it made me wait an irl hour for a character to call but thats ok she was hot so ill allow it

This game is really disappointing. The gameplay in the trailers looked really flashy and fun and the concept for the story sounded like it had potential. While the game lived up to the gameplay expectations imo, The story, characters, and overall writing fall exceptionally flat on its face. The story is boring after the 4 hour mark, the world is also boring after you've done all the activities like once and the characters range from annoying and unlikable to straight up forgettable. There's a lot of potential here but it didn't do anything to realize it at a $70 price point

this game is proof that dementia is just a skill issue

boring, wake me up when a new map or something cool drops

whenever people say they love FF7 i just assume theyre talking abt the remake cuz this shit is kinda ass

mid af bro but i kinda had fun which is fucked up

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i hope nothing bad happens to that metroid


This game is the perfect example of a developer using a video game as an art medium to its fullest potential. Everything that happens in this game is so tailor made for being a game that it be killing half the experience to adapt it into something else.

But other than that, the story in this game is the main selling point, this is a basically perfect story abt memories and mental illnesses. The plot is very airtight and the game makes it a point to show you all this crazy shit and leave it up to you to interpret it, its very fun to go back and think about. This honestly is what all those "earthbound-inspired" indie RPGs want to be.

The gameplay if im being real is the only part that was a little lackluster, specifically one boss was really annoying and tedious to get through. The game also isnt very hard which I know isnt the point but at times it felt like if i had one specific setup then i could mop the floor with all the bosses.

Anyways yeah 9.5/10 best played blind and look out for the losers who say this game is mid lmao

i cant even lie, this game is eternally goated

its good, but if you were to put a gun to my head and force me to play flower, sun, and rain again, id say shoot me

the final boss was a real ass clencher