Imagine how cancelled Zidane would be if he had Twitter.

I'll give it some time before I decide if it's the best version, but there's a hell of a lot more effort here than most Square re-releases.

When Miyamoto and Tezuka didn't know when Zelda ended and Mario began.

This didn't get a million terrible spin-offs for no reason.

One of the many cases where both the haters and the fans exaggerate it.

The Cherenkov scenes alone make it worth the price of admission.

Mario Maker lied to me, this game still rules.

Tons of great ideas, but the Game Boy memory prevents them from being full realised. Extremely cheap final level also brings the game down.

A bit loose, but Yokoi's team were surprisingly tasteful towards the formula.

Somehow gets better with each playthrough.

"Stay in the kitchen Rosa"

Great first attempt at an ingenious formula. Feels like a logical progression of the classic Sonic gameplay loop. I wish they expanded more on the concept.

Way too ambitious for an NES game. Though there's an excellent core game beneath the cracks.

Raiders of the Lost Ark the game, except Raiders had groundbreaking special effects while Uncharted ruined shooters.

The culmination of what was learned in the previous three games. Some of the highest highs in all of 2D Sonic, while the lows are kept in check.