Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/gato-roboto/

''I have not been overly positive about Gato Roboto this review, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad game; it’s just not outstanding in a market oversaturated with Metroidvania games. The world is fun to explore, but it’s almost completely linear so I can praise this game more as a platformer/action game than the genre that many people like to instantly refer to when a game has a map system with levels you can revisit after you’ve gotten new abilities. I will give special credit to the game encouraging you to sequence break however, as that was pretty fun to do. The gameplay itself feels fluid overall, though I swear the main controllable cat and its mech have butter under their feet which made platforming more difficult than it should be at times. I really enjoyed the boss battles though; they’re simple, but do use patterns with at least one mechanic you’ve been using in that area. It’s a fun game and I definitely recommend it, but your expectations should be that you’re going to be playing a short, simple Metroid-inspired game.''

Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-to-azure/

''I’m not sure if I would call the Crossbell duology my favourite of the The Legend of Heroes series, but I can certainly say it’s the best when it comes to the amazing plot. There were so many plot twists, world-building has become even better and it’s probably the most important game in the entire series with how it affects not only Crossbell, but its neighbouring countries as well. Unfortunately there is one massive elephant in the room here, being that the game has never been officially localized. There is a translation patch which is very much capable if you come here for just the story, but obviously does not live up to an official localization. And honestly I also have doubts that the Crossbell duology will ever get an official localization so if you are planning to delve deeper into the franchise, this is pretty much your only option for now. I definitely think this is a must-play, but only if you have played all the games before it. Despite not being the most accessible game, I still give this game the highest rating I could possibly give though I will cut off a slight bit for the fun rating due to me playing the game differently than I normally would because of the patch.''

Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/super-mario-bros-all-versions/

''As to the question that originally led me to create this article; I’m surprised to come to the conclusion that in my opinion, the original 8-bit version is still the best. The 16-bit version is just as good but feels a little bit floaty in comparison, and the Deluxe port has the most content by far but suffers heavily from screen crunch. I do think all versions can be enjoyed regardless but if you have the option to choose between all versions when wanting to play the core game, picking the most accessible version is also the best experience. And while Super Mario Bros. does not offer anything special by today’s standards when it comes to level design and gameplay overall, it is undeniable how much of an impact this game has not only on its own franchise but on gaming as a whole. It still controls good and can easily be picked up by anyone, even by those who have never once played a video game in their life. It truly showed that there was potential in the home console market by giving us an arcade-like experience in our own living room. As always I do give this game a score even though it feels unfair given how much this game has done, but remember that I rate a game on how much I enjoy playing it in the current day. And while I “only” give it a 7 out of 10, I still think this is a game that can very much be enjoyed today!''

Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/super-mario-bros-2/

''I’m glad to say that I’ve finally beaten Super Mario Bros. 2, as I can now conclude that it’s a pretty fun game overall even though I’ve never beaten it when I was younger. Despite not initially being intended as the sequel of the original Super Mario Bros., it’s a worthy follow-up with ideas that are still being used in the franchise today. Most of the game revolves around the grabbing mechanic which is unique to this game when it comes to the Super Mario franchise, and it works pretty well with the ability to destroy other enemies or fun bosses. They aren’t simple ”jump over Bowser, hit the axe” bosses anymore, and are definitely one of the high points of this game alongside overall good- and smart level design. Furthermore, there are a total of four different characters to choose from after every level- or game over, giving you full control over how you would like to play this game. As for what version to play; I feel both stand on equal grounds to each other, so it mostly comes down to how difficult you want it to be for yourself. Regardless of what version, I would definitely recommend this game to any fan of the Super Mario franchise who hasn’t played this game yet, or (retro) 2D platformer fans in general.''

Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/super-mario-bros-3/

''I haven’t been secretive about it but it’s true; I consider Super Mario Bros. 3 to be one of the finest adventures Mario has ever been through, even after all these years. There is just so much love put into the great number of levels, and little improvements to stage mechanics make them just so much better than they have been before at that point. They have an identity, and every level felt different with their own unique stage hazards and enemies. I have small OCD problems with the overworld but regardless of my opinion, it is a brilliant addition and gives people a lot of freedom over what stage they want or don’t want to play without it being a hindrance to beating the game. There are many more ways to get 1-ups as well, and also an inventory to store many of the new power-ups introduced in this game. For me personally however, there are some weird decisions that prevent me from giving this game the perfect score. Checkpoints are completely absent, and (under)water mechanics felt worse than it should be for me. Regardless, I definitely recommend Super Mario Bros. 3 to any Mario, Platformer or Retro fan as it has stood the test of time very well.''

Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/super-mario-world/

''I might have sounded a bit critical throughout the review and believe me, that is only because I’ve played Super Mario Bros. 3 in advance. This game is still one of, if not my favourite Super Mario game ever due to how much it means to me. The controls especially are spot-on, and that’s one of the most important parts of a game for me. Mario controls very smoothly, and added mechanics such as the spin jump have only improved how fun it is to control him. The controls are further complimented by the excellent level design whenever you’re not using the broken Cape Feather to fly over the entire stage. I might have liked the variety in level design and the overworld events from its prequel more, but I still enjoy going through this overworld because of how many alternate exits there are in the interconnected world. Oh, and this game has Yoshi. Everyone loves Yoshi. Super Mario World is, and will always be one of the first recommendations I give whenever people ask me for a good retro 2D platformer, and that opinion has not changed at all 10 years after I’ve last played it.''

Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/dishonored/

''If there’s one thing I can give Dishonored the highest praise for, it’s that the game allows you to play the game however you want by giving you tons of freedom. It doesn’t matter if you’re a pacifist or hate all living beings; Dishonored gives you all the resources you need to execute either playstyle. Your actions also directly affect how the remainder of the game will play out for you, as the amount of chaos you create will be reflected in a respective amount of alertness by the opposite side. The main protagonist Corvo is really fun to play as because he has so many tools and abilities on his side that compliment your alignment. I find the world of Dishonored interesting too, but I couldn’t really care about any of the characters in the game and what their fate would be so the impact of my actions didn’t affect me as much as I wanted it to do. Putting that aside however, Dishonored is a really fun game to play and it’s a definite recommendation to finish as least once, with a second recommendation being that you should try out both playstyles. Third recommendation, be sure to check out the options before- or during playing as there is a high possibility the game might make you sick (which also slightly affects my Fun rating).''

Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/space-megaforce-super-aleste/

''I really enjoyed my playthrough of Super Aleste, and to have finally finished it despite being one of my first games ever. I must admit that I’m in no way an expert on the Schumps genre despite liking them, but Super Aleste is definitely amongst my favourites out there. It is helped by the great amount of variety in weapons, with each having a secondary effect as well allowing for a lot of experimentation. Giving you a lot of freedom in a game such as this is welcome as it’s pretty difficult as well, but not unfair. And despite being difficult, the checkpoints are very forgiving with infinite retries, allowing you to gradually get better at the game. Furthermore, it’s impressive when it comes to performance with the SNES, having a consistent framerate and graphics that still look beautiful today. I would say it’s a good introduction to the Shmup genre as well despite there being many more that are easier, and definitely one you shouldn’t miss out on if you’re a fan of the genre in general.''

Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/celeste/

''I think it speaks volume that someone who doesn’t really enjoy pixel-perfect platformers that much still had a great time with Celeste as a whole. This is not only because the game is very forgiving and overall not that extremely difficult when just focussing on the main game and ignoring collectables, but also because of how well it compliments the theme of the game which, without spoilers, is definitely one of the high points of the game. The level design is set up very well in that regard too, as the early parts teach you everything you need to know about a stage and its stage-specific obstacles, while later on you’re tested with variants on them and longer segments. Madeline also controls very well, with the best thing being that there are a lot of hidden speedrunner moves available from the start that the game only teaches you in the post-game levels. I do wish there was a way to cancel dashes however, and the levels allowing for little backtracking is also something I’m not fond of. Regardless, Celeste is an excellent game and I’m not surprised by the amount of love it has gotten from gamers all around the world.''

Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/toybox-turbos/

''Toybox Turbos is not a bad game regardless of how critical I was throughout this review, but your expectations should not be higher than a budget Micro Machines. The game controls good and the maps are lively and fun to go through albeit short, but it’s also extremely limited in what you can do. There is literally only the campaign for single player; no single races or time trials. And while online plays seamlessly from what I’ve tried, the only mode you can play is elimination races in a very barebones setup. You can have a fun time with Toybox Turbos as the core game works well, but you should match your expectations to what the game is priced at. I’ll only recommend this game if you’re looking for an easy game to complete or to have fun with friends for a short amount of time.''


Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/poi/

''Poi was a pleasant experience for me. I highly enjoyed exploring everything the overworld- and stages themselves had to offer, and the good variety in objectives to execute kept me coming back for more. This is further complimented by overall good level design with a good size, and how very smoothly the main character controls aside from weaker combat and boss battles. The inspiration of older 3D collect-a-thon platformers is clear which is definitely not unwanted, but it also keeps some of the bad design choices from that era; Being booted out of a level after collecting the main collectable, and also collectables having no purpose after a specific threshold other than unlocking the final reward. The latter wasn’t too much of an issue for me as I am a completionist and highly enjoyed doing everything the game had to offer, but the game itself didn’t do a lot to encourage me. If you’re looking for a collect-a-thon that makes you feel nostalgic for the past without minding the lower difficulty, then Poi is definitely a game I recommend!''

Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/final-fantasy-the-4-heroes-of-light/

''The biggest problems with Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light are the many questionable- and restrictive decisions made. The game is built around these exclusions, but that still doesn’t excuse the inability to target enemies- or allies. Allies being split-up to focus on character development is a good idea on paper, but the execution was done rather poorly. Most of the issues that I did have however, were almost all negated in the second half of the game where the heroes united. While the first half was still good but occasionally frustrating for me personally, the second half had me far more excited due to giving me a lot of strategic freedom and the story also having an interesting twist. The Crown system in and of itself saved most of the battle system’s shortcomings due to how flexible it is, and the story started focussing on a singular goal for all the heroes after each of them were given their own spotlight. This storybook approach of telling the story was one I appreciated very much, and will definitely be one of the defining factors that I will remember from my journey through this game.''

Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/wendy-every-witch-way/

''Wendy: Every Witch Way is a game that can be enjoyed easily for people unfamiliar with the source material, since it’s a simple story everyone can understand with no other characters than Wendy herself. The game is also very accessible with easy-to-understand gravity switching gameplay that overall works very well. That said, it’s also a bit too accessible for its own good, being far too easy even on “hard” mode and far, far too short. This is the definitely the worst part about the game because despite the stages themselves not being too special, it’s still a solid framework that also has a lot of potential that remains unused due to the ridiculously short length. I did enjoy my time with the game and I wanted more, but unfortunately I didn’t get more–aside from the extra levels on the Gameboy Advance of course.''

Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/underhero/

''Underhero came to an interesting conclusion to the question “what happens if the hero dies?”. The plot was booming with personality, having a ton of humorous characters and a whole lot of charm to it. But it doesn’t just nail the personality department, but also the overall battle system–which is very important in an RPG to me. Taking a note from the Mario RPGs but making it action-based instead was definitely something I could get behind and just like those battle systems, skilful play is rewarded in spades. There’s a good amount of different weapons- and defensive options to take against the rather small-sized pool of enemies, which I would say is one of the low points of the game but not one that really hurt the overall fun I had. Add to that fun boss battles, good enough platforming and a bunch of fun minigames and you got a game that you definitely shouldn’t miss out on.''

Full review on my website: https://www.nepikigaming.com/reviews/the-textorcist-the-story-of-ray-bibbia/

''The Textorcist is a charming little indie game with a good sense of dark adult humour. That said, it is also a game made for veterans of both the typing- and bullet-hell variety. While I personally don’t mind it, The Textorcist is anything but an entry-level game, with no easy mode available for playing with the keyboard. Console players don’t have this problem, but they aren’t really playing a typing game which removes half the fun of this game. I personally didn’t struggle too much with the game though, as it’s surprisingly manageable for a combination of genres that shouldn’t work on paper. You don’t take immediate damage upon being hit and spelling errors just set you back a character. I had a ton of fun fighting these bosses that all had their own mechanics, though I will curse the Latin language forevermore. The accelerating gameplay is definitely the best part of the game for me, and I can’t wait to see more games like this!''