Even as someone who doesn’t love Metroid-style scour the map for details exploration, I came away with such an appreciation for Animal Well. The atmosphere is brilliantly constructed through the use of minimalist sound design and the most alluring, creepy visuals. The puzzles were all very satisfying, with many evoking real eureka moments that felt so well earned thanks to the cleverness of the design. This is one of those scenarios where the core gameplay isn’t my favorite, but I love everything else about the game, so my personal rating is going to be lower than my overall impression. Regardless, Animal Well is a great game that fans of the genre will adore

This game greatly exceeded my wildest expectations. A 3D platformer soulslike sounds like an extremely hard thing to pull off, but Aggrocrab managed to create something truly special here. Its humor is top-notch, incredibly witty and biting. I expected its climate change and pollution commentary to be surface-level gags, but it actually uses that backdrop to create an extremely poignant and compelling narrative. Its characters are so full of life. Ultimately, Another Crab’s Treasure is a very clear labor of love, with extremely fun and challenging gameplay, meaningful exploration, and a truly unique core formula. This game will stick with me for a very long time, and stands out as a testament to what dedicated indie teams can achieve at a time when AAA is floundering

At first I thought this was one of the best platformers I’ve ever played, then they started introducing so many elements that break up the near perfect platforming elements, and those started wearing on me

I think the game is very confused about what it wants to be. The core drill mechanic alone is enough to expand to a full game, it’s incredible

It’s definitely a fair price for the amount of content, but the amount of wasted potential combined with how short the game is a real shame

Overall, absolutely worth playing, with some of the highest platforming highs, and some of the best music in an indie, but lots of awkward lows

Lies of P became one of my favorite games of all time by the end. I can’t believe a practically indie studio produced such a lovingly faithful yet inventive soulslike. This may have even surpassed Elden Ring for me simply because of the strength of its narrative. Its blend of direct narrative and chunks of environmental storytelling accomplishes something incredibly compelling. Its level design, environments, bosses, and skill tree all shine so well

One of my very favorite games. The gameplay is fun and satisfying, the writing is so hilarious, the art style is endearing, and the narrative is really intriguing. Top it all off with an incredible soundtrack and you have a genuine MASTAPIECE

Ghost Trick is ridiculously inventive with its gameplay and constructs an ensemble of compelling and beloved characters. Its soundtrack is up there as one of my favorites. The story itself is incredibly well measured, with most loose ends leading to extremely fulfilling conclusions.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime game filled with so much heart and creativity

Gorgeous visuals, great soundtrack, impeccable voice acting, and a really solid story about flawed people. I do think Firewatch overplays its mystery to a point where it slightly takes away from its narrative. But the story it tells is profound in a way rarely seen in gaming, and its characters are extremely compelling

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Had such a fun time until that plot twist. Idk what it was, the writing just seemed to plummet

This game blew me away for the first dozen runs. Incredible music, art style, and addictive gameplay. Unfortunately, by the time I obtained the 3rd bell, it became far too grueling to commit time to. I felt the randomized trinkets really offered some impossible situations. It became far too stressful for me, but maybe I just have a skill issue 🤷‍♀️

I did not find this game anywhere near as brutally difficult as others. I absolutely loved its premise and setting. Incredibly funny and charming. Only real flaws for me are that the weapon system is a bit too shallow and unrefined, and runs last too long

An absolute delight. The devs nailed just the proper length needed to pull something like this off. Imaginative, hilarious, and so fun to play

Such a fun, dynamic game that oozes style. The writing could get a little too corny, and I would have liked more of an emotional core (and less bickering between Chai and Peppermint), but it was a nonstop thrill-ride

If this game wasn’t a first person shooter it would be one of my favorite games

It takes a lot to get me to love a horror game. This game offered so much depth in both gameplay and themes