More balanced and challenging than the average duck n shoot third person shooter. Some cheap deaths here and there, but overall a highly underrated title

Leaving aside some annoying sidequests that require grinding or wandering around doing fetch quests, I enjoyed this a lot. The ending is a tad bit anticlimatic, but the final battle was a lot of fun and truly epic.

I know this game is not for everyone. It's battle system has a high learning curve right at the start, but once you get the hang of it this becomes an incredible experience.

A before and after in videogame history.

People saying this is an underrated masterpiece might be in the biggest gaslight crusade in the history of videogames.

I need to go back to this one, a lot of fun and even more atmospheric than a dozen of survival horror games out there.

Fun combat but it has too much grind and the story never becomes remotely interesting.

Fun combat and interesting story, but it's one of those rpgs where if you don't do VERY specific things you get a terrible lame ending.

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One of my all time favorite rpgs. You defeat the pope, who is a demon. Fun times indeed.

Perfectly enjoyable FPS. Having a flashlight while you use the guns make perfect damn sense. If anything, there is not much reason to replay this (finished the game in veteran).

The last good Final Fantasy game released by Square. I need to get that Zodiac job edition one of these days.

The only reason people hate this game it's because it wasn't Chrono Trigger 2. Favorite characters: the mexican luchador, the alien, the jigglypuff type Pokemon and Guile.

I got lost a LOT on this game, but I stilld had a ton of fun. I'm a sucker for anything western themed, so I was going to love this yes or yes. Exploring the dungeons is actually fun and interesting, unlike other jrpg where is just a chore.

Best christmas game ever, I still need to do the Chrysler building...