Popular for a reason. Super fun with friends. Would never play public games.

This game totally enamored me. Ended up staying up all night playing it without realizing it. Truly immersive.

This game rules. The most egregious parts of it have become overblown and are not nearly as bad as some will lead you to believe. This is a really huge and badass adventure. Snowpeak is the perfect dungeon.

I can imagine this game is a nightmare for new players (intentionally so), but as a kid I had nothing but time and the whole thing is ingrained in my mind. The game was unplayable for a long time on windows 10 but with the new remaster I found it was like riding a bike. Underneath the intentional bullshit is an enjoyable and challenging platformer. Love most of the bosses.

Overhyped for me maybe but this game really fell short of the “best soulsborne” mark. The level design was mostly top notch, but nearly every non-dlc boss was forgettable at best. I spent most of my playthrough wondering what all the hype was about. The simplified and more aggressive mechanics were cool but it’s not night and day different than Dark Souls imo. Notable lack of variety in locations/scenery with few exceptions.

Baby MOBA. Was fun with friends for a while. Completely unfulfilling at the end of the day. It’s also a F2P mobile game.

Played with 2 friends. You just walk around, shoot enemies, and pick up scraps. Bosses are mostly bad, being a big guy with a bunch of adds appearing periodically. The few bosses that actually required teamwork and learning were badass though. DLC was ok.

Love this game. It has certainly not aged well and it’s more or less dead now. Guns feel really nice to use and there is a lot of variety in weapons and maps. Working together as a team on high difficulties is insanely fun and I wish I could still do it today. Zed ai is super simple but it lets players learn the game to a science. I fondly remember learning tech on test map servers and learning strategies on different maps. The grind to level up classes is a huge filter, unfortunately, and takes far too long.

So bad it’s good type deal. I’d honestly expect worse. Stole the carousel theme from Mario 64 which is hilarious.

My favorite iteration of Cave Story. The game deserves credit for being an early indie game. However, if this game were released today it would struggle to stand out. It’s still fun and well made.

The learning curve is more like a vertical line. I like to separate the community from the game, therefore I have nothing but praise. It’s the hardest MOBA to learn and play but that is what makes it so satisfying. It has the perfect f2p model being all cosmetic. The feeling of superiority I have gained over League players (legitimate or not) is priceless.

It’s as fun as who you are playing with. It’s easy to grief, so I got frustrated by some people I don’t know too well. Bring your besties.

Game has like, two too many endings. Gameplay overstays its welcome (combat/painting). I personally think it’s kinda ugly to look at. Theres enjoyment to be had but I probably wont revisit this one.

Make way for the king gtfo Foddy

More Ape Escape. I appreciate that this feels like a sequel through and through. By that I mean it's a very similar game with slight changes and upgrades. However, I like the first game's style a LOT more.