This was one of the coolest games I've played. The story isn't all that much but it's enough to keep you wanting to continue. It's not too long but it's definitely enjoyable all the way through and the extra time attack missions are so fun, definitely will replay soon.

An actually amazing Zelda game. I had low expectations because I heard people trash talk it on the Wii but I was very pleasantly surprised with delightful puzzles and amazing characters, as well as an elegant OST, I 100% reccomend if you're a Zelda fan.

Not nearly as good as the first one, the combat felt way too gimicky and the story really had nowhere to go, some returning characters made it almost worthwhile but it's even shorter than the first game, it's only alright.

While it's flaws can glare a bit, this is a must for all Star Wars fanboys and fangirls. It was one of the coolest adventures I've been on and that Star Destroyer segment still plays in my head sometimes and I grin like a dummy.

It may just be my affinity for ps2 era star wars games but I had so much fun with this, the lightsaber combat, while finicky, was really cool to me, I recommend to all star wars fans.

This is one of the stupidest and shortest games I've ever played but each minute I was either laughing hysterically or feeling like a badass, if you like action games, play this.

The game itself is a 4 1/2 star experience, but the best kind of 4 1/2 star. This version is honestly astounding being able to run on a 3DS but that does make it a bit hard to fully grasp the wonder and beauty that this game so memorably displays, still a great way to experience the game. I would say if you can play the Wii version but this does just fine.

This took everything that Portal 1 was and made it 10x BETTER. The game is longer, the puzzles more intricate yet still equally as fair, they put an actual story into the game with real fleshed out characters. They added co-op for technically infinite replayability, this is puzzles at it's best.

One of , in not, the absolute GREATEST puzzle games that have ever been made. It's charm and wit and enablement of the player is withstanding and outstanding. If you like thinking then play this game.

My favorite Sonic game of all time, such a fun little romp.

It was a wonderful and overtly charming game that stole my heart for a while. The world is so intricate and the fact it was made by a small team was insane, the OST is calming but can get tempy when needed and overall I 100% recommend this game to anyone that enjoy a challenge.

It was the pretty amazing introduction to the Souls games for me. I had tried Bloodborne but never quite got the hang of it and ended up not playing it but when this came out for switch I decided to give it a try and I was surprised by how encapsulated I was by it, the amazing world building and the unique enemy design kept me going, there will of course be struggles but, git gud.

This game saved my life. I understand it's flaws but that cannot possibly take away what this game gave me. It gave me the will to find my own reason to exist.

This is one of the worst games ever made. I am mentally unwell after playing this.

This game does wonderful things. It somehow weaves a philosophical epic with stellar gameplay and one of the most beautiful worlds, with the most emotional and bombastic music you will ever hear, it defines the ideal game for me.