THE MUSIC!!! Such a great vibe/style to this game. I remember listening to the soundtrack for hours and hours while I was driving. Plus the game itself was extremely fun to play, and you can quickly go again if you die. Just great execution of everything!

I never actually beat Skyrim. I would just go and go. Doing side quests, completely a few story quests, and explore. I think I remember an Elder Scroll being involved in some way, but I can't quite remember. The game was more about exploring for me opposed to the fight between the Nords and the Empire or whatever it was.

I don't know why this didn't click with me. I love Red Dead Redemption! This game just feels different though. It's so bogged down. Everything is so slow. It's like Arthur moves through molasses. The most frustrating part is that there are moments where I get that same feeling of awe and excitement that I got from RRD, but then it is quickly squashed by an animation or action that takes forever to complete.

I came to this a little after the hype of the reveal and everyone talking about it. I think this colored my perception going in. It never could live up to the hype. It was extremely fun to play, and the setting still spooks me. I just wish I hadn't built up such high expectations going into it.

I would play hours and hours of this game all by myself. All the game modes were great to play even single player. I just wish that the new ones captured this same feeling I had when I played this one.

The first and only GTA I've played all the way through. I remember messing around with San Andreas over at a friend's house when that came out. I remember having a ton of fun then. This time around it more felt like I needed to finish it because GTA is such a huge franchise. I don't remember much about it, and what I do remember are things where I didn't enjoy it. I guess my "gamer card" can say that I've beaten a GTA so I can get more "cred", but I don't know if I'll play another one.


A game that is just tons of fun to play. The music, fast pace, and brutality of the game fuse together to form an ultimate package of badass demon kicking fun. Every weapon felt powerful. There were a few issues with figuring out where to go or what to do, but overall a blast to play from beginning to end.

This game is more of a watching experience than a playing one for me. Playing wise I barely got to the part where I pull out the Master Sword. Watching I watched my friend beat dungeon after dungeon. I know so much about this game only by watching him.

The first season is all I played. It was incredibly gripping. I remember crying at the end of that last episode. It made me realize that stories in games can be touching and deep.

I remember playing a copy I borrowed from a friend. Then somehow deleting that save right before he needed it back. I was at the end of Hollow Bastion. It was completely demoralizing, but I wanted to finish it. I loved to combat and the goofiness of the story. It was simple and clean (see what I did there?). It wasn't the bloated mess that Kingdom Hearts is today, ah simpler times.

I wasn't and still aren't a big multiplayer person. I remember playing a ton of it though. It was so fun! The perks, the levels, the kill streaks! It was so incredibly fun to play, and looking back it seems simple given how influential it was.

The single-player was great too! It told a gripping story, and was suspenseful. It threw a few haymakers and I think they landed.

The was the only Zelda game I have completed. I just kept bouncing of Orcarina of Time when I was younger. This game though had my attention from the moment it started. I love the traversal and the environment. The music is gorgeous and only adds to the mood. Get up to a tower to unlock a new part of the map, and then scanning around and placing markers at all the shrines you can see is amazing.

Everything about this game is a joy. I wish there was someway for me to play it over again fresh. This is a masterpiece.

More Kingdom Hearts. Some of the bullshit had started to creep in by this point, but it wasn't completely bogged down by it. I liked the addition of forms. It added a nice wrinkle to the gameplay and was very enjoyable. Again I love the Hollow Bastion/Radiant Gardens area. Something about that place is just so appealing to me.

They captured the feel of swinging around a city so incredibly well. Just a blast to play. The story and other parts were a bit mediocre, but the feeling of swinging really propels this game forward.

I never beat this game because my disc had a scratch on it. It would crash/freeze every time after having sex with that woman. I enjoyed my time up to that, and the main villain was perfect. The super douche white savior thing was kinda used against the main character, but I could totally be misremembering.