A really lame theme park ride that occasionally stops by some rock-solid gameplay segments

They should've hid this game while they tried to repair this game

Imagine if this actually ended up being the series finale. Like a marathon runner crossing the finish line by falling dead from a brain aneurysm

Megaman X made by someone who only heard a quick summary of what Megaman X is supposed to be

Second verse same as the first.

Lamest Mavericks in the series though, at least until X7.

You'd think after 17 years it would start to feel dated and be seen at most as the progenitor of the PC indie scene, but it's genuinely still as wonderful to play, look at and listen to as ever.
Look up an endings guide.


It's about politics I think

And the most abrupt ending of all time award goes t

a bunch of Russians with blunt force head trauma tried making Bayonetta two years in advance

Fascinating piece of work, a swan song both to Black Rock Shooter as a franchise and the PSP. Surprisingly compelling characters, fantastic art style, fun and unique combat, just a neatly designed game that had no business even existing, let alone being as good as it is.

Short, sweet, fun, pretty, Meiling is there,

I love the concept of this game being something as innocuous as "haha what if prop hunt but the props hunt you" but ran through a Suda51-inspired Cronenbergian nightmare