2022 Games Ranked

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Great platformer with some really fun abilities. The apes themselves are really endearing but they make me seethe when they fucking shoot me and don't get in the fucking net. Awesome soundtrack.

I always loved Zack in FF7 from the few things you see of him, and this game makes him even better. Despite Angeal being a shitty character, I absolutely love everything they do with all the other characters. Shinra and the Turks get some nice stuff, Sephiroth really benefits from it, and seeing Aerith's relationship with Zack was really cute. Genesis is good too but I feel like he has some missed potential that I hope gets realized in 7R. Ending is absolutely god tier and one of the best things the franchise has ever created.

Very mixed bag in general. Gameplay is quite fun but there are way too many long ass cutscenes interrupting gameplay with some uninteresting trash. The flashback cutscenes are mostly great and genuinely expands on FF7 in a good but the new stuff leaves a lot to be desired. Weiss is cool though :)

Hironobu Sakaguchi said Final Fantasy IX is the "closest to his ideal view of what Final Fantasy should be" and I cannot agree more.

After playing the series in order and experiencing tons of Sci-Fi with really dark and moody plots, FF9 is a breath fresh air in its aesthetics and tone. Right from the beginning the game just feels warm and comfy. Obviously the plot doesn't stay this way, but despite everything that happens the message and themes are consistently positive and uplifting, which is the exact thing I want out of a JRPG and stories in general. The writing here is so full of life with every character having very distinct aspects and none ever feeling boring or generic. Some characters in the main cast do get less than some as usual but they aren't bad by any means. And the good ones are absolutely incredible. Vivi especially is such a lovable character and seeing what he goes through is a rollercoaster of emotions and you can't help but become invested in him. The main duo of Zidane and Dagger is wonderful and their romance is beautifully developed. I could go on and on about what I love about the characters but the story itself is amazing as well. It's well paced with lots of twists and turns with high stakes. But honestly I think my favorite part of the game was the world. Every town, city, village, and cave is wonderfully developed with some of my favorite environments ever. The soundtrack as well is an absolute masterpiece, I didn't think anything could beat FF8 but here we are. The combat is not as slow as people make it out to be and it's probably the most balanced game in the series. There is also SO much to do and find in the game it's downright impossible to get it all on your first or even second playthrough without a guide (which is a good thing!!!). The FF4 job system returning is awesome and it's done very well here giving me reasons to use specific characters that I might not have typically. Finally, since this game is a celebration of the franchise, it has a ton of references that were all a treat to find and see.

I fell in love with this game from the moment I booted it up and I'm glad I stayed that way throughout the entire game. It hits all the marks of what I like out of JRPGs and then some.

Hopefully the remake doesn't suck ass :)

Tactics has both an awesome story with great writing and a very flexible job system that allows you to break the game, but not without some struggles. I really love the aspect of putting in work to become OP and FFT allows me to do just that with the job combinations you can do. Story-wise the world is very well fleshed out with lots of moving parts that are all well explained. Tons of political intrigue with lots of different motivations. Delita specifically is by far the most interesting seeing his plans develop throughout the game.

As someone who usually isn't into experimenting in JRPGs, FFV was surprising in that I actually wanted to try out a bunch of stuff, even if it was not optimal. The job system allows you to do whatever you want and make some really broken ass setups. The cast is enjoyable and the game has the fun exploring JRPG feel despite the kind of dark tone. The story itself is pretty underrated and I think Exdeath and what he represents is pretty cool.

This game completely blew me away with just how impressive it is for the time. The graphics, music, story, and characters are all amazing. The scale of it all is something the series just had not seen before. The characters in particular are pretty well developed considering the size of the cast.


Even better than I remembered. Every aspect of this game is absolutely god tier. The presentation is amazing with the story and characters still being just as, if not more compelling on this replay. Cloud still remains as one of my favorite protagonists for a reason.

This is a strange one for sure. First I have to mention just how amazing the presentation is. The visuals, world, and music are simply stunning in all aspects. The cast I found to be mostly enjoyable, with Squall being the obvious standout. Squall has actually become one of my favorite protagonists in the series just because of how human he is portrayed. I feel like most people at some point in their lives will be able to relate to Squall, his monologues tell a lot about his insecurities and identity and the way the game portrays it is something the series hasn't really seen before this game to this scale and realism. I love how everyone in the main party notices what Squall actually is and encourages and even teases him. The chemistry of the group is great and the particular chemistry between Rinoa and Squall is also great. Seeing Rinoa make Squall open up was a big treat and I love scenes like the Concert one where it just focuses on them. The story wasn't as retarded as I expected besides that one reveal midway through the game that is completely out of nowhere. The game lacks interesting antagonists unfortunately so a lot of moments with them don't really land. But otherwise, I found the plot to be enjoyable because of Squall and Rinoa's development along with some really great locations and setpieces. The gameplay is huge mixed bag for me because on one hand I love working to get overpowered, but on the other it's so easy to get OP and for most of the game it's optimal to completely dodge encounters so it leaves me a bit confused as to what they were going for. I still liked it because of the boss rush feeling it had, sort of like Xenogears Disc 2. Overall this game is clearly extremely ambitious, and while it succeeds in that ambition in a lot of aspects, it really doesn't in the gameplay and story department. There was just too much in the story that isn't properly explained and happens just cause that's what they wanted to happen.

