Carries the game SO fckn hard holy SHIT this is the Nasser of Egypt

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism and Im glad af I paid 0 cents for this

Literally THE Anime fighting game

Could be sm better but still good yk

I LOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE twitter user YorozuyaYussuf aka HollowAtaraxia aka Angefanaccount aka Ougifanaccount aka ChaosHead (also Jill is hot)

He's literally just like me bruh....

At the end it should've called for a world communist revolution imo but otherwise p good, I think

Gave me what I needed when I needed it

Awesome gameplay with literally like a 2/10 story, Mao Zedong would not approve of this

Somehow out of my friend circle I like this game the most

The British Trotsky of Gaming (This is the main game and it fckn SUCKS)

I loveeeeeee Twitter User Schwarzengumiiiiii