16 reviews liked by MrBombastic



o yo soy tonto o este juego es muy dificil



Challenging and exhilarating.
The game combines intense combat, deep customization, and a richly detailed world inspired by Japanese history and mythology. Basically Dark Souls in Japan.

While it draws inspiration from the Soulsborne genre, Nioh manages to carve out its own identity with its distinct setting and mechanics, making it a standout title for fans of challenging action RPGs.

To me, the heart and soul of Resident Evil 4 is the combat, and that’s what this review is about. Everything else about the remake is something I can take or leave, but I have many issues with the gameplay and its design, and I’d like to talk about why because it feels like everything that the original did right has been forgotten by both the devs and the fans.

To be clear, I am okay with Resident Evil 4 Remake being a different game than the original. In fact, I would like it more if it was more different and tried to execute a new idea well. My issue with it is that I don’t think the remake succeeds at carving out its own niche gameplay-wise, and instead it feels like a mismade version of RE4 held up by band-aid fixes to try to maintain the illusion of being a decent action game, and I will try to explain why I feel this way.

A core pillar of RE4 is the tank controls, they are what adds nuance to even the simplest encounters in the game and everything is designed around the limitations brought on by them. The Remake inevitably takes out the tank controls and, because of that, much of the original design crumbles, the solution to which is to make an entirely new game around the modernized controls. However, they did not do that, they instead applied a bunch of reactionary changes trying to make the game feel functional and challenging despite the removal of its core design pillar.

To illustrate this, let’s talk about one of the basic enemy types of the game, the axe-thrower. An axe is thrown at you in the original RE4, the tank controls prevent you from easily sidestepping the issue. You need to either walk forward at an angle to dodge it which drastically influences your positioning and can move you towards the crowd of enemies, or you need to shoot the axe as it’s being thrown at you to stop it. Both of these options have quite a bit of nuance to them, as dodging with your movement requires you to turn in advance since Leon’s turn speed isn’t instant, meaning that a level of prediction and foresight is required to pull this off, and shooting the axe requires you to ready your weapon, get a read on the axe’s trajectory to aim at it, and expend ammo. These are not the only ways, but they serve as good enough examples.

Come to the remake and now you have a variety of options to dodge the axe that make it a non-threat compared to the original. You can sidestep it to get out of the way, you can block it with your knife by holding a button, and you can duck under it to dodge it without needing to move. All this stuff lets you get around it in ways that dont push you into interesting situations. These enemies however are still here in the remake and they act about the same, seemingly just because they were there in the original, not because they do anything interesting for the combat. This to me exemplifies a lot of the ways most of the enemies lost their purpose and "fun" since the mechanics that made them interesting to deal with are gone, and illustrates the value that the tank based controls brought to simple interactions. For some reason we have even more options that are even easier to use against an enemy that is already made ineffective by the core system changes.

So how does the game maintain any challenge? The devs tried to do so in a couple ways but I don’t think they make for a fun or nuanced game. For one, they made it so that all unarmed enemies have long, lunging grabs that require you to sprint away from for quite a while as they chase you. If they are already close, they perform instant grabs that can’t be dodged in any way. Enemies also can’t get stunned by your shots as consistently so that you can’t counter their aggression with your guns. In short, on the highest difficulties your best bet is always keep a safe distance from all unarmed enemies. Yes, I am aware that lunging grabs can be ducked, but grabs that begin at close range cannot be ducked, so your gameplan is ultimately still the same, be far from enemies to prevent unwinnable situations. The ability to duck far lunging grabs ultimately doesn’t change your decision making in any significant way.

Another big factor is that melee was nerfed and made extremely inconsistent, especially on the higher difficulties. Shooting an enemy in the head no longer guarantees a stun that gives you a melee prompt, and the kick itself has a much smaller hitbox and no lasting i-frames. While the kick being nerfed is something I can understand and play around with, the fact that it was also made unusable due to the RNG to trigger it is baffling to me. I am okay with it taking more than one headshot, but you can shoot an enemy 5 times in the head in professional and never get the stun. If the stuns were consistent to trigger through applicable rules, you would be able to pick an enemy in the crowd to get a stun on, lure enemies around them for crowd controls, or use the kick animation to i-frame through other attacks by planning ahead. But because of its inconsistency it's not a reliable strategy that allows you to play aggressive and risky with enemies. The melee stun is now essentially a random thing that the game “gives you”, similar to how you randomly get crits, and that change on its own removes half the appeal of RE4 for me, and I don't think the game compensates for it sufficiently.

Given what they did to melees, it’s quite funny that they still have enemies who wear helmets to stop you from headshotting them. In the original this mattered a lot since it meant you can’t headstun them to use them for crowd control and i-frames, and instead you had to go for knee shots which were less reliable and weren’t useful for dealing with a crowd. Yet the enemies in the remake still wear helmets as if it matters, but all it does is simply force you to shoot them in the body which only takes one/two more shots more than shooting the head. It’s another case of the enemy design losing what made it compelling due to short-sighted changes in mechanics and the devs failing to realize how much it would take away from the game.

