complaints, this definitely lived up to the hype. Just great Arcade type fun, getting High Scores, with great music, and great collectibles. If you want a game that is actually fun unlike most of the shit they release today, give this a try, it's only like 2 hours long (if you're bad like me), so you don't have an excuse to not try it.

Score: 4.0/5
Letter Grade: A-

A really fun and short game to blast through. Seriously, I had no idea how short this was, only like and hour and a half, and probably way faster on multiple playthroughs.

The Portal Mechanic is just such a good idea, and one of the best mechanics you'll see in any game. Valve utilizes this perfectly, and the puzzles actually make you think, and also make you feel smart when figuring them out. Puzzles weren't obtuse or extremely frustrating, just very well made and fun.

Doesn't start off with much of a story, but with the atmosphere in the levels, there always a sense of something being off, atmosphere is very oppressive, and just so well done with the tone they were going for.

Glados is a great villain, and has one of the catchiest songs in gaming history. The end credits and "Still Alive" actually raised the score a bit, especially when you listen to it, and realize she is talking to you, and gloating about how you didn't actually kill her, and you're the one who is dead. A bit unsettling, but that's what makes it so great.

Though a game with short length doesn't make it bad at all, I was wishing for a bit more content. Puzzles were fun, but had very similar mechanics all throughout, though I'm guessing they will keep innovating on the design of these puzzles in Portal 2.

Not much to dislike. Great game with great puzzles and a Great ending. Though I would like some more content, a little longer length, and some more Puzzle mechanics, everything else was really good. Such a good game to blast through in one sitting, and if you want a great Puzzle game, or want a great game in general, play this game.

Score: 4.0/5
Letter Grade: A-

Best racing game of all time, and though I have only played a handful, I highly doubt anything will come close to this. This is pure racing mastery by Nintendo. I went in and got 3 stars on all courses, including the Booster Courses, and I had a blast.

The Racing itself feels so amazing to control, I've never played a game where driving felt THIS good. Driving, Drifting, Turning, Boosting, everything feels so great.

The Courses are absolutely incredible, pure genius design by Nintendo. They look so good as well, just so many little details, and a surprising amount of story telling throughout the courses as well.

I just wanna add onto the look of the game a bit, because I truly believe this is the best looking game of all time hands down. It's not just the incredible graphical quality, it's the details, the use of color, the art style, everything. How Nintendo did this in 2014 is insane, and I have yet to see a game top this game in terms of how incredible it looks.

Music is top tier, not surprising since it's Mario Kart, its allways been absolutely incredible. Definitely something I'd listen to in my free time, just incredible stuff that makes the Courses that much better and memorable.

The amount of Characters the game provides is really awesome, though there are some weird choices. Pink Gold Peach? Seriously? Though the amount of Characters is very impressive. What's also impressive is the amount of customization the Vehicles have, it's ridiculous. I feel like there are thousands of different ways to design the Vehicles, but I'm not sure. Even if it's less, it's still a crazy amount.

My only complaints with the game would be that, sometimes this game can just be really frustrating with some corners or parts of the course that feel a little over looked, and the NPCs just gunning for you the whole game, often screwing you over with these damn power ups. Nothing to bad, but still can be very annoying.

As I already stated, best racing game ever made. Though some parts of certain courses feel overlooked, and power-ups are flying everywhere all the time, it's still an incredible game. Music, Course Design, Driving feel, Characters, Car design options, Art style, are just incredible. If you want to play one of the finest games ever made, play this game.

Score: 4.6/5
Letter Grade: A+

The crazy thing about Ratchet and Clank, is despite how great it is, it disappointed me due to how much greater it could have been. It starts off so amazing, and though the rest of the game is good, some of these levels are not even close to the first levels. I have some other complaints, but I'll get to that later.

For starters, the gameplay is 3D platforming and 3rd person shooting with some other cool mechanics thrown in. Ratchet and Clank both felt good to control, and Clank's upgrades make traversal more fun. The shooting was definitely a bit janky, but passable. Some other Mechanics include the Magnetic shoes, the grapple hook (which always makes a game better), Rail grinding, Hoverboard Racing, and Jet Fighting. Hoverboard Racing is the weakest mechanic, you just move to slow, but everything else was really fun, though a bit janky.

Another part of gameplay I loved is the little Bolts you collect from breaking boxes or killing enemies, both are very satisfying to do. Collecting these little mini bolts are on Lego game Studs level of satisfying to collect, they're one of the highlights of the game. Other than the little mini bolts, you can collect the Golden Bolts, that are actually pretty hard to find, and you can buy some guns and find/buy items to use. All this stuff is pretty fun to collect.

Level design was really good, though it went down a bit as the game went on, it starts off incredible. The later levels are still good, but as I said earlier, not like those first ones. Also, Insomniac nailed the Sci-Fi setting of these levels, it really all looks amazing.

This game coming out on the PS2 feels kinda crazy to me, as it looks and feels pretty great. The Levels have so many details all around that you wouldn't expect from a game that released in 2002. It looks great.

Levels have great music in them as well. Not some all time great stuff but some really great tunes that just amplify the Sci-Fi outer space world Ratchet and Clank Live in. Some really good stuff.

The story was well written, pretty funny as well. Great, well animated cutscenes, with great characters all around. Villain was pretty cliche, but it feels like that was the Devs goal. He's definitely evil, as he will destroy planets, willing to kill innocent people, just to make some Money. Side Characters were charming and well designed as well.

Ratchet and Clank are two great protagonists. They have a great dynamic, right up until Captain Qwark fools Clank. Ratchet is kinda a dick to Clank for the rest of the game, like damn man it was a mistake get the fuck over it. He also only starts to care about Drek's evil plan when Drek plans to destroy Ratchet's planet. So besides that, they were very well designed, had fantastic voice acting, and were pretty good in their own right.

By far the worst part of the game, besides its janky controls at times, is definitely the checkpoints. What the actual fuck are these? Especially with some of the other Levels, they are just so infuriating. You will get a pretty long way, and it will shoot you back, reversing so much damn progress. It really hurts this game the most out of all of its problems, I despise them.

The worst checkpoint was the Drek final boss fight. It's to damn long, it should save at some point. The worst part is that it doesn't save how many Bolts you have, so if you wanna buy ammo to kill him, I eventually just ran out, and had to restart the level so I could actually beat him. I had to buy a whole new gun just to try and kill him fast. Just some really dumb mistakes the Devs overlooked.

Despite those flaws, that hurt the game quite a bit, this was a genuine great time, though I know it could have been even greater. The Music, The Art style, the Setting, Level Design, Fun Mechanics, Platforming, Story, Voice Acting, Characters, and Fun Collectables, all make this a great experience. If you want a great 3D platformer, or want to play a great game in general, I'd give this a try.

Score: 4.0/5
Letter Grade: A-