Sea of Stars isn't particularly bad it's just mediocre (a common word in critical reviews). It starts off in a really bad way that takes the wind out of its sails early on. It's an extended intro cutscene that introduces our exceedingly bland main cast, then transitions into the simple gameplay that will hold you hostage for the next 20 hours. This game was a 2/5 at best until the late game. When the map opens up you can fight challenging bosses and use your party members to their full potential. It was only then that I was really having fun. What isn't fun is the uninteresting story and consecutive dungeons with baby mode puzzles and exhausting combat encounters. The action commands don't do the combat any favors because it's rarely incorporated into attacks in any interesting ways. You will be using the same moonerang spell for the whole ass game.

I'm not smart enough to comprehend why the writing is so uncanny but multiple people have expressed the same sentiment that it doesn't feel right. I specifically despise when they make meta jokes about jrpg tropes and stuff like "the GOAT boat."

Game looks wonderful I just wish the art was attached to a better game. I bought the game but I would recommend using gamepass for it.

I held this game near and dear for many many years and I still have a soft spot for it. However, with many years between now and my last run it's easy for me to see the flaws now that I know its charm so well. Beneath the funny text and quirkiness is a pretty subpar RPG that can feel like a frustrating chore. Obviously this game is iconic and had a huge impact but it's certainly not for the gameplay.

I still love this game, but now I will not argue when I see people saying they don't get it.

Nothing positive will result from the baffling success of this soulless cash grab. Those on the side of artistic integrity are undercut, and the ones sticking it to big bad Game Freak are swinging at ghosts.

Good for those that are able to have fun with this kind of stuff. For me, survival games like this are a stone's throw from any idler, bullet heaven, or MMO slop. Infinitely digestible as long as it got a different paint job and lets you watch numbers go up. Sweet candy for the depressed gamer.

I can only hope by the end of the year we will have to be reminded that this shit even happened.

This game sucks so much ass I cannot believe it. I heard so much good about this supposed classic that I was willing to rope in one of my friends to play it with me. Whether or not he will ever forgive me has yet to be determined. This game barely functions and the story is nonsense. You are relentlessly spammed with the most unfun bosses that are always dispatched by spamming magic. This means pausing the game and selecting the same spell over and over again until they stop moving. At least there are a couple good songs I guess?

Ran through this for context after stumbling upon the reviews. I don't want to weigh in that much but I will say it's really funny that this person likes Kingdom Hearts.

I've not done the post-game but I doubt my opinion will change at all because of it.

This game is fine. Honestly, it's just a collect-a-thon with some easy combat sections interspersed. The boss battles are cool when they get slightly challenging. There not that much going on in the areas aside from some new pokemon. I enjoyed my time with it and wouldn't say I regret getting or playing it. I thought I might complete it at some point, but after seeing the requirements, no shot.

Pokemon has no reason to look or perform this terrible in 2022. It's the biggest franchise of all fucking time. I can only imagine there is someone really stubborn behind the scenes that is actively gimping progress, or they genuinely don't care about the quality since it sells anyway. I've come to terms with the fact that pokemon will be stuck in a shitty rut forever. Still sucks that getting a truly amazing pokemon game feels like a daydream when the potential is there.

This game spends a lot of time meandering in a way that Undertale probably also does, but without Toby Fox's writing and Compositions. Trying to emulate those facets of Toby Fox's work may just not be possible and I really started to feel the weight of the constant text and repetitive enemies. Characters don't really gain any attachment early on so it really doesn't feel all that interesting for a while. Luckily I felt the story picks up by the end and it left a good final impression. I got the Pacifist ending and I think it slotted in next to the story of Undertale (uh oh) nicely.

There are some character designs that aren't bad but feel out of place to me. I don't think they're super far fetched but their presence in combination with the fact that it's a fan game makes it more noticeable. I hope some others will understand what I mean.

I'll likely try some extra endings.

Update: Did all endings. Genocide final boss was borderline impossible before the 1.1 patch so I had to update specifically for it. I had to manipulate my save because there's a point in the last area of genocide where if you cross into a room you can no longer kill everything. Really lame.

Non-pacifist routes didn't really change my opinion of the game overall. The Flowey fight was interesting but wasn't as cool as Omega Flowey, but to be fair it shouldn't be.

This game is really ambitious and still pretty good for it but it fell short overall. It's immersive and that's probably what I liked most about it. The music is interesting. I wouldn't call any of it bad but it's got its own identity. The combat was uninteresting, but serviceable considering how infrequently it's necessary. That is except for the final boss, which got on my nerves very quickly. Jade is a boring protagonist and the only stand out character in my opinion is the pig. I found parts of it really funny when it wasn't necessarily trying to be. Nothing goes above and beyond in this game. I think it is just 'good.' No more no less.

You guys want to go see a dead body?

Combat is turbo ass, it's a little buggy, and the game needs a map. Other than that the movement is flames and I loved navigating the areas (when I knew where to go). This expanded into something fully fledged would be amazing.

Had so much fun with this game and I'm really happy about it. The Pikmin games have such a high standard of quality (except for the one) and it survives all the way through to its fourth iteration. I was apprehensive about the dog but when I learned it was basically a new take on a second captain I was fully on board. The way this series changes with each sequel is perfect. Adding quality of life changes to general gameplay while introducing new mechanics and content that don't overstep what makes the games so fun since the very first one.

My complaints are that managing your squad combined with Oatchi can be a real pain, and pikmin behavior around movable objects has some weird quirks. I also think there are a couple too many timed challenges.

Although I got basically the worst ending, I think there is a chance I get filtered when I go for the rest, so I'm gonna mark it completed now. If I wasn't told what this game was like before going in I likely never would have given it the time of day. I think that's what the average blind experience would be. Viewing it as something to overcome was a really strong motivator and it gives a great deal of value to every minor victory. It also makes the big discoveries that much more satisfying. The game has some pretty sickening content that manages to work in its favor. I can't think of another game that was able to elicit such honest feelings of revulsion and discomfort. It is not for the faint of heart.

The game is unfortunately pretty unstable. It's one thing to lose tons of progress from unfair mechanics, but the game crashing feels a million times worse.

It's a good movie, but the gameplay itself I can take it or leave it. Regardless of that I can't say I really dislike the game in any way and I'm walking away satisfied. The combat is fun and it's repetitive, but not to the point where I was dreading more of it. The side stories give this game a lot of its charm but I wasn't very motivated to get them done at a certain point. The game didn't seem to punish me for not doing them and really appreciate that. It's a bit longer overall than I'd personally like.

I don't necessarily understand the immense hype for this game but I'm sure that comes down to it being not entirely my thing. I'd be interested in playing more some time.

I'm hip and I'm cool. 26 is still young!!!

Really adorable game that takes me back to the good old days. I was doubting it at the start, but once I really got into the thick of it I was having a great time hopping around and meeting cute new characters. The movement feels wonderful and moving between points of interest is very fun to do. The writing is also entertaining and I never found myself mindlessly skipping through it. Ending had me catching feels (haven't done the introspection to decipher why).

I had a single nitpick early on that I have since forgotten about. It has been erased by fuzzy feelings. I don't think I would implore everyone I meet to play this game, but I thought it was great.