Games that mean a lot to me

This list essentially follows a step-by step structure of my journey througout the medium.

Pointing out various "landmarks" and what they meant to me.

The first game I ever played. Still holds up today, and set the bar for years to come.
Though Wario Land 4 was the first game I played, on that same GBA I had Superstar Saga. A game I really fell in love with.
Its such a wonderful adventure. Played this all the time when we went on family trips. Still bring it with me sometimes even today.
I used to be obsessed with Pokémon. I grew out of it overtime, but still remember this game fondly as my favorite.
The first big "revolution" when it came to games for me. As a kid I always liked Nintendo's stuff, and was never interested in "those shooting games"
So discovering the indie scene by playing one of its highest-quality titles really meant a lot to me. A treasure trove of possibility opened up.
First "adult" game I played. realized I was being STUPID when it came to "those shooting games". They can be really fun.
Opened up another big influx of games I now saw myself enjoying.
This game and its successor did a lot for me. Helping me through a depressing period of my life, and fixing the anger management issues I had been struggling with my whole life almost single-handedly.
This game has so much to tell, its nigh impossible to do it justice.
I played the portal 2 co-op campaign with someone who was, at the time, essentially a stranger to me. We quickly ended up having so much fun, and he remains one of my best friends to this day.
I don't think I had ever connected with a game on a gameplay level this much until Dark Souls III came along, the customization and challenge just nailed it for me.

Also got me close with my friend I met in Portal 2, considering we bought it and chatted about it at the same time, discussing the lore, environments and our builds. And quoting it. Lots of quoting it.
At this point an average conversation between me and my friends will go something like this: "hi!" "(Dark Souls quote.)" "(Random Zero Escape-esque tangent.)" ("Recalling of a scene from BAKI") "(Danganronpa reference.)" "(schizophrenic Disco Elysium Rambling.)" "If you are looking for Daigo, Mine has taken him up to the ruff." "("explanation" of something in "Araki's" writing "style")" "yeah man you too!"
The second big "revolution" for me.
Whilst mostly spinning my wheels in the indie scene, not having the money to buy the latest Nintendo consoles, Atlus ported this over.

Of course I had heard all about Persona 5 by that time, and thought "why not give this a shot?"

Really moved me as a tightly written, atmospheric and thematically interesting piece about growing up and moving on. Came at a perfect time for me.
After this I started actively seeking out narratives that could challenge me, instead of just playing cool looking indie games.
Managed to give me appreciation for the daily cycle I'm still trodding away at to this day.
Whilst I do think this is one of RGG's weaker titles (and I am saying that in high praise!), I cant deny that it put me on the path for my favorite videogame journey. Ongoing to this day.
This series and its characters, antics, gameplay, soundtrack and grand emotional storytelling brings me so much joy, and has a special place in my heart.
This is my favorite game.
One of the most emotionally charged games out there. So much heart. So much tragedy. So much life and joy. Ichiban is a hero.
RGG's title that thematically resonates with me the most. Backed by an incredible score and tight martial arts gameplay.
I wonder if they'll top this one anytime soon.
Ok, what is a game this terribly executed doing here?
Thing is, I don't think I've ever laughed as hard with a game as I have when seeing my friends play through this.

Whilst entirely unintentional, it has brought a lot of fun into my life. We practically joke at its narrative expense, or in the style of its writing on the daily.
It's such an interesting game to talk about and study. Remains ahead of its time even today.
Not the most subtle game by any means, but that has never mattered to me.
Essentially repeating what I said about Yakuza 0. I love the series.
Though I haven't delved as deep, or forged bonds as close as I have with the Yakuza series.
The Silver Case, and by extension Flower, Sun and Rain & The 25th Ward have managed to give me a fresh new look and much greater appreciation of videogames as a form of art.


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