My favorite part was when Margaret Thatcher blew up

Milkman Conspiracy was so good that it made every level after feel a little sour in comparison

Man this game makes me glad I have no interest working for the government

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Garcian sure killered that 7

First time I've ever played an entire game in one day and on god don't try playing this entire thing in two sittings guys... it'll turn you into a pile of nightmare ooze with skulls

That subway level made me want to shit my pants

The narrative in this game was pretty hard to understand, especially for a 50 hour playthrough in the span of a month, but besides that, I genuinely believe this game might have the best character writing in the franchise.

Even now, two years after beating this, I still think about Kiryu's extremely unhealthy mental state in this game. I think RGG studios did a wonderful job building up Kiryu's character with each game, and making him crash and burn (emotionally) naturally in this. He just can't ever catch a break man... :(

I loved the minigames, I adored how there's mandatory rhythm game sections, how you can play Taiko, the 5 main characters, and the soundtrack.
Like I said earlier, I do have my issues with the narrative and well... lets just say a specific section with a bear... But honestly, I'm thankful for how everything turns out in the end, so I probably wouldn't change a thing.

I just don't know how its possible for a video game to make me just so extremely miserable....
I've been holding off from writing a review for months since I finished the game, but I think I can finally sit down now and gather some of my thoughts.

I think even now, Silent Hill 2 holds up for being an incredible narrative with a wonderful atmosphere and soundtrack. I wouldn't change a single thing about this game.
The voice acting in this game is just so amazingly awkward in the best way possible. Guy Cihi may not be a great guy but he's the best voice for James Sunderland and I'll die on that hill (haha get it.....)

From the very beginning of Silent Hill 2 to the very end I was immersed in it's atmosphere. The ambient noises are so so eerie, and some of the storytelling through actions and interacting with items was very fun. The only gripe I really had with the gameplay was the camera angle, but I quickly got used to it after 30 minutes or so.

The best thing about this game, however, by far is the main protagonist James Sunderland. He just feels so real... his actions and thoughts and his inner turmoil as he tries to find his wife in Silent Hill is so gut wrenching. I felt like I was watching this dude go through a mental illness simulator and all I could do was sit back and feel awful.
I remember for MONTHS after finishing Silent Hill 2 I literally couldn't listen to the soundtrack or think about any of the characters without tearing up... Which is a problem especially if you're walking around in public.

I know a lot of people may find this game overrated, but I don't think I'll ever find a video game that tackles serious subjects in such and interesting and heartbreaking way again.
I'd do anything to replay this game completely blind.

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Overall, I like Travis Strikes Again. it does lots of nice things but does an equal amount of uninteresting things. I’m not going to dive in and analyze the game’s lore into detail, but just lay out some pros and cons.


-The game’s combat is ridiculously tedious and repetitive, and doesn’t have the same satisfaction as the combat from the first game. In the first game, it’s all over the top and bloody and you’re slicing people apart left and right with cool beam katanas... but in TSA you’re just... destroying game bugs. I’m not complaining about the fact that you do fight bugs, I’m just complaining that it just isn’t as fun as it was in the first game. The attacks are too simple and the only somewhat interesting thing were the skill chips. But even with the nice variety of skill chips I still found myself getting bored very quickly. It’s such a slog going through each level (with the exception of the DLC Killer Marathon) and I was honestly only motivated because of the music and the story.

-the top down combat was kind of annoying, I didn’t like playing as a flea on screen. I mean we have all these cool shirts to wear but you can’t even see it during most of the game.

-Badman and Travis suddenly have a truce and no interactions after the first cutscene of the game?? Badman was after Travis’ head out of revenge, and once the first cutscene was over they never speak to eachother until the credits. I wish they could’ve had some banter occasionally?? Some interaction would’ve been nice...

-Coffee and Doughnuts was a horrible level it was SO boring and had really bad platform sections. It’s a shame though because the boss of that level has a cool design.

-CIA was just as bad as Coffee and Doughnuts. it was very long and very unappealing... the only thing that was good about CIA was the final boss.


