I am literally the greatest at this game and if you disagree I will personally murder you.

The game that irreparably ruined the credibility of game journalists.

Now only has the second best Amity in fiction. Schezo is the most relatable character in gaming.

I just want Odyssey 2, man. I've been so good...

A visual novel that actually sticks with you but is still a visual novel.

Horribly monotonous and blandly designed.

Every poor person's first Switch game.

Fucked up how the best part of this game isn't the tight-as-hell platforming and inspiring music, but a branching dialogue scene around a campfire.

For a $40 game (I spent $37 but still) a two hour campaign is pretty bad. Granted, every area is audiovisual stimulus of the most orgasmic quality, so it’s not easy to make more.

But aside from side modes with little lasting effect, this is basically an interactive music video. A very nice looking and sounding interactive music video, but $40 for two hours is insanity.

I suppose you’re also paying for the VR functionality built-in, but at that point, I would’ve preferred a separation of the two so I can spend $20 on a two hour game.

To be fair, between getting higher ranks and the side modes, there’s plenty of replay value to bump your play time into the double digits. Your willingness to perfect Tetris Effect should be proportionate to how much you wanna buy it.

I 100%-ed Spider-Man... technically. I completed every mission, got every trophy, and the file says 100%. I don’t have every miscellaneous thing like suit mods and gadget upgrades. So it counts.

If you own a PS4, or even are thinking of getting one, this is worth your time.

I’ve gushed about the fluidity of the open world traversal, the flashiness of the combat, and now the story with an impactful ending and a decent number of feels... so I’m gonna rattle off my complaints:

The parts where you stealth around as MJ or Miles- while not as boring as I’ve seen most make it out to be- is nowhere near as fun as the real game.

The story, while good, is very segmented. You could cut certain parts out and it wouldn’t really change anything, like Shocker.

I started to feel some repetition set in near the end with the combat while stopping every crime, but the flashiness prevents the novelty from truly disappearing. The Taskmaster challenges have gold medal scores way too fucking high. What kind of god could accomplish those?

All that out of the way, go buy this game. If you don’t have a PS4, buy one, and this game with it. Insomniac has outdone themselves.

Literally the greatest 3D platformer ever made fuck Rehydrated.