Games I Replay a Lot to Make Sure I Still Don't Like Them

This happens to me more than it should

my deep inner struggles to try liking games that aren't sonic adventure 1

So this is a Legend of Korra srpg. Sounds perfect for me. It takes place between seasons 1 and 2 (the good seasons), and has a very cute leveling system. Great. This game is so fucking boring. There's a fun few levels sprinkled here and there, but this is mostly like Three Houses tier levels. And not the good ones where people are yelling each other's names angrily, the bad ones like are in the Golden Deer route. Really the only reason I keep giving this game tries is because I really love the legend of korra, or at least the first two seasons of it. Like yeah the political stuff from this political thriller series sucks hard, but ignoring the truly bizarre politics of the series (season one especially), it's the most beautifully executed animated television show ever while it still has a budget and has much better writing than the original show. So long as it isn't insinuating that the nonbenders would just stop trying to end their oppression because their leader lied. Not even that big of a lie either. Also literally within the text Amon and the equalists are right. If you're a nonbender you literally have no power in a relationship with someone who can shoot fireballs out of their hands. Also they literally don't get any representation in Republic City's government. There's an Earth Bender, a Fire Bender, two Water Benders, and a fucking Air Bender. There's four Air Benders in existence and they all get representation in the government when nonbenders, who appear to make up half of all society, don't get any. And, like, Amon's lie about coming from a nonbending family who couldn't rise up against their landlord working them too hard on the field because he could literally turn them all to ashes in a second is probably extremely common in the world of Avatar. And they never really resolve this either, it's just like, left at "nonbenders can be just as strong as benders if they try hard enough" because Asami can hold her own in a fight, but she is also a billionaire who has giant mechs and gloves that shoot lightning. Some poor Fire Nation peasant who farms for 15 hours a day for a lord who only pays them in not setting them on fire doesn't have the means of fighting back like that. And another thing is... ... ... ... ...

After four more hours of complaining about the plot to a children's cartoon, I was brutally beaten by my earth bender boss for slacking off on my job by him hurdling a stone the size of my torso right at my head and I lost all consciousness for three days and also all control of my lower body
I WISH I loved this game SO BAD. Genuinely a hair's width away from being the best game ever made. But the rebalancing of all the Pokemon and the lack of any plot ruins it for me. I hate starting out with a starter that knows four good moves, I hate how I can just go anywhere from my starting location more or less, and I hate how there isn't any sort of plot to string it all along. Those things are very important I think. I won't feel more advanced later in the game just because the numbers are bigger, I need more advanced moves than when I started out. And I want to start up a game and talk to my mom about leaving to go on a big journey and talk to a pokemon professor or something too. This game is so vapid and empty without them.
This game should be funny. Like in a dumb way. But it never is. It's always the most soul-sucking game I've ever played.
A Jojo fighting game should be insanely fun, and, at least, not lethargic. And a Jojo Powerstone-like should be the best fighting game ever. Most Jojo fights heavily rely on the environment of the fight as much as the characters' abilities. The problem is that the game isn't as fast-paced as it aught to be and also it's too well balanced. A Jojo fighting game where Speedwagon can go against Giorno should let Speedwagon be vastly outclassed by Giorno. And while Giorno is (to my knowledge, it's not like I look up metas for this game) the superior character, he doesn't absolutely destroy Speedwagon like I think he should. Also the environment doesn't come into play enough. There's some things here and there, but not enough.

When Bites the Dust just did a lot of damage and didn't restart the match, but set a timer for when bites the dust was activated in the original match for the opponent spontaneously combusting, I was very disappointed. When Giorno activates requiem he should literally just end the match and then win every other match you and your opponent could've played instantly. Pucci's whole gimmick should be mixing and matching his opponents moveset and Made in Heaven should also restart the match, but with the opponent's character being randomly swapped. Jojo is beloved for its wackiness and there's surprisingly very little of that in here.

BUT there is some fun to be had. I really like playing as the time stop characters, Mista and Gappy. Mista especially is very fun, how you can set up sex pistols and then shoot them for them to hit the bullet into the enemy or the bullet closest to the enemy for them to hit it into them, and it's always fun to stop time and try to do the most insane thing before time starts again.

Also I main Jonathan for some reason.
I truly despise Dual Destinies and all that it stands for, but I am a lot lighter on Spirit of Justice. Mostly because it's super dumb and I like the first case. The problem is the second case. It's so boring and goes on way too long and I don't care about any of the characters which is a problem because three of my favorite characters in all of fiction are in that case. Like they really went and did the one thing you shouldn't do for Emma's character and made her suck, huh? I've literally never gotten past the second case. I've skimmed through playthoughs of the rest of the game and it definitely does get better, but it also gets worse in a lot of ways, so who's to say if its a good thing or a bad thing that I can never get past the second case.
I used to really like Birth by Sleep. For like ten years the only games I had on the psp were this, Crisis Core, and Sonic Rivals, so I played a lot of it. And man, don't play this on a tv, it wasn't built for it. You're supposed to play this game piecemeal, like twenty minutes at a time at most. Upon further inspection, though, I realized everything I like in this game is in Re:Coded, and done better there, so I mostly just play that now when I want a portable Kingdom Hearts experience. Which isn't very often, of course, but I still do play Birth by Sleep for some reason. And on a tv as well. Why? I don't know. I've never technically finished Birth by Sleep as I've never finished Tera's campaign, so that's often what I'll do, but I never find it in me to keep going. It's literally like three hours long and I still can't do it. Yet I keep playing it. I'll mostly just play through Aqua's campaign in one or two sittings as that's my favorite, and for that purpose, this game is fine. But I still can't say I like this game. It's so short and yet so repetitive at the same time it feels so much longer than Re:Coded even though one campaign from Birth by Sleep is way way shorter than a playthrough of Re:Coded.