-Man the way the game opened up was so killer... seeing Dan Smith and Badman interact was so exciting that I closed out of the game so that I could rewatch the opening cutscene again.

-the game looks nice in my opinion. I liked how stylistic the character portraits look in the death ball games, the cool change in animation or model style in cutscenes, and how the visual novel sections looked. It kind of shocked me that they didn’t really reuse any portraits for the visual novel sections, they made so many for so many characters.

-it’s charming seeing how each of the playable characters interact with Death and Drive (the character) and the bosses.

-Killer Marathon’s OST was insanely good and I LOVED Silver Face. His boss theme is probably one of my favorite songs from the entire franchise. That whole level was a blast, although a stressful one (it was pretty difficult). It’s sad how the best boss from the game with the most interesting backstory was locked behind DLC.

-Badman’s DLC story was very very engrossing. I had my eyes glued to the screen the entire time— it was such a good read. It made me a little upset seeing how we never get to see him talk in a visual novel section in the main story.

-The crazy amounts of Suda51 characters that appear in this game was mind blowing. Kurumizawa giving Travis a death ball was probably one of my favorite scenes in the game

-The Fax machine stuff from K (and the single one from Jeane)

-I love Henry Cooldown, so thank you Suda for the twenty lines of dialogue we get of him in the Bubblegum Fatale DLC.

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(TLDR at the very bottom)

I love No More Heroes, I’m so in love with the series and all the uniqueness put into it. But to be honest here, this game was kind of underwhelming (but of course still fun).

MAJOR Spoiler warning

Okay I’m going to put it out of the way quickly and say that I absolutely ADORED Travis in this game.
Alright now into the actual review:

I genuinely enjoyed the combat and the silly overwhelming amount of references in this game, but gosh the story was just as lacking as No More Heroes 2 in my opinion. I couldn’t get invested into any of the new characters except maybe Sonic Juice and Fu.
I understand the games’ stories aren’t really supposed to get taken seriously... but man there was so much more that could’ve been added to make the game better.

The overworld was very empty but looked super gorgeous.
Also, while I loved the enemy variety for the battles outside of the boss fights, I really wish we could’ve fought through mobs to get to bosses like the first game.

I think the best part of the game was the Henry and Travis fight/cutscenes. I’m still surprised myself but I cried when Travis “killed” Henry. Not a waterfall of tears but quite a few. I thought they’d dive more into Henry being a cult leader... but instead we got like two cutscenes of the guy and that’s it. I was so interested in the flashback Henry mentioned... I really wish we got to see more of him.

I’m pretty sure this is the final game, but the post credits little chibi animation thing kind of makes me hope that there’ll be a sequel or side game someday.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the game, but it just didn’t feel like a proper final send off to Travis and his friends. It felt like a side game more than something mainline. It didn't really add much too much to anyone's character, if anything it just made it clear that Travis' arc was complete in Travis Strikes Again. Nonetheless, I’m still very glad we got a sequel to Travis Strikes Again, and appreciate the work Suda and his team put out to make one.

TLDR pros and cons

-Very fun combat and great enemy types
-looks very good in my opinion, I loved the shades and the character models. I thought the overworld was very pretty.
-I appreciated Kimmy’s Howell’s return, and her rap battle with Travis was a blast.
-Seeing NT Kamui and Midori Midorikawa was pretty cool.
-Music is great as always
-Travis is as cool as always
-old characters show up
-the alien designs are very nice
-voice acting is great
-final boss was fun

-The story felt underwhelming
-Damon felt like just some guy
-Henry was severely underused, and his cult should have been expanded upon even more
-Shinobu and Badgirl barely showed up
-Sylvia was rather annoying this game... I miss her longer exchanges with Travis
-Overworld is sadly empty, barely any NPCs around

Yakuza 3 is really good you guys are just mean

The game just isn't for me, I don't really care about the characters nor the story, and not to mention the gameplay.

I liked the cast and its a good tactical game but jeez Eirika's route was a bit too easy. The story felt kind of underwhelming as well, and the ending kinda sucked not gonna lie.

Shoutout to Gerik and Tethys though those two characters rock and have got to be some of my favorites from the entire franchise.