I'm really not sure what everyone, even Jeff kun is complaining about. I heard someone once say the touch controls are fiddly and inferior to solo remix, to that I say change your Switch touch screen settings to sensitive. I've played Solo remix but practically speaking not the DS version. I have to say this game is amazing, and so is the port, the TV controls leave something to be desired (or so they say since I never used them, just play in handheld you dingus!) game was great all the way through. Pacing is rushed but every action makes total sense so for me it doesn't matter too much. In the bonus content though this game has a hard on for throwing weird ass buffs and such to the enemies which get annoying, but it's really short and pretty easy even on the higher difficulties, I like it better than Neo.

I love this game, I really do
just about my only issue is that its too short (if you can call that something that detracts from the experience)
the music, the characters, a dog kidnapping a boy and dragging him to another planet to fight in music wars
is exceptional.

Good game, charming graphics, awesome music (Big from stage 3 is my favorite) the story is a little too random and the game is light on content though but other than that
worth it

Awesome remake, the music is done a great service here but the drums are a little sharp to listen to for a long time,
graphics aren't as good as I was expecting for a sharp game but some of the effects and lighting and extra details look great either way.
The game itself is very fun, you could beat it in a sitting and I don't find it hard until stage 15 and even by then its not frustrating
the bosses however are really easy
the game is comprised of 24 stages divided into
I don't remember how many blocks honestly.
Either way play it, enjoy it
won't cost you that much (unless you play the sharp version like I have) and won't take much of your time either

Its seriously offensive but luckily I'm into that kind of thing, sometimes it feels empty but within reason
though that makes it kind of feel dull.
Regardless you have a lot of choice in this game and mundane objectives that turn into a funny shitshow.
there's a lot of quirky shit in here

10/10 would piss on burnt corpses again

This game is hard but if you can beat the first stage, then you can pass by the whole game through trial, error, gambling, and acquiring buffs and new moves for Gene.
Its humerous and deeply satisfying to beat goons.
The music is funky and it can really help make things a bit less frustrating if you get stuck.
There's practice arenas and challenges to hone your skills and earn some Gold while you're at it

also dog race betting fuck yeah.

Many don't like this game but hell I love it, the soundtrack is the best in the series and that's an insanely high pedestal, the gameplay is very simple and mashy but I'm fond of that mindlessness so no problem, every level is an entirely different world that experiments with different themes and music.
The story itself is another odd but relatively simple romp and there's a lot of banter I enjoyed reading.
but holy hell if you're a Suda51 fan then this game is a wet dream because there's tons and tons of callbacks to his older games eventually setting the strings for something mental happening in No More Heroes 3.
There's also a lot of thought provoking quotes in here and the collectibles (which are T-shirts from all different kinds of real games) are fucking insane
I love it. There's other collectibles like Unreal engine logos, and ramen reviews whenever you eat a new bowl every stage.
Its an experience two fold

This game is one hell of an experience, there's hidden lore everywhere and the main theme is the motif of almost all the music but the remixes bop.
The gameplay is snappy, responsive, and engaging. You get thrown upgrades throughout the game and they're all appropriate for the time, you also get general stat boosts that can make the game easier.
The story is extremely simple but by the end it actually connects to something meaningful, especially since you've been through so much as Travis

the odd jobs are a grind but I don't think they ever got on my nerves, they just made me more excited about what was to come.

My second favorite fighting game (and its also from French Bread)
the evolution of Tsukihime can really be felt here and everything is stellar, the backgrounds get a little static though but the music by Raito can practically put me in a trance and the gameplay is frantic but relatively balanced, you've got three play styles so there's a lot to learn in just one character, the chains make it easy to pick up and play but doing a lot of combo damage is a pursuit, and a rewarding one at that and the story?
Its a Melty Blood expansion but its pretty climatic, not good but fun to blast through

The music is repetitive but endearing, the erotic scenes are awkward but add to the character development a lot, and sometimes the lore is a bit of a snore to read through
but other than that this visual novel is extremely dense on content and is pretty interesting what with the choices and routes you can take

Its my favorite fighting game, what more can I say?
Netcode could use an overhaul but I play with locals anyway

Intuitive gameplay, its fast but thought out well
the spritework is gorgeous, characters with traditional designs but their different backgrounds make them pretty interesting
this one is a learning experience to play competitively.
Music is appropriate and memorable while I'm at it
and the netcode on the recent release on PS4 and Steam I believe is amazing as expected from Code Mystics implementation of blended netcode

As with many Atlus games its a bit of a chore to get somewhere but it makes up with that in character, story, aesthetic, design, and music (which sounds a bit like Persona 4 but with a classical flare because Shoji always has his moods)
the action element in this ARPG is well
its lacking to be blunt but its pretty varied and tolerable if not stiff

It strikes a good balance on visuals
but this one is interesting, its not great competitively but it can lead to some odd possibilities due to the fact that it has uneven stages
story is good for a fighting game, cutscenes are worth it, roster is tight, stages and music are excellent

The only thing holding me back from giving this game another half star is the lack of track variety

but everything else is phenomenal
please play it