Huge improvement in every way over the original

The only bad thing about this game is that if you play it first, it sets an impossibly high standard for the entire Yakuza series.

The game has a spell on thousands upon thousands of people, ready to go apeshit at the slightest notion of a PC port happening one day at all

I didn't feel the need to replay this, but I loved it. Plays great, and incredible atmosphere.

I would not give this a thumbs down on Steam, but it is very middling. When it's fun, it's very fun, but there's also a lot of frustrating stuff in this game, and overcomplicated powers that don't let you swap between as much as I'd like in a first playthrough.

The combat is so annoying, but the platforming is actually really good and very fun, for what it's worth. Just jump over every enemy you can. Problem is the boss fights are like half the game, and might as well not even exist. Also the story is a DeviantArt webcomic but that's good or bad depending on your perspective.

Crush my cock with a rock, I must. Maximum pain, I must endure.

Also everyone is wrong. The Sonic sections are by far the worst part of this game. Do not believe them.

There are some good ideas here and I miss when we had so many characters to play in these games.

I wish it was easier to get people into this game, because Endwalker and Shadowbringers elevate the whole package so high.

I finally understand Monster Hunter

I think everyone should take the time to try this game out. If it catches you, you're going to have one of the best narrative experiences you've ever had.

This is the best playing From Software game, but for whatever reason, it makes me miss and appreciate the rough edges of other games even more. Maybe the least accessible FromSoft title, whereas Elden Ring is the most accessible.

I liked this better than Persona 4, but this is more adolescent than any other game in the series, maybe. For better or for worse.

The setpieces can get in the way of what should be a better action game, but this is one of those titles where every cutscene is so joyful


This is a solid single player shooter elevated to modern classic status by an all-time greatest-tier OST.