Cozy ass games

Games I find really cozy and why

Seeing the tiny glimpses into life outside of the bar does a great job making the game really immersive, like there is a world outside of what you're doing. The bar itself is also characterized greatly as a little safe haven for anyone.
A perfectly crafted little journey with your funny little guys. Nothing beats the vibes of Undella town during the fall.
Nice to see all the sights and hear the nice music. Battles are easy but that's fine, whole game's just about the little memories along the way.
Similar to va11 hall-a but it's literally a coffee shop au
island flyover
I don't think I've ever done a single race in this game, I'd just drive around and maybe fuck with the cops now and then.
It's a Persona game. I think the setting is the weakest of the Hashino trilogy but it's already such a winning formula.
Normal/casual doing whatever the fuck I want making the dumbest teams imaginable. I have a save file with a whole army of my OCs as Corrins.
i love my puter all my friends are inside it
Does a great job creating that small town feel. Not that much to do around the area but that really works for the vibe it's going for.
The most open of open worlds, doesn't matter where you go or where you look you're seeing some beautiful vista.
It's minecraft
It really does feel like a little trip around the world. These are the best hub worlds in any Sonic game bar none.
Adorable platformer
This was my childhood, loved to make new characters all the time.
This was also my childhood, I'd often just hang around the big open part of Aquarium Park act 6 and take in the sights.
Similar reasons to Revelation
Did not expect to be as engrossed with a farming sim as I was when I started this.
Love seeing my scrunklies interact
The Persona 4 of pokemon
I spent so much time just fuckin around in the environments looking for epic loot. Story is also very laidback
I'll often just boot this game up and walk from colony 9 to eryth sea to kill time
no stakes, no responsibilities, just climb this fuckin mountain and talk to people
On the opposite end of the spectrum from 4, here you're in a bustling city with almost too much to do and see.


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