This is moreso a part of the full game now I think, but I'd like to say that this rules. It takes the best part of Inscryption and expands upon it in to turn the game into the roguelite that people expected at the game's release. I generally don't like roguelites or card games, but this game's presentation and simple mechanics make it appealing too look at and easy to pick up. I've cleared level 12 and beaten the final boss, but I'll likely be playing more to get all the cheevos over time. Good game.

I will shatter into a million pieces when my dog's time comes.

I've played this game a million times and it's very near and dear to me. The levels are mostly unimpressive and the music is only okay, but the gameplay is really fun. Zero is new to this one and extremely fun to play as. X's weapons are kinda mediocre but the armor set is badass. Series goes off the deep end after this entry.

The anime cutscenes are so funny. It is a prime example of "so bad it's good" voice acting.

It's the first game but better as a sequel should be. Sleeker level design than the first game and better music too and a BOSS BATTLE (it's not that great). Anyway cool game.

Game suddenly surfaced from the deep archives of my brain. Frantically searched yygarchive for the keyword "online". Lo and behold- Blobbz Online.

It's exactly as I remembered it. You have to sign up to play on an ancient website that is miraculously still alive. Then you embark on a short adventure with five REAL players. I was lucky enough to have the dev in my lobby and some crazy shit went down. Man what a ride. Don't even know how to rate a game like this. I can hardly believe it's actually listed on this site.

I was expecting this to be at least okay based on steam reviews, but it kinda rules? It's obviously not taking itself super seriously and it's chock full of references to Resident Evil and whatnot. It's surprisingly competent and enjoyable as a game despite these things. It didn't go on long enough for any serious flaws to show in full force. I suppose I could complain about the movement being really clunky to work with even for survival horror standards. I think it's mostly because the strafe speed blows.

I didn't play any of the extra modes because they didn't sound like my thing, but I'm sure some people would appreciate that stuff.


I played this game eons ago after getting it in a humble bundle, but I remembered very little about it. I expected to be let down as a result but frankly I enjoyed it more than I expected. It's a really amateur game. I wouldn't say the art style does it any favors. I'm personally very distracted by the unmodified Freesounds assets and low quality, sometimes deafening, action sounds. The grass footsteps are the same ones Minecraft uses which is hilarious. The story isn't innovative or anything but it's average horror slop that I was able to find enjoyment in.

Pretty easy, really short, but it's free! A nice half hour with a buddy.

There's no real reason to play the original gen 1 Pokemon games besides novelty. While they're perfectly playable, they're dreadfully slow and very simple. The GBA remakes of the first gen are the way to go. They're very faithful and exist beyond the major growing pains.

Pokemon Yellow specifically, I wouldn't choose over red or blue. Pikachu isn't the greatest starter you could ask for and he can't evolve. You can still box him luckily. There are some additional changes to the game that don't really add much to the experience. Sprites are different from the originals. Some sprites are better and others not so much (imo). It's easy to see how these games became a sensation though.

I would not have completed this game without the fast forward on my game boy (dad works at nintendo).

There are things I like more than the first game and things I like less. One step forward, one step back. It's a yin yang of better and worse. Combat feels better and worse. Bosses feel better and worse. Progressing feels better and worse. Really nutty.

I feel like you have to jive with No More Heroes a lot to get major enjoyment out of this game, and I think I do, which is the only reason it gets a 4. I would never insist someone play this game if they don't have a need to, because it's pretty jank at the end of the day. Worth trying at least.

I can't stand enemies with guns. It was a problem in the first game too but it felt worse here somehow.

Platformers from this era are so numerous and largely the same. Cartoony characters, collectathon platforming, and insufferable mini-games. That said, I liked this game a lot.

The platforming levels are all pretty enjoyable and the game feels nice to control. Although, there is the occasional jank with swinging and climbing. The aforementioned insufferable mini-games aren't great, but they're not obnoxious enough to ruin the experience. It comes close at the end of the game though. I didn't use most of the bonus upgrades, but they're fun rewards for collecting all the clues in each level. I know a lot of people who grew up with this game and still love it. I'd say it mostly holds up. Excited to check out the sequels.

I knew a lot about this game before playing it. I loved its style and I listened to its music really frequently. Point being, I may have some bias.

Half of the game is combat which is simple enough and repetitive. The other half is some also simple mini-games to grind up cash. Despite me calling the combat repetitive, it never made me reach the point where I was dreading doing more. The closest I ever got to that point was when the game threw too many of a tankier enemy at me at once. As far as money grinding goes, it seems set up so you will never have to do an excess of grinding unless you want to buy everything. I had to do a little extra towards the end and while it was tedious, the end didn't feel too out of reach.

This game has flair and for myself that gives it a huge buff. Some things that in any other game would make me groan end up being tolerable and don't turn me off at all. If you think you are going to enjoy No More Heroes when you see a bit of it, you likely will. Travis is a unique character and the game is pretty funny.

They knew how to make a good Mega Man game but they insisted on making Mega Man 2 the sequel! They carried over all its worst aspects. Love that they went back to NES style, but too far back for me. A strange kind of pandering.

Really cool and short horror experience. The gameplay is extremely simple, but the real driver is the presentation. half the reason I enjoy horror stuff is the ideas and this has 'em.

The less reading the better and this has a lot. It's par for the course though and I don't blame it. The game is short enough that I never really got exhausted.

Love this game. There are some flaws that I could very well see adding up to make someone dislike the game. For me, though, it's just a blast to play and it has a lot of charm. Total baby game, but the death wish missions provide a more than welcome challenge.