1738 Reviews liked by Snigglegros

it’s getting bleak out here

as a game to dump an hour or two into on gamepass? it's fine.

at it's best it's actually fairly fun, but the framing just doesn't work here, and it ends up burning itself out pretty quick. the roguelike procgen structure combined with the void of visual identity makes achievements feel increasingly meaningless with more runs. there are bike parks that toss the roguelike structure for something more resembling a 3D trials game, but if you want that push and pull of tricks vs. speed (the best thing here), you're not going to get it there. in the roguelike section, on-trail vs. off-trail is a part of that push and pull, with both areas being easier or harder in different circumstances, with a bunch of tradeoffs to boot. but in the bike parks section, the difficulty of the trails is cranked wayyy up with no real punishment for just going around all of the challenges presented to you, which is pretty underwhelming and makes the whole thing feel pointless. it's a shame, because the bike feels pretty fun to control, but i feel like there's a lot of stuff here that coulda been improved if the focuses were in different places. but unfortunately, "pretty good bike game" just doesn't get people (myself included) to download your game out of novelty in the way that something like "mountain biking roguelite" does.

Replayed this for the sake of nostalgia and its themes of accepting your own death resonate with me even more now because this account is dying on May 27th, 2024

To me a game gets points for even trying to be funny. I didn't laugh at every joke in this game but I did laugh several times, and the gameplay gets pretty fun too. Love the voice cast.

Edit: Also, domestic abusers can get fucked.

was he always this horny dude

BRO, the way this was hyped up lowkey destroyed the experience, I'm not sure if it just aged badly but it was so slow, tedious and not even remotely scary... it was easy but also time consuming, i almost quit a few times.. the darkness didn't add to the atmosphere.. it just makes the game more of a chore.. i am interested in playin the newer titles though and im hoping it was just a me issue

cool af, why did we stop making cd games for pc it was fire

I opened up trending and gave a half star to one of the first games I saw
You may now laugh

I love this dev. They come up with such smart and high concept ideas, and though this didnt hit in the way 7 Days did for me, I still enjoyed the time I spent with it. Normally, personality tests as a concept are something I don't particularly subscribe to (especially as a gameplay format), but in the case of Refind Self it works incredibly well. Playing as an android, simultaneously teaching her humanity while also exercising your own freedom of choice is a very endearing route of storytelling. The grief and kindness expressed through the options you chose, the limited amount of time you have to play reflecting the wind-up android's existence... as seems to always be the case, this dev is very careful and smart in the way they go about presenting their world. I love their artstyle, love the philosophy behind it. The only thing I could say these games lack is music, as each only has a few tracks (few meaning 2 or 3) that don't loop especially well. Highly suggest this dev's catalog for anyone looking for a unique and short, lovingly crafted experience. Really excited to see what they put out next ☆

Everything from the level select map, the home hub, the in game arcade where you can unlock old pacman games, music, level design. It's by far peak Pac-Man outside of arcades. The way it's all presented just adds a lot to the universe in a way no other game in the series really does for me. It's a completionist's nightmare but I wouldn't have it any other way. Not often does it feel this good to actually find everything in a level.

The auto scrolling underwater shooting level is absolutely miserable. It single handedly destroys the pacing near the end of the game. If you're thinking about putting a ten minute long auto scroller in your game, I urge you to reconsider. I'm usually a big defender of water levels in games but EESH.

Difficulty balancing gets a bit inconsistent near the end which I can see bothering a lot of people but I can't say I mind very much. It's funny how dramatically the challenge in bosses changes between worlds. One guy will likely slay through dozens of lives and the next will be a pushover. I'm just glad one of these Pac-Man World games has some teeth, there's something to really dig into and enjoy and overcome here. 1's just so standard and 3's a joyless husk. This one's sick tho.

Would love to see some of the arcade classics try their hand at adapting to the modern era like this more often again. They all had a pretty spotty track record in doing so but when they hit they go hard.

i think bruno mars wrote a song about this game that was pretty popular in 2010 or so

neat little destruction game in the vein of stuff like catlateral damage or katamari. short, free, does exactly what it says on the tin. easy recommendation

-Mom can I have fantasy medieval RPG?
-To kill monsters and do quests?
Actually creates a real estate monopoly controlling the national economy like a boss

I know people cream their jeans about the first Psychonauts game but that wasn’t really my experience with it. Big uppies to the visual style and really unique level-design, but the controls and platforming were uhhhh… POOP?? It was still a really fun game, but I just didn’t find it to be the game that everyone held up so high at the time. There were things I found odd with it like how some powers were only useful for short sections of the game and then never again, and generally just how annoying it was to platform and move around. The story though? That shit rules, dog. Psychonauts uses everything in its crayola box bussy to personify ideas and mental concepts into living designs, be it through the enemies or the overall builds of the levels as they shapeshift around you. The levels were just as much characters as the characters were, and the exploration was rewarded with interesting character writing that was shown instead of told without force feeding you a novel of it at the same time. It’s a game that I wish I liked more and I think I’m only babbling about it because I reviewed it when I was new to this site and didn’t really understand how to barf up how I felt in words yet.

