Not all that deep of a game but damn does it have soul in this little short bundle of a joy PS2 retro throwback.

Unfortunately I can't read Japanese or else I would have finished this as you progress through the game that becomes the biggest hurdle over anything else. Has the stylish noir flourishes and atmosphere of The Silver Case & Killer7 that I fell in love with Suda51 and Grasshopper Manufactures games and what I'd call an early prototype of the viscerally kinetic No More Heroes hack n slash gameplay albeit not as good but still has its worth. Time is my biggest hurdle these days or else I'd really try and push through it with the language barrier. Maybe I'll come back to this someday if a kind soul makes a fan translation. A tie in licensed IP game that isn't amazing but is better then it has any right being.


Metal as hell, a Quake inspired shooter with a heavy OST and enough fun surprises in store for those who journey into the gory nasty depths of Dusk. Looking forward to David Szymanski's full release of Gloomwood.

"Welcome to a world without song"

Yoko Taro's unhinged dark fantasy epic of death and total annihilation is one for the ages. A depraved, sadistic and nihilistic journey into the heartless depths of humanity's rotten core. The gameplay does proceed its infamous reputation and up until the grind for all weapons for ending E it was serviceable but after nearly 40 hours of it becomes exhausting tedious brainrot. The dragon gameplay make up for it at times. I won't recommend this to most people due to it being such a taxiing expierence but if you have the strength and will power to slaughter your way through endless hordes and weapon collecting then Drakengard offers one of the most balls to the wall insane narratives and multiple jaw dropping finales that are sights to behold.

No More Heroes III is the Rocky III of video games. Its not trying to recapture the magic of the original or nor does it care, or want to. Its a self indulgent, over the top, cheesy, rock n' rolling good time with the maniacal madness, meta commentary humor and insane presentation magic that only a Suda51/Grasshopper Manufacture game could instill for the player. You rarely play a game that doesn't quite give a fuck about its appearance, or trying to please a mass market or those obsessed with graphics. Its a hyper violent stylized smorgasbord of insanity and I can't help but love it in spite of many of its shortcomings. Punks Not Dead and I can't wait to see what Suda and Grasshopper are working on next. Worth the replay.

The tumblerifcation of Silent Hill. A blunt and pathetic attempt at being at both a video game and exploration of serious issues that include suicide and bullying. The only thing modern day Silent Hill is known for now is trauma and PT. What a lazy and awful score by once renounced legendary composer Akira Yamaoka. The r/Silenthill community have gotten what they deserved for begging for a dead corpse to be reanimated and brought back to its rotting decaying life.

Proceeds its infamous reputation. Brutal and unforgiving but still one of the most satisfying action games in the genre to this day. An absolutely rage inducing, unhinged, hilarious journey into the demonic wild, weird west in Shinji Mikami & Clover Studios late PS2 cult classic.

Lives up to its namesake, Nintendo still manages to deliver uniquely fun and enough new creative ways to keep delivering the goods... I can do without the talking flowers next time though.

Can't believe were coming up on this games fifth anniversary already. Probably my fourth playthrough at this point. Genuinely unreal this game exists still to me, and I could write a whole damn dissertation about how much I love it. A genuinely sincere sequel boasting with confidence and top tier action gameplay the genre has ever seen and yet to top since.

Dead Space getting the RE1 remake treatment from a studio who had no business touching a classic worked out better then I could have imagined. A fresh new coat of paint and QOL improvements makes this new version even more viscerally brutal and terrifying then the original. Tremendous work and a new gold standard for remakes. so of course EA makes this studio work on a Iron Man game next instead.

They don't make em like they used to anymore

A stylishly visceral, hop, skip, wall run, jump and John Woo diving bullet time FPS. So short and sweet with extra content sprinkled in on the side makes Severed Steel an easy recommendation for "all you need is gameplay" enjoyers.

About as depressingly half baked as everyone said it was and featuring what feels like less content then the previous games with an tact on Gear system that CTR Nitro Refueled added in as an update and ruined the point of character selection stats. Gameplay feels genuinely good but in the end... I'm not mad, I am just disappointed.

"When the weak court death, they find it"

A game that oozes the Moniker of a Cult classic. While dated, janky, tedious and not openly welcome at all to new players but when you get past those middling opening hours, Hideaki Itsuno's mighty ambitious action RPG makes for a grand adventure worth the journey to the end.

Happy new year!!