Amazing intro but the rest of the game is a actual garbage can, it gets pretty funny tho.

Actually underrated, fun combat and shooting, the horde mechanic is also pretty fun to handle and so is to drive your bike around.

Cool the sims base mechanics Todd Howard, BUT WHAT ABOUT FOCUSING ON MAKING FALLOUT A RPG.

I thought people exagerated of how bad this game was... I was wrong.

This game has single player level design with coop enemy quantities, the second level in the game will have you already grinding through more enemies than the hardest sections of Dead Space 1 or 2 while going through tiny scrawny rooms with enemies non stop spawning on top of you.

The plot is now completely irrelevant, just a excuse background with 0 objective to have you just grind through dark rooms. Isaac is now a literal cuckold who doesn't have anything to do in this story other than being pissed off.

The level design is abysmal, the enemy AI and pathing is much worse than past games, you will hear the enemy but their pathing will get stuck non stop so you will have to go find them multiple times to proceed to the next room.

Did I say the game is filled to the brim with shit asking you if you want to buy MICROTRANSACTIONS?? And holy fuck this weapon customization system is terrible, all the weapons other than Plasma cutter feel worse than previous game, the new weapons are terrible, and the customization is boring, a slog to use (Isaac keeps repeating a lenghty animation everytime you change a weapon) and even buffing weapons they still feel like garbage.

Just pretend this doesn't exist, and wait for Callisto Protocol if you want more Dead Space.

The telltale writing takes a fuckin dive, and never gets better, about every character in this season is complete moron apart from Clementine which is barely a teenager and Kenny.
Also please don't trust reviews of people that like the character that literally eats glass.

If you thought season 2 writing wasn't bad enough, oh boy, you're in for a shit show.

This and walking dead season 1 are the only things worth your time playing of Telltale everything else is just terrible.

Ignore this pacchinko gaccha garbage please.

Take everything Resident Evil 7 did right on the horror and exploring, throw it out the window, make it a linear boring world, add bad action sequences, enemies that are really no point in wasting ammo or time with and a really bad story (makes RE6 look interesting) where no character remotes a human being. This game makes Evil Within look good.

Interesting concept, a Sweeney Todd game, but for a resource managing game, the actions feel really clunky to set the characters movement and to play around with.

A must play for any Junji Ito, Horror, or RPG fan!

Great game, but your city is doomed to die to the brain dead driving AI in this game, unless you install 10 different driving AI mods and spend 20 extra hours just planning roads.

Play the original version, Scholarship Edition sucks ass, the extra content is bad and will only slog your playthrough.

Scholarship Edition has visual bugs that the original did not have, such as The Big Game having a transparent crowd or no crowd at all ruining the showdown, or scopes aspect ratio being screwed up, the new HD textures while not bad are not that big of improvement for them to matter at all, the new classes are ok, but they only reward terrible outfits and end up feeling useless.

The worst offender is the extra christmas missions which are trash, featuring a awful rhythm mission that will make you want to shut down the game and is not skippable.