272 reviews liked by Nickakyoin

hot bitch gambling game. This game sucks ass but when i get a hot bitch from a summon it becomes awesome

Idk man...the art style is probably the cutest I've ever seen and the drawing as platforming concept is cool, but I was soooo bored towards the end of this. Also the levels sometimes drag and the final boss kinda came out of no where.

Also wtf was up with the monsters with the strange orifices in one of the final levels of the game??? Looked like Kirby gettin pooped out lol

Crash Bandicoot goes open world but not really

never played osu but i imagine this is a lot better

The animations of this game are better than the animations of Berserk 2016

I love JoJo's, but this game kinda sucks, like most anime games.

Esse e um EXCELENTE jogo de jojo's e pra mim e um dos melhores ate hoje, gameplay completamente gostosinha de se jogar, mesmo se vocΓͺ for ruim em jogo de luta voce consegue se divertir casualmente e ate em multplayer usando a tecnica do esmaga todos os botoes, os graficos sao lindos demais cara, a pixel art desse jogo e SENSACIONAL SERIO ELA E LINDA, as animaçáes sao tao fluidas e totosinhas de se ver que meus amigos nao tem como o game e perfeito, agora falando dos personagens que tambem sao muito bem feitos, cada um com suas caracteristicas e habilidades unicas que deixa tudo muito insano, no geral o jogo e muito bom tudo e muito bem executado

Nota: 10


Never have my primal urges to annihilate digital waterfowls been satiated on this level, nor do I think they ever will be again. That dog is an asshole though so it's not five stars.

stockholm syndrome the video game. I made an initial review last night about how bad the level design gets after around stage 6 and how it's the opposite of the lost levels in the sense that it's a far more ambitious game that lacks infinite continues and was made difficult with the purpose of making the player spend more time. so naturally i spent the next day practicing levels and strategies and by god i was able to do it and I'm able to see more of the positives in it.

i beat it without savestates or warps so i have full bragging rights but i will say this game is really, really fucking addictive. disgustingly so, probably because it actually plays so well when you aren't losing lives as quickly the depreciation of Yen, and the variety, general game feel, satisfying sound design and player feedback are all so good. so good that it carries the game's (still imo even after beating it) terrible level design in its latter half. it's creative and it's rewarding to master but i've never played another nes game with so many hazards and so much bullshit that you'll need to pause buffer or have played stages upwards of 3 times to reliably commit to memory. the lifebar is basically a lie because almost everything after stage 2 either kills you in 1 or 2 hits and you NEED to know how to effectively and safely deal with them. it's a shame so many people dropped it and weren't able to beat the turbo tunnel because that honestly wound up being my favourite level and I think it's at least worth seeing some of the stuff rare pulled off since it's incredibly creative and impressive for the nes.

because all of this i highly recommend playing the japanese version instead. rare actually realised they made the game too difficult and ironically made that version easier. i tried just a few levels just for the sake of comparison and I can attest to that, even the turbo tunnel, and that's for the better. maybe it was a good thing that blockbuster went down under considering how many games were made harder for western audiences JUST so that people couldn't beat them with a single rental or so that they had to actually buy it. it also proves that games back then weren't just made harder for the west when brought overseas, they'd be harder no matter what.