Do not play this without playing the original game first, obviously.
I love FF7 to bits and this game only enhances my love for it. There is so many extra characterization and I just love it so much. Aerith especially gets so much good dialogue that I fell in love with her and the rest of the cast all over again. The combat is also really fun too with some decent depth to it. My main issues with the game are based around the level design. There's so much AAA bullshit in this game and it really kills the pace and genuinely can be really boring. I really appreciate the extra world-building and time spent in Midgar but because of its nature as a remake, some of the scenes don't hit as hard as they used to giving me a bit of a lukewarm feeling. The new stuff with the whispers is awesome and the ending makes me so excited for Rebirth and I can't wait to see where this trilogy goes.


I played this game for the first time a couple years ago and didn't really have much to say about it, I thought the music and world were good and the combat was nice. Besides for that I didn't really care much for it, prior to this replay it would have been near the bottom of an FF tier list. But I'm very glad to say that has completely changed and has become one of my favorites.

The things that I already liked about the game were better than I remember. The music especially blew me away, every single track in this game is outstanding and used perfectly. The world was even better on a replay, seeing all the dialogue near the start of the game with the context of already playing made it a lot more impressive. Every single line in the game is deliberate, nothing is wasted. This also applies to the story and characters of course. The story is beautifully tragic and tells a deep emotionally driven narrative. Every part of it is so well crafted and nothing feels forced or out of place. It's incredibly well paced and consistent. I'm older now so I think the romance part of it resonates with me a lot more. Tidus is one of the greatest protagonists that I've seen in media, and the rest of the cast is great too. Even Kimahri and Lulu for all the shit they get are pretty good and serve their role well. The other part I enjoyed when I first played was the gameplay, which is honestly worth experiencing this game for alone. It's very snappy and progression feels great. If you take time to research what you want to do, the sphere grid will reward you greatly. The boss designs are some of the best in the series up to this point with lots of interesting mechanics. There really is not a single fault with this game, it's completely perfect in my opinion. I'm so happy I gave this game another chance because I was able to find one of my favorite games of all time.

Diverse and excellent soundtrack with a story that is surprisingly emotional with very nice themes and messages despite it's simplicity and length. Really fun rhythm game too that can get really randomly hard.

Pretty fun short game, don't have much to say other than it being very visually impressive with a great soundtrack.


Replayed with a friend on PC. The co-op doesn't help the game much as I simply have core problems with it. The story, while intentionally campy is a little too MCU one liners for my taste and gets old quick. The game is way too long and totally overstays its welcome. Doing all the campaigns mean you will be repeating some sections too which feels bad. Jake's campaign is the best for this since it's the most unique out of them all. Ada campaign in co-op is a disaster and is basically like 2p mario galaxy if you know what that's like. If the game was shorter and the levels were paced better without all the QTEs and fake gameplay sections it would be a lot more fun, cause the mechanics are there.
this game is too fucking hard

"They're welcome to."

Jack is a fucking god tier protagonist backed by an emotional story that ties really well into FF1 and actively makes it better. Gameplay is really fun with a job system on par with FF5 and FFT.

im so fucking bad at this game holy shit

creative game with lots of stages and great controls. it's really hard though :( which makes getting better all the more rewarding
"And so began the story of the wanderer, the vagrant."

Vagrant Story is a beautiful game. Every aspect of the game is crafted to perfection with such depth it's hard to call the game anything but a masterpiece. The most obvious of this is the games presentation. The technical work done in this game is nothing short of a miracle and I highly recommend researching the development of this game because some of the tricks they used to get the game to look the way it does is amazing. The music is beautiful as well with a very expansive soundtrack where it feels like you're always hearing new pieces rather than repeats. The atmosphere in the game is incredible, the game completely isolates you and makes it feel like you're against the world as you trudge through the dungeons. The part I enjoyed the most by far was the gameplay. There is so much depth to the systems and mechanics that once you understand it, it becomes addicting learning and exploiting weaknesses. Ideally you set up a few weapons that can work with all situations and doing that takes some effort but it's a lot of fun when it pays off. The level design and progression is also really addicting. The world is interconnected and there is tons to explore with optional rooms and chests. You get keys as well that encourage you to go back and get some stuff you might have missed which I thoroughly enjoyed doing. I also love dungeon crawling so the nonstop gameplay pacing was something I really enjoyed as well. The boss fights are the highlight of the gameplay here, there are TONS of them and they all require you to make the perfect setup so you can just decimate them. They all also have really good designs which is just a consistent thing throughout the entire game. There is also a lot of variety in the combat, I didn't even touch magic outside of buffs and two handed weapons and I bet those can be a lot of fun as well. The story is something that mostly takes a backseat but it's still god tier. First off, the cutscene direction is awesome and completely sucks you in no matter what is happening. And second, the animations and models are beautiful making them all feel alive. The characters are what really make it good, Ashely and Sydney are both incredibly interesting and their relationship throughout the game and what they go through is the main appeal to me. The other factions and groups present are enjoyable as well as they slowly reveal their motivations to you. The ending also goes hard as fuck.

Basically, I'm literally Ashely and Sydney and this game is peak fiction soy kino goat raw fire.



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