Every time one of these chapters drop, it's all I can think about for weeks.

I'm not sure how this feels to play in 2022, as it's hard to separate out the feelings that this game gave me as a preteen in the early 2000s. My only criticism is that some of the performances are rough or stilted.

It just keeps surprising you. The mechanics are all right, but the atmosphere of Inscryption is everything.

Just the map changes alone make this so satisfying; my favourite game of 2019 and a perfect action title.

Best reason to own a GameCube 2005

One of the best character action games ever. Genuinely had no right to be this good.

Lightning in a bottle. All of the themes and gameplay in this game is cohesive, all of the mechanics play off themselves to serve a greater tone and narrative. When FromSoft was okay sacrificing what was fun for what built atmosphere

One of the best of 2021, exceeds the original Psychonauts in every way. Compelling, emotional, and a joy to look at.

It's so sad, I wish this was finished.

I pushed through my intense dislike of jump scares and unkillable pursuing enemies to play this, because the game is just so good. Great sense of humor, incredible atmosphere, and I just simply couldn't believe how good the RE Engine looks the first time I saw this.

This game gets praised for its writing a lot, but it felt very flat for me. The overall story is basically nonsense. Individually, there are good or even great characters, but their interactions reduce them to a set of one or two traits. Everything else in the game is pretty good, but it all hinges on the story and if you enjoy the writing there, and I found that very often it just didn't work for me.

For me this is the peak of this series. Experimental and rough, but that's the fun of it. Story is one of the best in SMT.

I don't care what anyone says, if you operate on vibes this game is incredible. The sun, the sand, the ocean, take me back. It's probably a worse platformer than other 3d Mario games, but that never bothered me.

The 2nd most serious Devil May Cry game also means it's probably the second least interesting.