God, what a fucking classic. This game still holds up so well to this day

Underwhelming, it's okay and I don't hate the game like it seems most people do, but I just feel like it could have been so much more than it was

One of the most fun platformers I've played, felt super nice to play and control. It was kinda short but I expected that from the beginning so it didn't bother me. Plus, the game has plenty of replayability cause of achievements, unlockable modes, all that jazz. More of a story would have been nice, I didn't realize there were supposed to be different endings until it said "TRY AGAIN" at the end, so it would have been nice to know wtf I did to get that ending and how to get the good one.

Played through the whole game with my mom, that was the closest bonding experience I had with her in a long time. This game is super great as a multiplayer game, we had a ton of fun.

Very fun action/adventure game, I love all the characters and it feels great to play. I think it holds up a lot better than others do.

I can absolutely say that I see why this game is so beloved. It has its flaws but honestly considering the impact it had and the time when it came out, it's a phenomenal experience.

A fantastic side-story on Persona 4, it went way more in-depth than I ever expected. Written just as well as the original game. That said, the gameplay is definitely lacking. With the only gameplay being the dancing games, they should have gone a lot further than they did. As someone into rhythm games, there's a lot of basic features that should be here that simply aren't. That said, it still works perfectly, is fun, and the story is super engaging, so it's forgivable. All the characters, costumes, accessories, this game definitely has enough content to keep me coming back long after I've beaten it.

Still very early on in development but GOD this is already super good. Still needs a few tweaks to the gameplay for the final game and a lot more customization, but for this being a quick demo it's already fantastic. Very excited for the final game.

100% my favourite game on the NES. I think without the lag being quite unbearable at times, this would be essentially a perfect game, considering the time period and console it was made on.

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What mainly stood out to me is how the plot twists in each chapter were done, they all were really surprising without ruining the rest of the game. The final trial sequence was awesome, reminded me a lot of the "SAVE the World" segment of Undertale in how it used the games mechanics in a really unique way. Music near the end being more intense versions of previous tracks was also super cool.

I gotta say, this game still holds up really well. I played this on the Switch but I'm going to assume the game's original manual explained a bit more, since I got frustrated at a couple areas not knowing what to do. It's clear why this game became so iconic, it's got so much style and creativity to it that I honestly don't really see in the New Super Mario Bros series. Come back to your roots Nintendo :)

This game ruined my pattern recognition

Although there's not really much reason to play this game anymore, I'd say it's the first game where they truly got the Mario Kart gameplay formula down for good. Mario Kart Wii was incredible, but this just feels so perfect to play that it even outclasses the feeling of it. However, I feel like it misses that charm that Mario Kart Wii had. The game felt like it had so much personality, whereas this game just feels kinda... empty. Soulless. It feels unfinished. Thankfully we got Mario Kart 8, which is essentially an improvement of this game in every way. So while there really isn't any reason to play it, it did well in setting up the gameplay for 8 to be perfect.

The fun from Labo came from the actual building process. Unfortunately, they didn't include enough things to actually do with it afterwards. I had a ton of fun building the things, but after a couple days of building and messing around, it's sat in my closet since it came out.