this game is like a three hour reminder of internet humor in 2010. i am so glad its over

game was ok, congrats to dunkey for making it

best metroidvania since Dread but nobody knows that because everyone got mad that a game set in Persia stars a black dude

i am so fucking tired of every game being sekiro. please god can one acton game come out where you do something besides read animations and deflect on the right key frames. can one historical game about the tokugawa shogunate have some personality to it and not be more boring than reading a book about the actual events. can one open world game come out and have shit to do in it thats fun and beneficial for more than just clearing icons and getting bigger numbers. anyway, Like a Dragon: Ishin! is available now on digital storefronts everywhere

i had a killer ephebophilia joke loaded in the chamber for this one but it left me so perplexed by the end im not even gonna tell it. hard to hate, just as hard to love, probably ok by the end. disappointing way to end the persona trilogy

the "friction" in this game is hotly debated but i think a lot of it stems from this fact that this game is pretty fundamentally flawed on a structural level. the insanely stunted fast travel is done entirely on purpose not to instill a sense of adventure in the player, but because walking across dirt roads and fighting the same three enemies is literally the meat of the game. that is the gameplay, and if you don't REALLY fuck with it then you have my pass to give up on it without feeling like you're losing out on your gamer badge of honor. fighting guys does feel really good but its hard not to feel like -- yet again -- im just playing the demo for the actual dragons dogma.

cant say that i or anybody else should be disappointed because a lotta folks are gonna come to find out thats just what dragons dogma is, but if this game is going to continue that tradition then i gotta come to the same conclusion i think a lot of people come to: dragons dogma is really just ok

i got nothin funny to say. you can tell P Studio were bummed the fuck out after persona 3 because its the opposite of that game in every way but still great because of how strongly it distinctifies itself. had me smilin' and laughin the whole time because its a game that is above all else filled with joy and love. there is some intense shit here but it gets to that point because the rest of it is so damn wonderful. truly special little thing

i spent more time on this one-third of final fantasy 7 than i did on final fantasy 7 and two-thirds of that one-third were just the final boss

this is one of the most badass third person shooters of all time. the context for why youre doing cool shit is so weak that its simply barred from being an easy recommend but the mechanics at play are so fucking cool. thrilling from minute 1 to minute 58 or however short this game is

on the one hand this game is great because its an entry in a series with a winning formula, on the other i understand thinking its pretty weak when a figurehead in the rogue’s gallery is Bird

its so funny watching bad things happen to those people

a game so full of life as this doesnt come around frequently and its important to indulge every moment with it. skipping the “side attractions” in this game is kind of antithetical to the point of it. not getting a 5-star resort as ichiban or tying up the loose ends in kiryu’s life runs counter to the two things that matter most to them, consciously or not. enjoy every moment you have on things that may seem pointless now because those moments are not infinite. feel alive while you still are