I don't know what draws me to BbS. Maybe it's literally that I want to make sure I still don't like it. idk though.
This game has one problem. One glaring problem. It's easy as hell. I am fine with games that are easy, and I'm fine with Fire Emblem games that are easy. I mean, my favorite game is Awakening, and that game's difficulty options are basically just Too Easy or Too Hard. But Awakening has a lot of things you can screw around with, and so the extra levity is appreciated. If I'm trying to do an all archers run, a bit of leeway will help me achieve that. Sacred Stones doesn't have nearly enough customization options to be able to have fun with the very lax difficulty like you can with Awakening or Three Houses or Fates. The other issue with Sacred Stones is that the story isn't that good. The cast is probably my least favorite of the gba trilogy, and the plot, like the rest of the gba games, is absolutely nothing interesting. Also Seth sucks and I hate him. He's easily probably the strongest unit in the series history. Maybe Sigurd and like, the final map units like Karel and Tibarn and such are stronger, but those aren't comparisons you want to be making about one of the first units you get in a game as easy as Sacred Stones. And it's not just him, given like two maps or so, anyone can become too strong. In fire emblem games like this, I'll sometimes revolve my units so none of them get too strong but that only helps so much in this game. The main reason I keep coming back though is some good map designs here and there, but mostly the Tower of Valni. That's fun as hell. A shame about the rest of the game, though.
I absolutely love kanto and will literally never get tired of it. I love its design so much, really it's endlessly fun to explore it imo. But this game does something, I don't even know what, that makes me so bored of it so fast. I've replayed this game like nine times, and each time when I'm starting out I'm having a blast, but I've never gotten past lavender Town just bc I'm so bored and done with the game by then and I literally don't know why. I love the new changes added, I think that the game's battles were fun enough, and there's an eevee. I'm not sure why I can't play it through further, it doesn't make sense. But maybe one of these days I'll learn why. until then, I'll just have to keep chipping away at the Let's Go mines.
Of all the opinions I've spouted here none are as bad as what I'm about to say.

So, as someone who's favorite Bethesda games are Skyrim and Fallout 4, I sure play ones I don't like a lot more. Or, at least, that's what I would say if the three or so years proceeding me getting skyrim weren't taken up mostly by me playing skyrim. I don't play it a whole lot recently, but I probably have around 600 hours banked in the ps3 version alone.

As my first elder scrolls game and having no expectations going in i remember liking the character building of morrowind and basically nothing else. I found exploration boring and the world and story uninteresting, so I'd just be making like eighty different characters, getting them suited up, do a few quests in the starting town, and then maybe do a dungeon or something before getting insanely bored and stopping. That's honestly still where I'm at. I am not taken in by morrowind's charms, which I think is a death knell for it. Either you think all the reading is cool and the environments look nice or you don't. And this separates someone who loves it to death and someone who thinks it's dumb as hell. I am unfortunately the latter. The character customization, stat system, and literal directions you're given are very cool though, which makes me want to like the game. But its uninspired world and boring plot keep me from it. Skyrim's plot is boring as hell and sucks too, but at least I can half pay attention to it while i do something else because there's voice acting. In morrowind I have to sit down and read whole paragraphs about generic fantasy bullshit I couldn't give less of a shit about.
This game's world is extremely fun to explore and its battles are fine, but holy shit that story's so bad. embarrassingly bad. But still that music's great and it's fun to run around the grasslands and the clifflands and the frostlands. The same will almost certainly be true for the sequel. While it was actually written competently, its story still suffers from a lot of the problems the first one had, and its world is even more fun to explore.


The gameplay's fun, if incredibly mindless and easy. At least it flashes a lot of pretty colors on the screen constantly so I know I'm doing good. I appreciate that.

I don't feel the need to explain why this game sucks. Everyone knows why. Even the people who claim they like this game's story understand that to most people who played it, it was the dumbest bullshit they've ever seen.

