The single best looter shooter game, the comedy is ALMOST always on point and the story is incredibly interesting, I mainly used a shotgun for my first run but I might replay with other weapons. However the driving controls are absolutely abismal plus that bitch moxie stole $1000 from me and didn’t give me anything. But despite its lowpoints borderlands 2 is nothing short of a masterpiece and I can’t wait to play more

There are way more qualified people who know why this game is soulless but I want to give my two cents. Starfield is a prime example that realism doesn’t equal fun. Like the game sometimes looks stunning and has amazing looking cities but there’s is basically nothing to do on these planets. Starfield kills any creativity that the player would have with stupid bounty and “morality” systems. This is not Skyrim in space, this is morrowind in space

How do I even begin with this game. I have never played a game like metal gear solid 3. It is the most funny, emotional, and weirdly horny game I have ever played. I can’t even describe how good this game is, I cried for a solid 10 minutes after the ending and then immediately replayed it again. It is, without a doubt, my favourite game of all time

What an I say about this game that hasn’t been already said. It is easily the best open world game ever made and I’ve barely scratched its surface. I loved every second of my time despite its very big problems. Amazing game and I would recommend it for the 2 people that have still not played it

What sucks about this game is that I know for a fact I’m not gonna be able to finish it. I’m a simple man, I like 10-15 hour games more than 100 hour games. With that being said this is one of the best games ever made and I really wish I had the time to delve deeper into it. Baldurs gate is easily the best game of 2023, who tf is spiderman 2

Where’s everyone going, Fortnite?

Pretty good game. Why is there so much porn

While is prefer it’s sequel, God of war 2018 is nothing short of a masterpiece. The dynamic between kratos and BOY is one of the best in gaming as you see kratos learn how to be a father after his wife died. Amazing characters, story, atmosphere, and yes combat. One of the greats

This game single handedly cured my ball cancer, regrew my crops, gave me a wife and children, and solved world hunger. Top 5 game right here

I will say more in my portal 2 review but why can’t valve actually make video games anymore ☹️

Easily the greatest puzzle game of all time which makes me even more sad that valve doesn’t make games anymore. Like seriously portal is one of the most creative games, period, and then valve just stopped existing. I wish they would make something on par with both of these games. Either portal 2 is a masterpiece and will forever stand the test of time

Be fr, during quarantine this was one of the best games. Don’t lie we all know it’s true

The single most underrated game of all time. Whenever anyone talks about Mario they always underestimate this game. Honestly imo this is the third best 3D Mario game. The movement is as smooth as butter and the speedrun goes hard. Along with that the sheer creativity behind all of the varied worlds is insane. Loved this game ever since I got it back in 2018

I vividly remember watching my cousin play this game and being shocked. They made a game about spiderman, no shot. When I got that game for Christmas I was the happiest person on the planet. Love this game