Played again on Unleashed difficulty to get the platinum trophy - which actually took a lot less time than getting gold medals on all the Fricking challenges.

Also as I was rushing through and skipping the cutscenes (the skippable ones) I changed my mind since a few days ago and decided that the story of this game is not in fact stupid and nonexistent, it's just like, rushed, and like the 90-minute first episode of a 45min TV show you know ... it shouldn't be a whole game, but it might have been less dumb if the sequel had happened

This is a cool lil game I like the aesthetics of the like, loading screen type digital world bits a lot & also the music. I was successfully spooked by that one guy

Fun enough and short enough that I played it again straight away to do the umbrella run and get platinum, the annoying things were again annoying, but I had also figured out how to deal with them (and some of them were actually Easier to deal with when relying on ranged attacks)

While just ripping through to get a trophy it was possible to ignore almost all of the story .., I hope no one does that when they're playing the first time

Played this a 5th time specifically to compare it to the Force Unleashed which I just replayed for the first time in a long time. This game does owe a lot to that game and altho I do definitely think it is "better" overall I regret to report that the Force powers are simply much cooler in TFU and I hope they take even more inspiration therefrom for the sequel...

Also as this is the 5th time I have played this I noticed that there is literally no way to skip the cutscenes some of which are very long. Conveniently, toward the end I got a bug (which were quite rare in my playthroughs 1, 2, and 4) which sped them up to ludicrous speed which was funny as well as solving that issue.


I know it is a meme that this game is very bad but I had to see it for myself because I was successfully hyped for this game along with the PS4 back in the day ... it is so bad

I was going to keep going but I had started on hard difficulty (which is totally unreasonable because the combat is so stupid, you have to wait 17 minutes between every action etc.). So I was like, I will lower the difficulty to just See some more of the game without gitting gud at literally Knack. But it does not let you change the difficulty you have to start over. So like. No. Delete

It's also very ugly. Was not expecting to see so many ugly human characters

a classic
I returned to be evil and get the platinum 12 yrs later. If ever there was a game I should have the platinum for it is this one... and now, it is done.

NG+ to get the spells for platinum ✨

Was kind of hard until I pumped vitality to 50 lol

The things that were a little annoying the first time were much more annoying the second time. The camouflaged loading screens are Quite conspicuous and irritating... similarly the mixing of gameplay with cutscenes like... I would rather just watch a cutscene than watch half a cutscene, push the stick for half a second, and watch the rest of it. Also the combat only gets good once you add some more abilities / weapons ... and the Valkyries are SO ANNOYING hard to the very edge of not being fun at all. Sigrun (on baby mode) took me more tries than any boss in any game I think

Anyway still very good and I am definitely glad I replayed this before starting the sequel as I had forgot some important stuff lol.


Extremely aesthetically pleasing (tunes, robots, ~atmosphere~, cat)
The gameplay did get to be Mixed Review-worthy toward the end.
If this was Letterboxd I would rate it 4 stars + heart

(Legendary Edition PS5)
Because I played the second and third games a few times before I ever played this one back in the day (once it came out on PS3), the first one has always felt to me like an inferior prequel rather than u kno The One That Started It All. Still worth playing to go through the whole thing I think, but even with the improvements, it has been so long that I don't really remember what it's improving, and the "modern" graphics kind of just emphasize more that this game is like. from 2007

I miss the jumping from Andromeda tbh lol

(Legendary Edition PS5)

Excellent until the ending which still Sucks Mega Hard

I never played the DLC back in the day so those were fun. I appreciated how unabashedly stupid the Citadel one was

I was expecting this to be more like the Wii version because it totally has all the stuff, being the ultimate edition u kno, and it did have Jedi Temple levels ... but they were completely different levels. wot. this game is so weird. I guess I have to acquire a Wii in 2022 if I want to relive my original experience.

This is still fun tho even tho it often like. Doesn't work lol

Some of the extra creation club stuff broke the game and made it crash all the time for a second, which was a pretty authentic 10th anniversary celebration of when I played it on PS3 tbh

(legendary edition PS5) so much stuff in not a stupid long amount of time. a classic

hot take this game is Too Big and has Too Much Stuff