japanese first-person shooters

copied from this list

I can't find exactly which one these are but
Kidou Senshi Gundam Vol. 1 (Saturn, 1996)
Kidou Senshi Gundam Vol. 2 (Saturn, 1996)
Kidou Senshi Gundam Vol. 3 (Saturn, 1997)
can't find any info on these games at all
Target Gear (Windows, 1997)
Target Gear 2nd (Windows, 1997)
also the original
The Survival Game (PS2, 2004)
Oretachi no Sabage Portable (PSP, 2008) [TPS/FPS hybrid]


2 years ago

added two that weren't in the original list: dino stalker and shadow tower abyss

2 years ago

Going through all of these would be an exceptionally fun and weird time

2 years ago

@DJSCheddar doing the pre 32-bit ones would probably give me an aneurysm but one day I'd love to sit down and run through the psx ones for shits and giggles

2 years ago

nice list!

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