The kind of gameplay these changes lead to is one of constant backpedaling, since your melee is no longer strong and reliable, and enemies have instant lunging grabs with no counterplay to them at close range, at higher difficulties the game devolves to simply running away from enemies and shooting. Sometimes you get lucky and get to do a melee, but it’s not a part of the plan. The plan is to make space, sprint away, and circle around the arena and shoot. If anything gets in your way, a quick shotgun shot can disable them. The game’s challenge is now simply asking you to run and use ammo. I don’t think this is a particularly compelling gameplay loop when the ammo management never feels difficult as long as you hit your shots due to the leniency provided by the dynamic difficulty ensuring you get the drops for the weapons you are low on ammo on. Even if the ammo management was super tight, what kind of gameplay would that lead to? Simply clumping up enemies into tight corridors so you can shotgun/rifle multiple of them at a time for ammo efficiency? Or doing the same gameplan except slower to get focus shots with your pistol? Or if you play for rankings, simply run past all the enemies and encounters. It’s not fun to pull off, it’s simply boring.

There is another aspect to the defense in this game which I haven’t mentioned yet and that is the knife but I think it only exacerbates the game’s issues. On the surface you can say the knife adds more flexibility to the gameplay and parry allows you to get melees consistently, which is true, but to me that undermines the appeal of the mechanics it’s meant to interact with. The knife allows you to parry the attacks of any armed enemy, which in a kind of backwards way makes all the armed enemies way less dangerous than unarmed ones and their undodgeable grabs. Being able to get a melee off of it consistently is a sad way to relegate the mechanic, since it prevents you from using it aggressively and making your own choices when it comes to who and and when you want to use melees on, instead its simply something that happens to you, you get to do parry into melee if the game pits you against armed enemies that allows you to circumvent anything that could be challenging about them with an easy timing challenge. Even when made a bit more challenging with enemies varying their attack timings on Pro mode, the parry doesn’t ever feed into the rest of the game’s systems as the knife durability cost is virtually nothing for doing it. All it does is simply give you a “Get Out Of Jail For Free” card when it comes to armed enemies since their attacks are a boon to you, and in a backwards way it makes them easier than unarmed enemies and their grabs.
This is probably one of the places where I have the most disconnect with this game because I really don’t get the fun of parries in a game like this. Dodging through positioning and making decisions by planning around enemy behavior is where I get fun from this kind of action game, but with an instant parry like in RE4 with the static and slow enemies of this game it does absolutely nothing for me. If it had a big durability cost then maybe it would be a justifiable decision where you trade the damage and utility of the knife to escape a bad situation, but instead you just know the timing and nullify the entire enemy’s presence. The coolness of the animation is not enough to make up for how damaging it is to the game design to put so much on a simple timing challenge.

Ultimately, a big realization I made about RE4 Remake compared to the original is that it’s a game where things simply happen to you, rather than a game where you can make things happen.
You do the melee prompt when the game graces with you a stun animation, it’s not something you can reliably control and make decisions around.
You use knives to finish off enemies when the game lets you do so against transforming enemies, but you can’t control when it pops up since it doesn’t appear on most enemies and it’s not like you have a way of identifying Plagas enemies and knocking them down in advance. Because of that, stabbing grounded enemies never feels like a decision, just a prompt that you obey since you have little reason not to unless you wasted your knives getting grabbed. If every enemy on the ground had a stab prompt then at least you would be thinking about which enemies you choose to not do it on to save your knife resources.
You aren’t meant to use the knife aggressively since it can’t stun well anymore and the wide swings do pitiful damage, but you are meant to use it to parry attacks when an armed enemy happens to get into your range. When you parry attacks, you always get the same melee as a reward, you don’t get to make the choice of using a knee stun melee or a head stun melee for different purposes. You have little control in this game and most of the gameplay loop is obeying on-screen instructions in-between kiting and shooting

Compare this to the original RE4, where your backwards movement is much slower than your forward movement, so playing aggressively is encouraged, and running away from something comes at the cost of losing vision to it. You can choose what enemy to shoot in order to stun them, you choose where to shoot them to make a choice between the roundhouse kick for great crowd control or the straight kick/suplex for better single target damage. You can weave around enemies, bait them into quick attacks that you can feasibly whiff punish with your knife to get a headstun and turn close quarters situations in your favor. Compared to this, constant running away and shooting at enemies in the remake feels shallow and boring. To make it clear I don’t think the remake is hard, the strategy you are pushed into is so effective and easy to execute its hard to be very difficult once you get a hang of it, but it’s not fun either, and even if they found a way to make it hard it would just be boring due to how limited the mechanics are and how little options the player has in actually influencing the way fights progress.

