783 Reviews liked by MarlBocks

i think this is a must play for anyone who is a huge p5 fan tbh. it continues the story in a way that makes sense. the combat is fun, and works very well. as a turn based fan i still had such a good time playing this. the new characters that came with this game were also dope and memorable. i dont have too many complaints for this. i took off half a star bc they didnt rly expand on why theres jails now if the audience just played 100+ hours of trying to get rid of all that stuff, but oh well. you gotta do what you gotta do for more content ig

Pure undiluted dopamine straight to the brain. Best 3 bucks I ever spent.

I think I have an addiction problem with this game.

The Witcher 3 é um dos melhores open worlds já feitos, tudo funciona e se entrelaça; A história é incrível e tem possivelmente o mundo mais vivo e com a melhor ambientação de todos os jogos que já joguei, e muito disso vem de suas missões secundárias, que são um nível muito a cima de outros jogos, tendo histórias e objetivos únicos, que facilmente poderiam ser missões primarias.
Claro que tem alguns mini problemas, como alguns bugs consideráveis e loadings que chegam a durar minutos, mas isso não é NADA perto do quão bom esse game é, simplesmente uma obra prima

Neat game but clearly rushed

Story is pretty simple, a prison transport crashes near your tribe and the MC(Delsin Rowe) accidentally absorbs the powers of one of the convicts, realizing that he is a Conduit(person with powers). Concrete woman in charge of the prison puts concrete in your tribe to get answers about the escapees so you have to go hunt her down to absorb her powers and heal your tribe. Along the way you meet some of the escapees and befriend them and you can choose whether to steer them onto a path of good or evil. Alongside you is your cop brother who shoots criminals and doesn't afraid of anything.

I liked the characters but you don't really interact with your conduit friends much, Fetch straight up just disappears for a good chunk of the game and her redemption didn't feel earned. You have more than one mission with Video guy so I thought his redemption was definitely better. I loved the interactions between Delsin and his brother, no complaints there at all.

Gameplay was fun, Delsin can choose between 3 powers throughout the game(Smoke, Neon and Video). Smoke is the strength style with less focus on traversal or anything beyond shoot smoke bullets/missile. Smoke's traversal options are a glide and a dash which you can use on vents to get high in the sky. Neon is the sniper style that lets you slow down time to aim at enemies and you can shoot their legs for non lethal takedowns or their head for a lethal one. Neon's traversal options include running at superspeed, running on walls and jumping far distances from roofs. Video is the stealth style which lets you become invisible to sneak up on enemies as well as shoot tracking missiles. Its traversal options are flying up walls and gliding through the sky. Melee combat was okay but no lock on felt odd to me. I mained Neon powers for combat and Video powers for traversal and pretty much stopped using Smoke the moment I could. It might be more powerful but it doesn't feel as fun to traverse with. Concrete is very blatantly rushed, I tried traversal with it for a bit in the post game and it didn't seem great

The graphics look really good still. I played on my PS5 and if you told me this was a recently released game I would believe you.

Overall its a fun game with fun characters but the rushed nature of the story and characters leave something to be desired. I think it goes on sale pretty often so pick it up on sale when you can

[Review in English and pt-br]

One of the most important games I have played in my life, which shows IN 1999 how this medium can be used to narrate a surreal and absurdly authorial storyline. It is amazing how many things are said in this game without the need for words, all you have to do is interpret. In The Silver Case, we get to know several characters in a greater depth than their words alone can do, because their behavior, the artistic trace of the portraits of other characters they see, the soundtrack that can even be cacophonous, all this is an extremely conscious choice for this purpose.
This story is dense, it's political and also intimate, but it becomes a little difficult to recommend to the "casual" audience because unfortunately the gameplay was not updated in the remaster/remake, continuing to be very bureaucratic in the way of receiving commands and having its plot demanding certain actions from the player to advance in the script, so it ends up being something that only players with experience with adventures games and/or games with a larger than usual amount of text will really experience. But for those who do: Kill the Past and move on, see the light ahead and kill the darkness you project onto the path.

Um dos jogos mais importantes que joguei na vida, que mostra EM 1999 como essa mídia pode ser usada para narrar um enredo surrealista e absurdamente autoral. É impressionante a quantidade de coisas ditas nesse jogo sem a necessidade de palavras, basta interpretar. Em The Silver Case, conhecemos diversos personagens em uma profundidade maior que suas falas sozinhas podem fazer, pois o seu comportamento, o traço artístico dos retratos de outros personagem que eles enxergam, a trilha sonora que pode ser até mesmo cacofonia, tudo isso é uma escolha extremamente consciente para esse fim.
Essa história é densa, é política e também íntima, mas se torna um pouco difícil de se recomendar para o público "casual" porque infelizmente a gameplay não foi atualizada no remaster/remake, continuando a ser bastante burocrática na forma de receber comandos e tendo seu enredo exigente de certas ações do jogador para avançar no script, então acaba sendo algo que apenas jogadores com experiência com jogos adventures e/ou jogos com uma quantidade maior que o comum de texto vão experimentar pra valer. Mas, para aqueles que o fizerem: Mate o Passado e siga em frente, enxergue a luz adiante e mate a escuridão que você projeta no caminho trilhado.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita
Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte sugu yoko de waratteita nakushitemo
Torimodosu kimi wo I will never leave you

banger sequel to my favorite game :))

Um jogo que eu não dava nada até que um amigo me pediu para jogar umas 50 vezes isso e acabou virando um dos meu jogos favoritos '-'

Great game, love the cast and story even if the combat isnt always the most fun

Jogo bem bom, depois desse ac os outros foi tudo por água abaixo

Feels somewhat clunky, but the decision making mechanic got me hooked.

Amazing gameplay, great narrative elements and breathtaking aesthtics but the game is far from perfect. Terrible performance, atrocious camera that can make even the basic enemies a nightmare to fight, mixed level design with some great levels but some really bad ones too (especially towards the end) and the boss roster is meh at best, you have a couple really good ones but most bosses are pretty mid and you have a handfull of them that are just awful.

The best game I’ve played in a while. Loved the plot and all its twists and turns. The music had me feeling like the chosen one. The characters change so much and I also love the stylistic symbolism in the game. I could go on and on

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fix Okumura's palace and we good.