I haven't had something emotionally affect me this much since I first watched Your Name when it came out in 2016. As I type this, it's been a couple hours and I'm still shaking.

Max Payne was incredibly well written, but the gameplay, while fun, tripped over itself in the final acts by attempting to be hard in unfun ways. Max Payne 2 fixes almost every gameplay problem I had with the first, while also telling a hauntingly beautiful tale of a man falling farther and farther down into the pit of self loathing, still blaming himself for the murder of his family. His relationship with Mona is as toxic as toxic gets, both of them using each other for their own gains, but underneath that you can feel that there is some sick form of love between them that leads to both of their downfalls. At the end, Max finally forgiving himself for what happened brought me to tears. This man has been through so much, and that final line just hit me in the gut. Sam Lake is one of the best writers in the industry.

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Despite thinking that it wasn't as good as the first, I was still having fun with this game up until you revisit Cairo. At that point the game falls apart. All of the story after this point just left me feeling hollow, and not in the fun way. None of the factions felt right siding with, and the option to just kill everybody felt even worse. That feeling led to all of the endings being incredibly unsatisfying. In the end, the world felt like it was in a worse place no matter what option was chosen. That can work, but feeling like the team was pushing you towards the Helios ending because that's where JC is, made me feel gross. You can say that they weren't doing that since everyone in the other factions is telling you that that is a bad idea, but it then proceeds to make those same factions all undoubtedly even more evil. I hated it and it left a really sour taste in my mouth.

I have some problems with the gameplay, and I feel like the game drags in the middle a bit, but overall I think it's really great. The level design is mostly stellar and the story is really fun. Having your choices actually matter goes a long way. I really don't feel much towards the endings though, they all feel kinda abrupt and unsatisfying.

This is the game that everyone sold Breath of the Wild as. This is actually that immaculate super game that people said it was. It has a real story, it has a much vaster and more interesting world which makes the exploration feel more rewarding, it has better enemy variety, and most importantly, Link is the most breedable he's ever been. I have complaints, but none of them are big enough to bring the game down. There is still so much I haven't done that I want to, but my opinion is not going to change.

I was surprised how much I actually enjoyed this. Despite being a technical nightmare, it is a lot of fun. I also think it has a much more engaging and interesting story than Breath of the Wild. I think they should let Link talk already.

The most 7th gen feeling Resident Evil game. I don't really know what else to say about it. The story isn't good, the guns could be better, and the final boss is miserable. The best part of the game is the setting. I love the abandoned cruise ship as a setting. Chris and Jill are my favorite RE characters so seeing them in the main roles is always nice.

I had enough fun with the game to be happy with it, but it's conflicting. It's a good game that feels hampered by its 3DS origins. At least it gave us Raid Mode.

Despite I think having more fun with Bloodlines, I get where people are coming from when they call Rondo of Blood the best classic Castlevania. It feels incredibly smooth, the music is fantastic, the added story touches are great, and I actually like most of these boss fights. I definitely plan on going back and finding all the secrets over time.

Just like the first game, its fun, gorgeous, and like 90 minutes long. The music is at least alright this time. Story still sucks ass though.

Atomic Heart manages to be less than the sum of its parts. The world is great, the story is fun, I enjoyed the combat for the most part, and the music is fantastic. I really enjoy how much of an idiot P-3 is. The horny levels are off the charts in a really funny way. Despite this, I just don't feel anything too strongly about this game. I think it's good, but I don't think it's much more than that. I'm curious about what they could do with a DLC so I am interested in that, but that's about it.

This is without a doubt my favorite of the series so far. Even without the eight directional whipping, it still feels snappier and more fluid to control. Its not nearly as stiff as IV. The only boss I didn't like this time around was the silhouette demon, all the others were either really good or just fine. I actually really liked the Dracula fight this time. I really enjoyed the level aesthetics this time around. I liked the more varied locales than usual. I beat the game with the whip and thought it was really fun but I also played a bit with the spear and I thought it felt even better. The music fucks as always. I had a really great time with this game.

The game feels really good, and I think some of the bosses are cool, but overall this game just disappoints. The levels ping pong between being incredibly boring or incredibly cheap with very few sticking out as memorable. Most of the bosses are just incredibly easy and the ones that aren't just really aren't fun. I still really don't like the Dracula fights, they just aren't fun. It does look really good. I like the uses of Mode 7 quite a lot. I'm not gonna say there's nothing worthwhile here, but overall I just wasn't feeling it.

This is the best game I have played on the Switch. I've only played Prime 1 and 3 and I've never beaten any of them so I can't comment on the series as a whole, but Dread is unequivocally the best 2D Metroid.

This game is truly awful, but it is really cool to see scenes from the anime play out like this. The music in the Mario 64 soundfont is really funny. Done well this would be sick as hell. Right now though it makes me want to die.