every frame is as harrowing as it is gorgeous.
unfortunately the gameplay's about as deep as the story and exploration are - which is a tough sell for a soulsvania (vania-vania? 2d-souls??) - but the vibes are immaculate

This is so deeply embarrassing.

in the character character: "today we're going to Fairfield Mall as i become a little character named Karl Havoc. Suffice to say, Karl's a lot!
5 minutes later: "i'm not doing it, i don't even want to be around anymore."

what do you mean this is 30 hours

feels good to move around, and thats all you can really hope for this kind of game.

I love the idea of making this more than a documentary and really leveraging the medium.
But it’s also mostly just short documentaries that aren’t amazingly produced, interspliced with what feels like random quotes from the diary.
Unfortunately, even the ingenious parts like overlapping the sprites with recorded video and traces is clunky and has you going across the menu to see the next stage, instead of it all being integrated together.

But there’s a lot great here and I’m really looking forward to seeing where the Gold Series goes from here. Just hoping we’ll see more innovation and less iteration

Every step we have made, as a people, away from the Nintendo DS has been the actions of fools.
All you need is the graphical power to animate the most extravagant movements ever put to wire-frame, the screen resolution to keep it blocky as hell, and a second screen to show the logo the whole time. Can't imagine it would look as good on the remasters.

I'd say it's a shame it took me a year to finally finish this, but i could have been waiting a lot longer #missileGOAT

didn't expect such an absolute triumph in brain tingly puzzle design, vivid world design, and vibes-based-no-storyism from some of the playdead people.
worked through it over a day and never got so stuck that a fresh perspective a bit later couldn't fix it. The perfect length.
Also, mr cocoon moves the perfect speed, i don't know how they did it, but it's the perfect speed

i'm not sure what any of it means, but i do know that worlds should not exist in this way. i should not be able to jump out of the orb in my hands!

doubles down on the working formula of the first game. The characters are stronger this time around and watching BJ on his last legs is captivating for the first two acts. However, machine games dragged the gameplay back; injecting commanders into almost every firefight, ensuring that each battleground plays out the exact same way - also, the gun balance is just bad, the only thing stopping me from dual shotgunning my way through is the fact that it would make me want to shotgun myself.

Best thing Netflix has released all year

Dead Space brings horror games back to their walking simulator roots [derogatory]
An intensely linear game with abstract ‘tasks’ to fulfil that solely exist to keep you moving from one room to another (or back through rooms you’ve already traversed). Don’t let it convince you that it actually has any explorable environments. It only really coalesces into something more interesting in the last 2 chapters thanks to some added spectacle

Im not surprised by its critical reception, it’s possibly the most ‘2008 American Game’ of all time, but I’m astounded at the continued revelry around it.

Combats fine [read: interesting], it just barely sustains the runtime, but is undermined by the mundane level design.
Also, not scary??? U had one job!!

would have been an easy 4* if I didn’t wait almost a year after I got into the garage and then taking another month until I finished the end of the lab. Crazy how much of a mess the last area is, especially those boss fights
Can’t wait to do it again!

Even the worst Yakuza games is a good ass time, the structure of these has really won me over.
Really struggles to build up pace and the final act crumbles under its own weight, but in the middle it’s really rocking!
Shame that Kiryu coming back feels forced, but it’s good to see the goat again (Taichi & the morning glory squad) - also Haruka’s 3 seconds on screen hit like an absolute brick. They should make a whole game about her and the orphanige and Kiryu trying to get out of the Yakuza, that would be better

ACAB does not include Tanimura.

go right (sometimes left), press x if you want - but not too much, lest you not actually be able to hear each levels unique music - and enjoy the pretty background