Since the publishers are Devolver Digital I thought it would be great to try out.
The art style and music I found had a childlike charm and really suits a theme they were going for. I also like the idea that you can play 2 player couch co-op at any moment. Great to help kids though it as the boss battles are unbalanced compared to the rest of the game. The controls are mapped well and the characters move as expected. Not great but nothing notably bad.
There are a few issues I had to give such an average score. First was the procedural generated world. Amazingly, I haven't played a game that procedurally generated. After this game I may never again. It lacks a polish and structure to the world and the dudgeon are weak because of the procedural generation. In fact there was two times I could not access treasures as they were completely surrounded by walls.
The combat is very basic, with just mashing one button. You can do a roll and use "toys" (gizmos or items) but found these toys to be far weaker in combat compared to the sword.
Finally the load times. These and not awful but it is twice as long as what they should be and breaks immersion. Especially in a dudgeon full of small rooms waiting 3/4 seconds in transition.
The potential and what it could of been was laid out. It didn't need to be a Zelda clone, just a Zelda-like (if that makes sense) and would be leagues better. The game took about 12 hours to beat which includes most bonus caves and exploring the below average procedurally generated over-world. Sadly won and done, may not play it again.

This has to be the best 2D Zelda clone I have played to date! Loved the over-world, Loved the dudgeon and like the concept of a grandfather telling the story to his grandkids.
The amount of secrets lying around and the items are most handy.
I guess my concern is the music is fantastic and memorable, but has a short loop and repeats itself frequently.
The need for more was there at the end as the game takes about 11 hours to finish. An extra one or two dudgeons and some side quests would make this as good as a 2D Zelda itself! A minor gripe also is I wish the pixel art style was a little more detailed. Regardless, the game was great value also and hope a slightly more polished sequel is in the works for me to grab

I am not one for sport games, but seeing it was a Switch exclusive and an RPG, it got me intrigued and bought it. Boy, I am glad I did. It was one of the most charming games I have ever played.
The story is fairly basic but the characters were quirky to keep the plot interesting. The controls are super tight which is important in this type of game. I wasn't fond of the disc golf, as I found the control and momentum kinda odd.
The courses were diverse and difficulty was steadily increased. The over-world ending was a very nice surprise in the end and made me smile.
The game took around 24 hours to finish (with extras). Comes highly recommended as something different to RPG players

This was the first indie I played on the Switch and playing the demo bought a smile on my face I could not wipe off so I had to have this game. In saying that, I have played though the game twice, the second time was not as great as I recall. The levels were abit long and kind of all over the place in the end. I did not enjoy back tracking for like 5/6 minutes to previous stages just to progress to the next level.
Don't let that scare you. I had a great time playing this game The secret caves with the top down view invented variety I enjoyed. The pixel art was bang on looking like a SNES title. The music and story both very very good. I enjoyed the upgrades given and a trial on how to use them. Also to mention the boss battles had variety and fun as heck, especially with the build up cut scene. This is a retro game remake done right.

This was my first Shantae game and I think this will be my last. The reasons this was not a game for me is because:
- The pacing on the game was so slow in the beginning
- The level design I feel was above average at best
- The back tracking is awful (I know its a metroidvania) but how it was done, turned my off the genre for over a year
- How Shantae was portrayed, feminist would have a field day with this if they knew...
In saying this, I feel the jump and attack mechanics works really well and was satisfying. I liked the ability to morph to different animals (shame how it was implemented via the control scheme) and the graphics was REALLY nice. I was interested due to the morphs and graphics, but don't let pretty visuals fool you. I see the effort made to the game. I tried to like the game but couldn't. There are much better metroidvanias out there. This was the only game I have actually deleted from my Switch

First Luigi's Mansion game I have ever played.
Starting with the graphics, this is within the top 5 games graphically on the Nintendo Switch. Best way to describe the graphics is a Pixar movie from 15 years ago. It's very easy on the eye.
The physics and music/sound is top tier also. If I was only commenting on these elements, coming from a tablet, I would give 10/10. But as always there are some issues;
- The controls are funny at times and annoying to control Luigi in some situations.
- The bosses were creative and the levels even more so. I was a little disappointed some levels were not fully fleshed out on the theme they portray. This might be a spoiler so skip to the next paragraph is you don not want to read about the end game. After beating the final boss. You get nothing. I would of wanted to go back and collect items I missed in the campaign, but you cant. Quite frustrating.
I enjoyed the classic Nintendo charm of the game with some lovable characters. The length is just about right being 18hours as they were so creative in how to do tasks to move through each level.

