Why did this have to be the first mainline Pokemon game I played. Now I don't really care for Pokemon and I think this game played a role in that.

Wish I could've gotten more into this game, it is really fun. Ah well, maybe later down the line.


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Cool game until act 3 where it kinda loses me but the card mechanics were still mostly fun. Wish they leaned even more into the horror but the atmosphere and the loore were pretty good overall.

The "game" is truly in the moveset, while there is some combat the main hook of this is to chain together different combos and get around the map as swiftly as possible. Thankfully, this game has some of the most fun movement in any platformer that I've played and even if I do wish that the combat had been a little more expanded upon (more bosses would have been fun), this was still an awesome time and I look forward to what the developer does next.

This is a masterpiece

Signalis now sits right next to RE2 remake as one of my favourite survival horror games, the fact that it was made by basically just two people is insane. Highly, HIGHLY recommend you go in blind and experience it for yourself, even if you're not a big fan of the genre, this game is simply top of the line.

Also, it's only 20 dollars soo... it's definitely worth it

I mean, it's basically just more of Silent hill 1 but with a waaay better story, like goddamn. Really like how this game messes with your brain, that's fun.

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I like this game and the bosses are a bit more fun than in the other two (although I couldn't actually beat the final boss on hard difficuly cause it sucks). I like that the story is more of a sequel to the first game although I miss some of the more psychological elements from 2.

Ashley segments are still a bit annoying sometimes and the villains are not as memorable and don't stick out as much as in the original (not as funny is what I really mean). But other than that it's pretty much perfect and a blast to play. The characters actually get more fleshed out and that's nice. Incredible visuals and movement feel, they really just nailed it here and the music is also something that actually stuck with me. Even though I thought the orchestral pieces would just wash over me, they did hit in the moments where they were supposed to.
This honestly may be even better than RE2 Remake as a game even though RE2 is scarier and works better in a horror sense (at least for me).

Even though I'm playing this fresh off the heals of RE4 Remake and that may have had an impact on how I perceived this in comparison, I did enjoy this game quite a bit.

I can definitely appreciate that this game leaned more into horror than the other games in the series, and it was quite effective since a lot of this game can be pretty frightening. However, since the focus was the horror, I found the combat to just be okay for the most part, with enemies just kinda showing up to have something to shot at. As it went along the tension mostly went away and I wasn't that invested in the story anymore. I liked the horror aspect the most and that was the best part of this but I found this to not be the strongest entry in the RE series, certainly not bad though.

A really fun time with great visuals that are a step above most 2d Marios. Most levels in this are brimming with creativity and that makes them a joy to play through. They could have done more with the multiplayer and the bosses are really ehh or straight up bad for the majority of the game, even if the final boss is pretty good.

It has cool action sequences and hot anime people cmon now. The story is uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh goofy but I like the characters and the world just as I did with the original and this remake is quite brearhtaking at points.