502 Reviews liked by PostWar

Damn, Don't say Lazy got hands

i made a lets play in 2013 and it got deleted and got my whole first channel terminated but i still stand by this classic masterpiece

Instead of facing another horde of repetitive, mass produced crafts: let the guns of silver shoot the souls of men.

Let Hiroshi Iuchi's pleas for games to be more then entertainment burn this market. Akin to his statements when asked about Radiant Silvergun's meaning:

Let this be a testament to what games should do at their best: an iconoclastic scream of hatred, aimed at all that is passionless and intentionless.

In the ludic age of franchises, collabs, excessive marketing, services and compulsive behavior, let this roar of disgust be eternally heard.

So that all of those who persist on giving this medium the chance of being more than digital pornography can keep on. Even if a vocal majority keeps dragging this entire art form into self-destruction.

This is the best fighting game ever made if you only play Smash Bros

This is the worst game I've ever played zero stars

Me arrepiento de haber desperdiciado mi domingo en este juego.

POV: You are a small youtuber about to play trending clickbait garbage.

You KNOW it's a good racing game when it's got you physically leaning into turns. And that music CUMS bro goddamn.


Ó, eu nunca fui o maior fã de jogos de corrida ou carros em geral, acabei gravitando para outros gêneros então nunca joguei Ridge Racer na infância. Agora mais velho, dei uma chance pra esse jogo pelo renome mesmo e... eu tenho certeza que o meu eu criança adoraria esse jogo.

O que diferencia Type 4 dos demais do gênero é a sua estética, tudo aqui é original e feito com o coração. A interface, os mapas, a CGI de abertura, a campanha com vários enredos (bem curtinha aliás, dá pra completar o jogo em um dia, 100% é outra história) tudo muito lindo e divertido.

Ah e o melhor de tudo, a trilha sonora, pqp não tem como pra mim esse é o maior triunfo do jogo. Vou estar escutando ela separadamente de tão boa e posso garantir que as músicas são o maior pilar para todo esse charme de Ridge Racer (destaque pra "Move Me").

Já a gameplay, eu não acho essa finesse toda que falam, talvez eu seja só péssimo em jogos de corrida ou estou acostumado com jogos mais modernos mas eu achei o sistema de freios meio "instável".

Não sei dizer direito, parece que certar curvas não são tão bem desenhadas para o casar com a gameplay (pode ser porque eu só joguei com carros tipo "Grip") e como cada raspão em uma barreira já te joga no fundo da corrida, isso acaba sendo meio frustrante. O problema de draw distance do PS1 também não ajuda, né?

Mesmo assim, continua sendo um dos melhores jogos de corrida que eu já joguei. Recomendo muito.

🕺 "He's the one for me... There´s no place I rather be" 🕺

La nueva personalidad de la gente molesta.

This review contains spoilers

If Asura's Wrath had ended where it had with nothing to follow it up it would've been good with some fun ideas and ambitions but lacking the final punch that I think an action series, film or story really needs to end on.

This DLC is that punch.

This DLC goes harder than anything else within the main game. Using QTE's in interesting and extremely creative ways. The QTE final punch with Yasha that never ends, extending your hand to god, the final QTE fight where the game itself is trying to out-QTE YOU. It takes the entire form of the entire thing. All of its ideas and ambitions and lofty goals and elevates them to such a degree that it feels like you're punching the developers in the face in order to give Mithra a happy ending.

It sucks total ass that they locked this behind DLC you have to pay for, that shit is genuinely criminal because this DLC is what makes Asura's Wrath (as good as it gets before this) the best shit it could possibly be. This cemented it in the same place for me as something like Redline or something. Playing with the medium and the form to do something fucking bombastic. To go all the fuck out.

If you play Asura's Wrath you HAVE to play this it's non-negotiable. Not only because it's the real ending but because it's a stellar way to end a game like this. Absolute masterclass shit.