209 Reviews liked by Mitsu

Has more gameplay variety than 99% of auto-runners released in the last 15 years and is far funnier than any garbage "memes" to come out of the Wendy's Twitter page. This thing was ahead of its time.

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Trails into Reverie is a wonderful send off to the first half of the Trails saga.

This game's narrative is so well thought out and the way it uses context from previous entries while not overdoing it on narrative fanservice was incredible. I was genuinely surprised the writers were able to hold back on several things that might have bogged down the game and made it feel like a simple "fanservice fest." Thankfully they avoided that and managed to smartly retcon a couple decisions from previous entries to enhance the experience.

The gameplay is the same as every other previous entry, the additions only serve to further break the combat system, even further than it was already broken. If you like turn based combat you'll enjoy this game.


The Chapter 2 fight where the player swaps between parties in the middle of a fight was incredible, I hope the franchise continues to experiment with that stuff in the future. Multi-party management was already a thing in previous entries but swapping side mid-battle was a true novelty, something I've never seen a game do before. Unironically so cool.

The use of the good ending of Cold Steel 4 to complete Rean's character arc was one of the smartest things in the franchise. Not since Loewe was I more captivated by an Antagonist's presence, and that is saying something.

Of course the star of this game's show is the equivalent of Sky 3rd's Star Doors. Such a great set of short stories that let us get to know our favorite characters even more.

Recommended to anyone who likes Trails, but obviously you should play the previous games first.

A vos Hidetaka Miyazaki, que sé que me estas leyendo, sos un sorete, dejaste tirado la mejor saga de mechas por dark souls, espero aunque sea un remake. Puto.

May this piece of complete dogshit be the Ark that delivers Capcom back into the hells of abject failure, full of horrors they haven't seen since the 7th gen. I want this bastard company dashed across the fucking rocks and scattered into the wind, just as they did with Mega Man. Inshallah the locusts will devour the flimsy goodwill they gained (certainly not earned) over the past several years, so that their cowardice will be layed bare to even the redditors that kiss their feet. Inafune was never the problem, just a symptom, and I want the disease GONE.

The first and probably last Persona-game I will play. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, and while initially I was intrigued by the "socializing" part of the game, I noticed pretty quickly that I just don't care about that. So, I hoped that at least the RPG aspect would draw me in... But it didn't. Basic and straightforward, there was just not much to it. It was also infuriating how often the game would recap the events that had just happened minutes before, assuming that players have the attention-span of a fruitfly.

Probably a good game overall, just not for me.

i cant rate this 5/5 because i dont fucking like leif but this is the most fun fire emblem game. really good stuff here. you can literally take someone's equipped weapon and leave them unable to hit you its actually really funny

About as close as a video game can get to being a genuine epic, with a grand, sprawling narrative set in a dynamic world driven by a plethora of distinct characters with their own baggages and arcs.

And it's still not even the best the series has to offer.

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I can pretend I'm a semi-objective game critic but I can't hide from the fact that Sky the 3rd emotionally destroyed me to the point where finally seeing Renne find happiness for once in her life choked me up unlike any piece of fiction has before.

I think one of the reasons this game manages to stand the test of time so well, at least for me, is its message. It's one that constantly changes and evolves with you the older you get. So many people have talked about this already, so I won't parrot what they've said, but I can't think of any game or even piece of media has managed to share this specific message and pull it off nearly as well, with such rich subtext too. I'm the same age as this game and it's one I still think about often, especially as I get older.

A very solid epilogue to the 10 years long saga of Crossbell and Erebonia.

First thing that I found surprising was how good the team has gotten in the fight scene direction. Some of them were very fluid which is a nice change considering that ever since the ps3 era with cold steel 1, the fight scene were usually very stiff. I have a good feeling about the future upcoming games.

The gameplay is about the same as both cold steel 3 and 4 with the addition of one feature. At first it seemed broken but the more I played and the difficulty rose, the more balanced it turned out to be.

This game has also in my opinion the best pacing from the cold steel game since it’s the one to avoid this franchise’s infamous school days by strictly focusing on the main conflict, which funnily enough makes it one of the shortest game yet.

Trails into reverie is also the first game to introduce multiple routes, all connected to one another and the team has done a good job spreading the number of characters to use in each route.

I don’t have many complaints considering most of what I don’t like were already present in previous games and I got over them.

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The real lesson here is that Erde Kaiser Sigma can kill god thus making Erde Kaiser Sigma the strongest mech in ANY video game.

Idk bro CoD is one of that series that is just CoD, god knows how to review it. Reviewing it is like reviewing room temperature water. I've played a few but I'm just gonna log this one

Fun Fact: for every 3 Japanese porn games, 2 include rape in it, why is everyone shocked by this one? Like I understand hentai not being your thing, or if you find fetish's like this disgusting, fair enough even, but you saw an article or Youtube video saying this game was "controversial", then proceeded to play a fucking hentai game with RAPE on the title and then got shocked by the content inside it, not even knowing it was pretty common thing in the genre. What are you, a fucking sheep with no brain?

Yeah I'm not sure I liked this one or FE11 as much as I said before. The gameplay's really basic and the plot is super barebones. FE12 at least has some more character interactions but it's still ugly as hell (it's moreso an issue here because FE3 looks much better)

Also the new subplot and gaiden chapters suck and I wish they weren't in the game

Struggled to feel like a new experience to me, and flaws stood out to me more considering the higher price of this game compared to other switch games. A good experience but I can’t help but feel underwhelmed with just a few new features when the game still doesn’t have a great story and feels like basically the same formula