A cute but not particularly deep puzzle game. The fact that each puzzle has multiple solutions is great. The world design is also superb. The writing is find and decently funny but nothing particularly memorable.


What if Deus Ex but it was 2D... and also kind of bad. I really want to like this game, but everything from the skill system to the hacking minigame to even the world design is underbaked. I'm looking forward to what, if anything, this developer makes next however.

A fun little throwback to MSX style visual novels and adventure games. Great writing, a decent sense of humor and a slick style help the game stand out amongst its contemporaries. Shame one of the devs was a massive jerk.

This game just sucks. Disregarding the fact that it's a bad Fallout game, it's just a terrible game in general. Combat is floaty, the story is non-existent, and too much of the game relies on awkward isometric platforming. Unless you're a die-hard Fallout fan like me, don't bother.

A game with a fun sense of style that sadly doesn't reach it's full potential story wise. The writing takes it's self way to seriously for a game like this, and the gameplay is a bit too simple to be considered a great in the strategy genre. Still a fun trip for toku fans though.

A unabashedly weird game on every level. The walking mechanics are actually fairly deep and fun to learn. The story, while bonkers, provides enough of that Kojima earnestness and heart to still be compelling. The combat is bad, which is fine since it's not the focus, but the fact that this combat is used during the visually stunning but otherwise underwhelming bosses is an issue. Be warned, this game will only work if you vibe with it. I vibe with it hard, but anyone else is just going to bounce off of it.

Campaign only. These are purely ironic stars. This may be the funniest Call of Duty campaign. It tries to be a serious war movie in space, but comes off more like an edgy episode of Sunbrow's G.I. Joe. I was laughing my butt off through the game's final section. Gameplay wise, it's COD, so it's fun, but not to exciting. The space parts are cool though, as are the unique equipment you collect through the game.

An awkward, janky game that I love to death. The combat is rather bad, but that can't distract from the fun characters, interesting story and phenomenal world building. Unlike other RPGs with bad combat, it doesn't actively get in the way of the experience or your enjoyment and mostly just fades into the background by the midgame. The side content, however, is rather bad. Some quests, especially the ones on the Citadel, are actually quite good, but they're the exception. Good ideas are buried under cheap execution and reused environments. Having played through pretty much all of it, I can safely say you can ignore the vast majority of it. It certainly shows its age, but that doesn't stop it from being one of the best games of the Seventh Gen, even without the sequels backing it up.

I adore everything about this game save for the gameplay itself. Combat relies on precision timing and movement, yet the controls and animations aren't precise enough to match that challenge. Besides that though, you have amazing graphics, one of the best soundtracks ever made, fantastic writing and two of the best leads out there.

A game that tries to be a cross between Obsidian style narrative driven action light RPG and Diablo style narrative light action driven RPG. The result is a mishmash of ideas, systems and story threads that fail to capture what makes either genre great. It's a fun time, but don't expect anything special. You'll get a kick out of the weird design decisions if you're like me though.

Honestly it's not that bad on it's own. Andromeda is about comparable to Mass Effect 1, but with much better combat and traversal. In fact, that's exactly the problem. Mass Effect 1 was the start of a new IP by a relatively small AA dev at the start of the Seventh Generation. Andromeda is the fourth game in a well regarded IP by an experienced AAA developer released midway through the eighth generation. We expected better, and instead we got something comparable to the first, and up till now worst, game in the series. Vetra is cute though.

A twisted noir tale told in a unique non-linear perspective. The acting and direction of the story is great, and the narrative itself is a thrill to uncover. One of the best detective games ever made.

An odd and ultimately disappointing entry in the Fallout cannon. The many experiments it attempts mostly fail, and collapse in on each other one after another. Every mistake made in the game's development compounds into another mistake. The bad dialogue system which leads to removed skill checks which both lead to less player choice which compounds with the settlement system requiring the majority of the game's locations to be boring farms and/or raider hideouts. I can sill appreciate what the devs did, and the DLC shows there's some hope for the main series yet (thank god 76 is a spin off) but this is still rather weak over all.

An overly short but extremely memorable kung-fu RPG. A surprisingly fun, if easily broken, action combat system bookends the same great writing you can expect from golden age Bioware. The minigames are lame, but easily skipable.

A fantastic Star Wars game that also just so happens to be a great RPG. Light but strong writing and fantastic characters carries you through a bad combat system. Probably the best Star Wars story out there, and one of the few pieces of Expanded Universe material that deserves to be cannon.