Fun game but wish it did more. The only variety is in enemies and maps but all are dealt with in the same way. I enjoy games like these but I could never play this game more than one or two levels at a time. Just pretty monotonous.

I think it looks really good. The star of torment is one of my favorite fps weapons.

Good game. I like where this game took the Metroid story. I always expect 2.5d platformers to feel like shit but with this one I was proven wrong the second I got control of Samus. I love the difficulty and the final boss was a highlight for sure. Excited for the next Metroid game.

Pretty good. No reason to play the dated first game now. Wish they left out the fake lava.

Good fan game would fit right in with the rest of the (good) Metroid games. I appreciate them trying to make repeated metroid fights more interesting but they were still just annoying by the end. The pixel art mixed with non-pixelated effects looked like shit to me. Some of the music came off as goofy. Final boss sucked.

There is one part of the game that REALLY bummed me out because it was so different. I pushed past it though. Despite it never reaching the same heights as the beginning, it won me back. I was sold on this game with the presentation and it did not disappoint. The card based gameplay was mostly fun and not too complex. Lots of things happen along the way that keeps the game interesting. Card games and roguelikes are two things I'm very averse to, but this game exceeded my expectations.

I enjoyed this game a lot, but when I found out I was on the last level at under two hours playtime I stopped and refunded. I respect the shit out of it but it was not worth the price for me, since I have no interest in achievement hunting. Maybe I will pick it up again on sale.

This game may have been overhyped for me. I love System Shock 2 and I have some bias towards it, so the things this game does to emulate it feel dumbed down somehow. The trade off being more action and gunplay that still never felt very satisfying to me. I'm sure most people will enjoy this game, I only thought it was okay.

This game rules with friends. Only a few maps right now but they appear to be updating at a nice rate for it to be fresh when new content is released. All the maps work a little differently.

I enjoyed this game for a bit, expecting it to ramp up. unfortunately it stays kinda mid for a while before suddenly buffing you and spiking the difficulty. At that point I was just frustrated with the game and I wanted it to be over.

Fun with friends but so are most games. Just way too much grinding. I liked building for a while but I can only tolerate tree cutting and infinite enemies for so long. Only "beat" it because one of my friends was willing to do all the tedious material grinding.

Another Late Night
- Didn't care for it.
- Pretty neat and spooky.
Charlotte's Exile
- I was too dumb for this but It was cool.
The Diving Bell
- Very good.
- Love the style of this, but very short.
Squirrel Stapler
- Fuckin' rules.
Sucker for Love
- Pretty entertaining.
The Thing in the Lake
- Respect it, but didn't like it.
To the End of Days
- Goofy.
The Toy Shop
- Fever dream, didn't like much.
Touched by an Outer God
- Was pretty dumb.
- Unweildy, but decent.

- Confusing and hard on the eyes, but I liked it.
Don't Go Out
- Not for me.
Hand of Doom
- Interesting but unwieldy.
Mr. Bucket Told Me To
- Charming, liked it.
- This one is cool, also a favorite.
The Pay is Nice
- Kinda boring.
The Pony Factory
- Favorite of the bundle.
- Terrible, nothing happens.
- Like how it looks, kinda neat.
- Very cool, I like the concept.

Bete Grise
- This one is weird but I actually thought it was cool
Bubbo: Adventure on Geralds Island
- Fun simplistic platformer. Admittedly doesn't do the creepy stuff all that well.
Chip’s Tips
- Funny, I liked it a lot
Disparity of the Dead
- This one rules, my fav of the bunch
EDEN: Garden of the Faultless
- I think this is funny but not all that enjoyable
Matter OVER Mind
- Not the kind of thing I look for in the but it was fine I guess
Nice Screams at the Funfair
- Super unstable but I liked what it was going for
- Big fan. Like the robot friend
- Atmospheric, cool
Soul Waste
- Kinda sucked, the most "gamey" one
SPOOKWARE @ The Video Store
- Loved this, too bad the full game isn't all like this
- One of my favs, has some really cool scares

Uktena 64
- Love Kira's work. This is just okay though.
Axis Mundi
- Decent game, cool concept.
Black Relic
- This game is neat, but kind of a slog.
Rose of Meat
- Love how bonkers this one is, a highlight.
- Worst one. Thinks loud = scary.
The Fruit
- This one feels really complete and immersive. I enjoyed it.
The House of Unrest
- Goofy but I thought it was fun.


Great with your buddies. Game really just exists and isn't that amazing but it was never meant to be. It's like a shitty Risk of Rain.