502 Reviews liked by PostWar

Tetris on drugs. Play it in a dark room with headphones on and you’re in for a seriously (yet wonderfully) trippy experience.

At first I was unsure if I should review this since I technically never played it but then I remembered that I watched a baby sensory video once and that’s basically the same thing

Siento que son muchas las razones por las que este juego es algo único dentro del mito de un personaje como Mario y es el conseguir evocar el vacío y existencialismo que causa un ambiente como el Espacio sin olvidar que se trata de una Aventura infantil y sin dejar de lado la vibra alegre y divertida de los variados mundos que conforman una galaxia que resguarda el más vivido lamento de una niña que tuvo crecer forzosamente para afrontar un destino lleno de tristeza pero con la bendición de poder ser una madre.

i love how the advertizing of this game show it like it was like one of those hotline miami inspired games just to make the most boring combat i saw on an arcade game

Heartbreaking: Guy who only plays underage girls in Arcsys games thinks vtubers are "too cringe" for him.

Walking away from this was like peeling back from a closed arcade cabinet, heart beating and smiling radiantly going "gosh I can't believe that happened." Sure, the game wasn't made for arcade cabinets in mind, but you can certainly Imagine it. It really felt that way. I put one coin in and was tossed into a racing world of beautiful yellow with beats that'll just carry with me to my grave. I want to race again.

The core greatness of Max Payne is still there, but Rockstar's design philosophy sticks out like a sore thumb. Filled with cutscenes, extremely linear (in a series that was already linear) and with movement that feels much more restrictive this time around to make it look realistic (including having a weapon limit). The story also completely erases Max's development in the last two games so there's a reason for there to be a third game and the story just isn't good enough to justify this, with villains that have no charm or character and no reason to care about anyone else. It's still good, but worse than the first 2.

El videojuego más importante de lo que llevamos de siglo (con permiso de Minecraft y Spelunky), además de por la trascendencia de sus dinámicas, por enseñarnos a mirar el mundo de otra forma. Tras la niebla había crueldad y devastación, pero también fascinación y belleza.

Audiovisual psychosis. The screaming engines, shredding rubber, vibra-industrial heartbeat, bind souls to the metropolitan bloodstream. Mandatory literature for sound designers.

Don`t get me wrong. Objectly It`s not good. But as a date sim, It`s decent.

this game is annoying and i hate it, never even unlocked juvia

História de ecchi shounen genérico agora exclusivo para seu PSP!


Nine Inch Nails in unusual places Vol.15