The world design though is absolutely top notch. With one hiccup at San Fransokyo, every level in this game is great. I guess the Keyblade graveyard also sucks, but at least the final world and scala ad keilem (kielem? kilem? i dont give a fuck) were really great too. If you skip literally every cutscene, this game is pretty fun! A shame the story made me reevaluate the rest of the series and make me hate a lot more of it than I once did, though.
I keep saying I wanna learn a character competitively so I can understand what the competitive players are talking about so I try and then I realize that I wasted three hours having no fun in a shitty, unfinished game when I could be playing the only good smash game, brawl. And then I play brawl and I enjoy my time enough before getting sick of it bc it's still not a fantastic game. But at least brawl feels a lot more like a crossover game. Melee basically just has a bunch of recognizable faces, it doesn't have a lot of each series' personality in it, which really only Brawl and 4 had. Also I'm with Sakurai on this one, guys. Smash shouldn't be competitive, that's insanely stupid. The point of it should be to be fun for all ages equally and also be about celebrating the games that are... you know... crossing over. Like that one conversation Chrom has with Pit and Palutena in 4 is the highlight of the entire series when it should be the baseline. I'm not here to learn tech, I'm here to see the fun video game characters interact with each other and they fucking never do.

I will learn Ness though, eventually. Just you wait.
I know that there's some specific version of Dark Souls 1 you're supposed to play bc it's the good one so idk if the one I try playing is the good one or not, and really this is only vicariously on here since I don't replay it a whole lot, but this game isn't very good. I see it mostly as an awkward middle stage between Demon's Souls and Dark Souls II, which are both games I like. It doesn't have any of Dark Souls II's fantastic world design or Demon's Souls good level design, so it ends up being mostly nothing. This game is nothing. It's apparently not even that hard if you play the wrong version. Also hiding lore in the item descriptions is neat and all but good god this game and almost every other game in this dumb series could use some actual storytelling. It would help a lot. I dearly love Sekiro and that's one of the main reasons why. That game has a plot and characters and themes that aren't super vague and ethereal and, once again, nothing.
Maybe the game in this list I've put the most hours into. I used to like New Vegas, but now I don't. Once I stopped being a child this game's story suddenly became very unfinished to me. I began to notice how much this game needed more time in the oven. Like, the map is maybe the worst out of any Bethesda game. The design is not really there, almost like it was rushed and didn't have enough time for revisions. Art isn't made, it's remade. Over and over again. You don't just start with a blank canvas and then paint everything you want on it in one layer, you need to let the project live a little. Let it grow and change. New Vegas unfortunately didn't get that chance, and while I can see a good game in it, and sometimes even enjoy myself while playing it (mostly near the beginning), it still is just unfinished at the end of the day. And maybe at this point the only reason I replay it a lot still is out of nostalgia? I'm remembering the game I interpreted it as when I was a kid, so when I actually experience reality I get hit with the crushing weight of disappointment. idk, though. I'm not really one for that sort of nostalgia. I mostly get nostalgic for, like, things from two years ago, stuff from my childhood doesn't really give me much nostalgia in the traditional sense.
There's a lot of good in Bloodborne, but unfortunately you gotta get past a lot of boring to get to it. The game starts off real fun, but quickly gets insanely underwhelming until the chalice dungeons, which always take too long to get to so I never get to them. I just stop playing it or I start a new save so I can play through the starting level again because it's leagues better than every other level in the game, unfortunately. But I daresay that if I ever exert enough willpower to make it to the chalice dungeons I may actually end up liking the game.

But also the soulsborne formula is nearly solved now due to Sekiro so why would I even play this game?
I've played through the first like eight or so hours of this game like twenty times, maybe even more. I don't even know why. I don't like this game's story, its level design is pretty meh, and the combat is fucking weird. Maybe it's just because it's very pretty. Also I think this was the second ps4 game I ever owned, so it was either this or the nathan drake collection. And then I got tearraway unfolded and fallout 4, which probably explains why I have such a fondness for Fallout 4 now that I think about it. Anyway, the point is, eventually I got Bloodborne, which is basically just this game but better, and I don't even like Bloodborne, so this game doesn't really have much of a chance.

And yet I STILL play it. I legitimately don't know why. Like the name of the list would imply that I do so to see if i still don't like it, but no, I don't think I'll ever like this game, there's no point to it. Yet I STILL play it!
I've played Celeste three times now, each time getting further in. So eventually I'll beat them game, but I just am not having a great time with it. I mean I'm already not a big fan of rage platformers, but I just hate how Madeline controls. It's a very weird thing, I'm very particular about platformer controls, and being a child of the era of super loose platformer controls, I really don't like how rigid Madeline feels. It's a lot like Mario in Mario Odyssey. Mario moves just a little bit too slow in that game and his moves are just too tight. There isn't enough momentum and flow in Madeline's jumps. They're all very controlled and orthodox, which I just hate the feeling of.

Also I conceptually hate the Strawberries with a passion. They just waste space. I'd much prefer a game that doesn't have alternate paths with the best designed platforming in the game that lead to a worthless collectible. The game feels very meandering and I am very uninterested in the plot. It all feels too universal to me. To the point where it feels like nothing.

I feel a lot of passion in this game, which is largely why I keep chunking away at it (although that implies that I've kept the same save file. I've restarted each time I played it. Maybe that's the problem), but I also feel a vast emptiness. Like it's all going to amount to nothing. I feel uneasy and annoyed when I play this game, and I mostly just replay it to try and finish it so I'll get a sense of catharsis for it, but the journey is just too much for me, I guess, since I always end up giving up on it.


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