It is one of the games of all time. Such a downgrade coming from 4, the only saving graces is co-op, without it I would've have never beaten it. Sheva and Chris have inexistant character besides "huh, gotta shoot the zombie".

Wesker is probably the best thing in the game. He's such a hater, even when dying the only thing he could think of is Chris.

"I'm not your bro, bro" -Leon Scotland Parker Kennedy

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As a fan of Metroidvanias, I must say this was a realy good game. If you changed the name of the game to Castlevania: Ritual of the Night it would fit right in the universe, BUT, that's probably because it's a mix of Aria of SorrowOrder of Ecclesia.

The story is quite simple, although that goes for most of the Castlevanias, but it's not bad at all. Something I liked was the hidden backstory of one of the Alchemists that worked on the creation of the Vessels.

The gameplay while not bad, only feels really satisfying at the end game, something that once again is imbued in this genre of game and that being my only dislike of these kinds of game. Although Hollow Knight does fix this problem for me.

One of my two gripes with the game is that it's kinda of an Order of Ecclesia Diet version. The concept of the Guild creating the Shardbinders is the same as the Order creating Glyph users. Miriam and Shanoa are the same concept, but different characters. Zangetsu is the staple Julius, Richter and Albus, the guy who appears the more you explore the game and have some fights against. You have Gebel the mind controlled friend a la Richter in SotN, but he is also kinda of a Brauner/Shaft kind of mid game boss. You also have the true real villain who I won't spoil, but yeah.

The Bosses are probably my biggest gripe of the game, while cool looking, they just end up feeling boring at the end. The more creative looking the boss is the easier it is.

The callbacks the game has to Iga's past works are nice.

While it is a good game it ends up being a bit dirivative from old Metroidvanias, especially from Aria and Ecclesia, but still fan. If they plan to make a new game in this franchise I hope it goes for a more original concept.

When I was younger and heard people talk about it, I always scuffed it and thought it was some lame ass shit, but I was fucking wrong.

I love you BT. One of my only complaints with the game is that some of the Mecha loadouts just feel kinda meh, Scorch and Tone come to mind immediately.

My first ever MH4U and a damn good choice to start with

I like it a lot, but I don't love it like I do SotN or Hollow Knight. I love the aesthetic the theming, the lore, but fuck me if there aren't somethings I'd change. Some bosses are either a nightmare (Sierpes, Isidora) or an absolute push over (Ten Piedad, Custodia, Escribar), but the enemies always end up being a plague cast down from the heavens, the whole Library, god damn book throwers; and Wreak and Havoc, Sierpes and the fucking Masts that shoot thunder and the fucking St. Elmo's fire.
It's got a lot of things I love in games, but the infuriating enemies and gameplay bring it down from being a 5 star.

Been playing it for the last two weeks and I'm addicted. Love the characters, love how the lore somehow involves Adolf Hitler, love the little lumberjack/folklore/woodsland america feel it has with Leshy and the cards. Is it hard? Yeah, really hard. Does Leshy cheat a lot? Yeah, a lot. Does this game make me want to punch a hole through my wall? Every time. Am I a sadistic fuck who will continue to play until I get every achievement? Yep.

Perfect game and what the standard for what every remake should strive to be.


After many problems with my controller I was finally able to finish this game. It's a short and sweet (3 hour) tribute to classicvania.

Graphics: 5/5
OST: 5/5
Game design: 4.5/5 (the bosses leave something to desire)
Alucard's slayness: 10/5
Final verdict: It's my favorite game of all time