23 reviews liked by NitoDonno

I have mixed feelings about this game.
The exploration and ways to move across the map are cool, specially once you get the third arm, that's when moving becomes faster and more fun to play. The scenarios, characters and landscapes are beatiful. I think that's the game's strongest point. I enjoyed all the visual aspects of this game. The music and voice acting are okay, nothing to complain about that.
The RPG elements / skill tree is pretty basic, once you get each arm, you have a few movements and combos to unlock and use in combat. You can also get a few collectibles that help to increase your health and other stats.
The combat is good, but definitely could be emproved. To be honest, it was a bit frustrating from time to time, specially in the first few hours. I know this is gonna be way too specific, but there is one move (charged punch) which is requiered to defeat a specific kind of shielded enemy and it takes forever to fully charge and be able to use it, so it becomes annoying when you try to use it and get interrupted every time before it's fully charged (later on, you can defeat them with other movements). Also, I think it would have been cool to have a block/parry skill. I know there is the parry upgrade, but it's not part of the main storyline, so I just found out about it after finishing the game.
Storywise, I think the game tries to make you care about its characters and lore, but honestly, I just didn't. I liked the general setting of the story, but honestly I didn't care much about the deeper lore and history of that world or their characters.
So, in conclusion, I enjoyed the game and the exploration specially. Right before the final boss, I went back to explore a little bit more and solve a few more puzzles and collectibles, just for fun. But the combat and story, could have been a bit more compelling and fun.

Es entretenido y tiene un encanto muy particular que me gusta mucho, sobre todo con ese realismo mágico macarrilla y exagerado, pero como videojuego, pese a que empieza genial, castiga más que recompensa al jugador con el lastre que supone pasar al siguiente nivel y otras cuántas en el último tramo. Se me ha terminado haciendo bola y me ha quemado. Una pena.

Actual masterpiece shit. Much like last year's Unmetal, a microstudio throwback game has swooped in and stolen my heart right before GOTY season. This is a beautiful, gloriously-realized survival horror experience that pays homage to and even improves upon its all-time classic predecessors while still being incredibly unique all the same.

There is so much to love here, it's like a game tailor-made for me - where to even begin? The gorgeous artistic design? The enigmatic, surreal, heartbreaking storyline? The best horror game puzzles I've solved in countless years? The way it plays with perspective and genre expectations? I wish the inventory limit was bigger, because that is absolutely going to be a sticking point for many people, but the occasional tedium barely even fazed me. I finished my first playthrough, then went right back in on the hardest difficulty to see the secret ending and get the rest of the achievements. I never do that.

After years of games promising to be the "new Silent Hill" and seeing Konami pimp out the SH2 remake to Bloober Team of all people, I'd grown jaded... but no more. This is the new Silent Hill. The spirit of our favorite games will always live on in the hearts and minds of dedicated indie developers.

Vaya juegazo. Un combate realmente delicioso, original y variado para un juego que funciona a las mil maravillas en Switch. La curva de aprendizaje puede ser un poco tosca, pero a partir de ahí el juego se dispara hacia arriba sin parar, y la historia tampoco es gran cosa pero tiene momentos bastante épicos. De los mejores exclusivos de la consola que he tocado, con una cantidad de postgame y rejugabilidad enorme. Muy recomendable.

Así se hace una campaña de un shooter. Aprended, coño. Le da un puñetazo al lector en la cara.

Ojalá más juegos de este estilo, sin un presupuesto altísimo, sin mundos abiertos artificiales y cuaidando al máximo todos los detalles. Una gran historia, y una jugabilidad que sin inventar nada no está nada mal y, sobre todo, una bso de 10.
Como puntillita le sacaría que echo de menos un mayor trasfondo de los secundarios que parecen más herramientas que personajes, eso sí, la relación de los 2 hermanos y su desarrollo es cojonudo.



A love letter to Zelda, Souls and Fez.

Tunic is a gorgeous isometric action adventure game filled with secrets. Its one of these rare games where you cant look at the level design the same way twice with the mind blowing shortcuts you uncover. There's huge difficulty spikes in some areas but its stays fair, and most importantly, fun. It can be enjoyed by everyone since its accessibility options provide a No Fail and Infinite Stamina mode.

Standing here, I realize you were
Just like me trying to make history.
But who's to judge the right from wrong.
When our guard is down I think we'll both agree.
That violence breeds violence.
But in the end it has to be this way.



Enmascarado en un clon de Zelda, con espada y escudo en mano, Z-targeting y un mapa a explorar, Tunic se presenta como una de las sorpresas de marzo para mí. He de admitirlo, con ver un par de avances era escaso mi interés por el juego. Tanto bombo había a su alrededor que parecía que había algo ahí que no debía estar viendo. "Nah tonterías, low poly y un zorrito vestido de verde, es fácil que enganche". Pero si que me quedó la espinita.
Tendrá sus cosas, noto cierta falta de originalidad en su planteamiento, no hay ninguna mecánica que no hayamos hecho todos ya en decenas de juegos y a algún despistado se le podrá ocurrir que ya jugó este juego sólo con verlo por un minuto. Las primeras horas fueron así para mí, otro Death's Door, otro Minit. Pero mediante iba avanzando iba adentrándome en su mundo, que a primera vista está servido para el jugador y completamente guiado, a ser una caja de secretos. Un lenguaje desconocido, en códigos orales como interactivos. Combinación de elementos del inventario y leer más allá del escenario. Las pistas que te da el juego (con un guiño muy carismático a los antiguos manuales) las tenemos que interpretar por nuestra cuenta. Muchas veces intuyendo qué puede haber en esas páginas perdidas.
Terminé el juego tras un par de tardes de inmersión total. Y grata fue mi sorpresa al ver que Tunic toma más de la escuela de Fez que de Zelda.
Ahora, ojalá todo fuera bueno, porque como está implementado el combate, la stamina y otros elementos no terminan de acompañar la aventura heróica que es desvelar los secretos de la isla. Pero aún con sus cosas y gustandome con bastantes reservas, si que al menos es un juego que voy a recordar.

Brilliant, charming game. The visuals are so stylistically chunky and textured, with a nice creamy coloring to everything. I love its isometric Zelda/dark souls hybrid exploration and combat. The plot and dialogue are genuinely funny and somewhat thoughtful about mortality too, with a light touch. Fantastic length too, with some optional post-game stuff that still doesn’t feel like it’s overstaying its welcome.