Too many hours of my life spent on this game! The review is after the final major patch update.
I was really looking forward to this game once announced and excited to design and play. With each update, the game has grown to something wonderful. I enjoyed making levels and enjoyed the world building feature. However the game has some issues that mildly annoy me:
- The main menu interface I feel is not over intuitive. Why my maker profile and my costume selections in completely different areas of the game? Me checking and customizing my profile should be in one spot.
- I cannot search levels using words like "Bowser" and getting Bowser named levels as a filter option
- I cannot copy and re-upload my levels if I want to make a change. Have to delete and re-upload the same level with a change instead of having two levels uploaded, really don't like that.
-No 100 lives challenge. Having endless mode you don't get a finale and your progress seems empty.
I had fun playing the game but my passion faded as I feel 90% of user levels were... less desirable, but that has little to do with the game itself. I recommend buying, playing and learning some mechanics. This game, at least, upskills you in gaming in general

This game is a system seller! How Mario moves, the level design, the music and the capture mechanic is world class. It was fantastic how you can have a second player as cappy.
The issue I have is forced motion controls. There are plenty of buttons, can't the player choose between motion or button pressing?
I also have an issue that some moves cannot be done done in two player mode and some movements ONLY can be done in two players.
The moons are the main collectible and is highly motivating to go exploring. I find about 50 moons far too easy to obtain and about 100 too tedious or difficult. Do I really need to bounce a ball 100 times for a moon?
This game will make you feel like an excited child, guaranteed!

This game defines the adventure genre. I loved exploring, the mechanics and the art style. The tutorial was handled well and hands on. They respected me like I actually played a video game. Some shrines were too ambiguous and frustrating as I needed to look up on how to solve them.

The story is funny and crazy, its kind of like a South Park episode. The writing in this game was the shining element in the game.
Unfortunately, it was the gameplay and controls that let it down. The gameplay, oh boy! It's not awful, I just personally found it somewhat tedious and annoying. The game plays and replays the same day at school where if you select different narrative paths you will get some unpredictable and shocking different outcomes. At this point I will need to say, THIS GAME IS NOT FOR YOUNG CHILDREN!
Reading new branch text was the highpoint of this game. The main problem is you will have to go though storylines again and again to see a different path and sometimes the different narrative option you choose will lead to the same outcomes or resetting the day over again. In taking this path in making the game to be repetitive and grindy to seek new outcomes.
My biggest frustration is if the last action you make may not be what you expect, you will go to the next scene and left to restart the entire day for one choice you made that wasn't favourable.
When playing the game with a controller, the character moves quite abruptly and uncontrollably fast at times. which wasn't game breaking, was distracting to say the least. When playing with a keyboard and mouse, I find the twitchiness has improved, but you cannot position yourself correctly at times due to moving slightly too fast. I did prefer the controller as all functions are mapped to the face buttons making it easier to navigate in game menu options.
In summary, this game had a plot that was simple but engaging. In doing all story paths took about 6 hours to do. I just would of like to see this broken into a week instead of repeating the same day. If you like story/narrative type games it comes as recommended especially since I spent about $2USD on the game. If you like to see more progress and expecting more action gameplay, I cannot say this is a game for you.

I got this game on sale and finally got to play it. I enjoyed the game as it was a side scrolling puzzle game. If you are expecting a game with power-ups and fighting enemies, this may not be the game for you.
Despite what some people may feel, the graphics are great, I just feel the character models is a little dated but nothing can be classified as ugly. Alot of care went to the cut scenes.
The voice acting is actually really good for an indie game.
My issue with the graphics and level design is, you cannot distinguish between what is a platform and what is cosmetic that the player cannot interact with You gradually get new abilities in the game and the puzzles can be a head scratcher.
The game does encourage you to try creative ways to get though. The length is appropriate, especially for what I paid (about $7 USD) and highly recommended at that price.

I am more of a Mario player than playing as Link. But have to say, this game proves me wrong! This game is amazing! The idea of merging into walls to have a slight side scrolling aspect freshens up the game play. The mechanics, the dudgeon's, the gameplay.. it's next level anything I have ever played. This is for me THE best top down 'Zelda' or 'Zelda-like' game I have ever played (yes I'm a minority and think its better than link to the past) due to the modernisation.
The game is not perfect though, I would of found it more rewarding if you discover your items than buying, but that is nit-pic really. If you could buy only one game on the 3DS, this would be the one to get as it's my fav I have ever played on the system

Mario 3D Land was my first 3DS game I played and have to say, game is great! If you are looking for an open sandbox game or a side scroller, this is not it, its in-between .I feel this was a nice idea and innovative on the franchise. The game is a little easy the main campaign but getting the star coins and the bonus world is rewarding as it unlocks bonus levels. The level design has great variety and should be commended. This game has great value and would recommended.

This is a hidden gem for the 3ds. The game is about building and upgrading an Oasis (village), seeking dudgeon's, crafting upgrades and meeting people. The combat in the open world is very satisfying and the people although generic over time have a great story to follow and makes you feel compelled to help them. You can change characters in combat and tests the abilities which is fun.
The dungeons are fine, just wish there were more of them and they were shorter with slightly more puzzle solving. The puzzle solving is aspect might be more of a personal choice, but they had their own charm.
I feel the other races you meet and villages of those races were under used having a lack luster story and should show the protagonist connecting all the races again. When the game falls short is crafting upgrades and trading. The materials and placing items to characters can be very tedious and slows the game down. This is a small component is seeking the merchants to do a trade or buy materials, this was too complicated for such a minor section. There is too many materials and I shouldn't need to note the trade/materials to get items for upgrades or for a shop. Also the maps on where to go for a quest is at times vague and frustrating not knowing where to go, especially in the end game.
I had fun but wasn't perfect but definitively a good, verging on very good ARPG.