And that about sums up my issues with the game. I can’t think of a good way to tie it together other than that I am deeply disappointed by what this remake had to offer. The devs clearly don’t have experience in making action games, they want to make a survival horror game so badly with the way professional is designed but it’s just not a good survival horror game either. If this was a more horror and resource management oriented RE4, that would be cool, but I think it’s simply a shitty action game where you point and click at enemies in-between kiting them.
If it were not a remake of RE4 then I would just see this as a mediocre third person shooter that tries hard with the encounter design, which is better than we get most of the time, but this game was made off the incredibly strong foundation of RE4 and yet managed to miss just about everything that was fun about it to me.
That this could be viewed as a good remake and a refinement of the original feels very strange to me, but I guess I’m completely divorced from the way people view action games nowadays. I guess as long as it has good animation work and easy controls it’s good enough, but I want more than that out of these games and the industry isn’t interested in providing that anymore. Unfortunate that I grew up to care about this stuff.

Since people gaslight themselves with this game into thinking the stuns are consistent, here is evidence of them being inconsistent and unreliable where I can shoot an enemy to death without ever getting a stun:
First two clips are on hardcore with a fully upgraded Red9, last two clips are at the start of Professional.

Quanto mais tempo eu passo nesse jogo mais eu gosto dele. É bizarro que com tão pouco orçamento conseguiu ser uma experiência tão completa em tudo que se propõe.

O nível de detalhes da narrativa desse jogo consegue ser melhor do que qualquer outro na franquia. E o melhor de tudo é que ele é um jogo que respeita o universo que faz parte, ao nível de um nome de um file da DLC do Resident Evil 5 se tornar uma vilã extremamente memorável e complexa, ao nível de pegar um personagem que só apareceu em um jogo e conseguir expandir sua personalidade e sua backstory e ao nível de conseguir trazer inúmeras referências aos classicos da série.

A gameplay também não fica pra trás nisso. É meio chocante que um jogo com um orçamento tão baixo tem sistema de zapping e o Resident Evil 2 Remake não. O carinho que os devs tiveram nessa gameplay desse jogo é coisa de você apertar uma alavanca na campanha da Claire e mudar total um segmento na campanha do Barry por consequência disso. Isso adiciona um fator replay maravilhoso.

Eu amo voltar pra essa masterpiece subestimada e descobrir coisas novas mesmo depois de +200 horas de jogo. Pra sempre meu jogo favorito e o único que não me decepciona em nenhum aspecto

Juro, esse jogo não tinha obrigação nenhuma de ser tão bom

Um dos meus jogos favoritos de todos os tempos, por ser uma junção de vários outros jogos que eu amo e que marcaram minha vida, zerei todos os jogos incontáveis vezes em todas as dificuldades e nunca me canso, principalmente jogando em coop com os amigos.
Personagens icônicos, cheios de personalidade e motivações, história e universo com momentos inesquecíveis, gameplay super fluida com inimigos criativos e divertidos de lutar contra, sem contar com os seus designs incríveis, e um level design de dar aula.
E isso tudo são só as campanhas! Também há os modos multiplayer: PVP, que possui diversos modos e requerem bastante habilidade e trabalho em equipe, e são especialmente divertidos de se jogar com amigos; e PVE, com o modo tiroteio e Spartan Ops, que consiste em lutar contra inúmeras hordas de inimigos com uma dificuldade que aumenta ao longo das hordas, através dos crânios: alterações ao jogo que podem deixá-lo mais difícil, mais fácil, ou mais maluco! Jogar esse modo com mais três amigos é uma das experiências mais divertidas que eu já tive com videogames em geral.
E não acaba por aí, a rejogabilidade do jogo é praticamente infinita, com temporadas que adicionam novos cosméticos incríveis para o seu Spartan e para o seu perfil dentro do jogo, e também com os desafios diários, semanais e sazonais que oferecem recompensas muito satisfatórias de se obter.
Concluindo, Halo: The Master Chief Collection é um jogo sensacional e todos deviam experimentar, pois de fato é uma experiência inesquecível!

-Ótima história, ousada e inovadora, sendo MUITO melhor que o game anterior.
-Novas opções de customização.
-Gráficos e áudio melhores do que nunca.
-Extremamente balanceado e diversificado.
-Desenrolar da narrativa um pouco repetitiva e linear.
-Diversos personagens existentes do universo simplesmente não aparecem no modo história.
-Kripta deixada de lado e, aparentemente, focada em microtransações.



Apesar de um bom FPS, acho superestimado.

Inegável a nostalgia que esse jogo carrega, principalmente pros Brasileiros, mas na minha cabeça o jogo era bem melhor do que realmente é. A jogabilidade do game é meio repetitiva e muitas vezes padrão, o sistema de mira chega dar agonia de tão "duro" e "travado". Também achei a história total superficial e genérica.
Apesar dos pesares, os gráficos e sons desse jogo envelheceram igual vinho, continuam funcionando até hoje, mesmo o game sendo de 2006. Indiscutivelmente esse jogo moldou/inspirou vários outros FPS consolidados (acho muito legal as cutscenes antes de começar as missões, no estilo "filme" com pessoas reais).

Bom do começo até o final. O jogo entrega uma história bem humorada, cheia de reviravoltas com personagens extremamente carismáticos junto com quebra-cabeças MUITO desafiadores. A trilha sonora fraca e a "repetitividade" da gameplay são os únicos pontos negativos do game, fora isso o jogo mescla bem a gameplay desafiadora + um roteiro bem escrito e bem humorado.