Anyways, this is a review for Psychonauts 2 and the short of it is that it was by and large a tremendous upgrade from its predecessor. My main gripes revolving around the game’s controls and camera angles flew right out the window pretty much immediately. Movement and platforming was so buttery smooth and that dodge roll they gave Raz might as well have renamed him Rizz instead. I was so happy that they gave most of the essential powers in the first few minutes, allowing you to play around with them from the get go. With the added addition of the new enemies, now just about every power has a place on the table, allowing you to dish out pain in any way that you see fit in the moment. While there are particular enemies that require certain powers to be exterminated, the Pyrokinesis and PSI Blast abilities still carried most of the weight. The Time Bubble power is pretty much a must have moving forward, and the upgrades to all of the abilities makes them so much more useful than some of the abilities from the first game. My only minor gripe with the combat was having to assign powers mid-battle through the power wheel. For whatever reason I just would not budge from removing Levitation from LT and anytime I had to remove it during a wave of Panic Attacks and Enablers, I did audibly groan but that only happened a few times in the late-game. I definitely appreciate the challenge even if it meant swapping hotkeys like I was playing a speedrunner’s version of ball in a cup. However, hitting the objects that dropped health would send them into the fucking stratosphere sometimes, which made them pointless in my time of dire need. I would say that my least favorite boss fight was the plant one just because it was probably the most restrictive, but that’s one boss out of several who generally made for some really fun segments.

Aside from this game basically Kingdom Heartsing me by being a direct sequel of a 2nd game that I don’t own the console to, it was still a groovy time from start to finish. While none of the levels hold their own version of “Milla’s Secret” nearly at the same intensity, it was still a rather warming story about a group of friends working through their regrets with the help of Raz. It’s a story that still “went there”, just in different aspects. I don’t personally need the most fucked up thing to happen that lands this game into another 4,000 Top 10 Darkest Moments in video games lists until the end of time for it to be compelling. People are still DYING, Kim. I found the deep dive into the other Psychonauts to be rather interesting as it helped build the world that exists outside of the levels to a higher detail, closer to the ones that represent the actual brains where all the showmanship is. Of course the actual brain levels are still the best part of the game too and a whole heaping of them really delivered. I found both the cooking and concert levels to be the stand outs, as they represented the chaotic unraveling, or re-raveling, of their mindscapes so well. Like honestly, is the character losing his damn mind through sensory overload or am I, because that was quite the adventure into horrible ASMR that I didn’t expect to fall into.

And that’s where this series really shines because who else is crafting level design in a way that really puts you in the shoes of it’s characters in the same way that Psychonauts does? Where it really asks you to maybe reflect on your own trauma by dousing you in colors and sometimes difficult climbing; where mental healing and overcoming your obstacles is truly the ultimate goal at the end of the day. As someone who has mental illness in my family, it’s such a tender way of showcasing forgiveness for not just someone else but also yourself. It’s exquisite art design that is packed in just about every crevice and corner with some sort of metaphorical punch to each character’s inner turmoil, whether they have an addiction, horrible regrets, or unimaginable shame. There was care in connecting the platforming mechanics to the overall visual storytelling that combines into this whirlwind of gameplay that tells its story, with narrative twists that really make ya go “ZOINKS”. Interactivity is so fucking cool, bro!!!!

With that too, the game still has its comedic beats of course. The comedy is still written in a way that isn’t competing with the more downer sides of the plot because it’s written in a way that understands when each tone has its place to shine and both lift the cutscenes up without overshadowing each other. That is an aspect of both games that still rings very true. Unrelated to this though, Raz is voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz who also voices Billy from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, which made his blood curdling screams that he makes upon falling off a ledge really funny to me for some reason. Dying really wasn’t an issue because I genuinely laughed every time he screamed, as horrible as that sounds.

Related to Raz’s voice though, my real complaint of this game, that is still rather minor, is that Raz honestly talks way too much. I know that I’m 3 years late to this game, but I’ve been noticing a trend lately with any game involving a puzzle that if you don’t solve it in 2 seconds, the characters feel the need to just blurt out the answer for you as if you can’t figure it out for yourself. I am all for accessibility features for kids and everyone else but I really wish you could turn off tips without having to mute the voice audio in the menu. Sometimes I just want to examine what I’m working with before jumping into it and I don’t need Raz backseating the shit out of me- “I need to focus more with my Clairvoyance to-” at every chance- “I hear some emotional baggage around”- he could get- “I think I need to connect blank with blank in order to progress the level” Raz, please, I beg of you.

But all in all, this was a really good time and I felt like it would be. I really wanted to like Psychonauts 1 a lot more than I actually did and when I heard this sequel turned out great, I was more than excited to play it. Overall, I found the levels to be a lot more memorable here as well. I’m sorry Milkman fans, but I have made a solemn oath to never lie in a Backloggd review unless it was about how good I am at the games I’m criticizing. While this game does have things that irk me, they’re really not something that dings it in any grimy way. I guess they’re just more of a personal preference. But, having played this and Portal immediately after beating Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, it was a huge breath of fresh air. Give me more games like this pretty please, please, please please.

Also, stop posting this fucking meme every November, you goddamn selective assholes. Whoever made this image and then dropped it into the piss ocean that is Xitter needs to answer for their crimes.