Played the 2nd time and got platinum. The hardest trophy to get was the one that I assume you are supposed to get by accident (lose when boss is almost dead).

This is a very fun game but from time to time I am tempted to think the entire thing is ruined by the fact that things that drop from enemies eventually fade away. Like you can't go past things. WHY would they add that.... see how fast you can get this far over to the right... you can move to the right by killing things ... the reward for killing things is the things they drop ... so why is there this extra layer of nonsense challenge. So fix that for patapon reremastered 8k edition pls.

Rerererererere(?)played on actual PS3, still good

I originally started this on January 1st, and eventually gave up like halfway through. I was worried that this was because it was bad. It was in fact because I had replayed GoW 2018 too thoroughly and too recently (ie finally platinum'd it hours before starting this one lol.)

It is actually very good. The story was v good and the playing as Atreus and the spear added some good Variety.

Things I hated:

- Atreus and Thrúd voiced by actual teens or near-teens and then Skjöldr very obviously voiced by a guy who's like 35 doing a teen voice CRINGE and BAD

- Backtracking... to complete things. Paths are so convoluted so that they can have deep convos while you go through the first time, which is fine, then you go back and it's like but how the frick do I get over there. The map does not actually help you navigate.

- On a similar note, the entire Vanaheim crater thing with the switching from day to night and the you have to do X quest you have no idea exists in order to be able to do Y quest that you have already started but it doesn't tell you that, and you have to happen to wander by these 9 things to start the Hunts etc.... bad

- Supporting cast says "hmm what if we did this" too fast like even when I have already started doing that thing lol

not even that bad !! But intentionally played before the legendary edition came out and having last played the good ones like at least 5 years ago so I wasn't directly comparing lol.


Neither gameplay nor "story"/setting particularly engaging. Latter seemed like it might be right at the beginning then suddenly was doing something completely different then even more suddenly ended. Not for the first time I declare that this game would make a decent flash game w separated levels... but to string it together and make it #deep ... no

I tricked myself into actually playing & finishing this by playing 1 and then 2 and then 3 to get the full experience u kno. After 2 failed attempts (thought it was ugly / felt bad)

It was not complete trash but I did kind of hate it. Like I can see what people mean when they're like but there's something there... like some ideas are there... true... but the execution...

It's like they took all the frustrating things from DS1 even the "tough but fair" things and cranked it to the point that it did not seem fair or make any sense. I am writing this too much later to recall a lot of examples. But it was so ANNOYING

Am not mad that I played it I do somewhat doubt that I will play it again .

I liked it better this time than the first time I played it but there's still something Off about this to me it's less Fun that ds1 it has less Character u kno it's so Grey... and like that's probably on purpose? But I don't like it

It is no longer definitely my least favourite of the Soulsbornes I have played because I have now played DS2 lol.

Very Good

Diet Soda

When the ending started to start to end I was worried it would be cringe and bad but then it really wasn't it was kinda like ... ok fair point

I like this a lot, I had never played a translation-based puzzle game before ... the little dudes were fun etc

However Conclusion: Weak & Disappointing


Would be actually incredible if it WORKED : (

Well it was very shiny but somehow it was not as fun as doom 2016...

Some of the extra creation club stuff broke the game and made it crash all the time for a second, which was a pretty authentic 10th anniversary celebration of when I played it on PS3 tbh

It is rly sad how it keeps encouraging u to play online and participate in the #community etc. : (

I was expecting this to be more like the Wii version because it totally has all the stuff, being the ultimate edition u kno, and it did have Jedi Temple levels ... but they were completely different levels. wot. this game is so weird. I guess I have to acquire a Wii in 2022 if I want to relive my original experience.

This is still fun tho even tho it often like. Doesn't work lol

(Legendary Edition PS5)
Because I played the second and third games a few times before I ever played this one back in the day (once it came out on PS3), the first one has always felt to me like an inferior prequel rather than u kno The One That Started It All. Still worth playing to go through the whole thing I think, but even with the improvements, it has been so long that I don't really remember what it's improving, and the "modern" graphics kind of just emphasize more that this game is like. from 2007

I miss the jumping from Andromeda tbh lol