270 Reviews liked by SoraMC

I've come to chew Pot Roast, and Kick Dracula's Ass... and I'm all out of Roast

You know why this game is incredible. The memorable cast of characters, charming presentation, FANTASTIC soundtrack, great sense of comedy, emotional beats, and so many other things that give the game such an iconic and memorable legacy. I've never been too big on the RPG genre, but this one and TWEWY are the ones for me.
Is Final Fantasy VII perfect? No, far from it, but FFVII is really good, and for me that's more then enough.

10 9 8 7 6
5 4 3 2 1

I can't believe that they made a Chris Pratt origin story adaptation in video game form

A clearly unfinished game, but I still had fun nonetheless. Maybe only get this one if it's on a sale. Otherwise, I'd recommend this game as a short (but overall sweet) little Metroidvania-Esque title. 7/10

Josh if you ask me to play this game again while my backlog is still this crowded I will literally steal your copy of Megaman Zero/ZX Legacy Collection for the Sony PlayStation 4 and snap the disc in half

The more I replay this the more I keep refalling in love. The atmosphere, the gameplay, the music, I just can’t get enough and no other game in the series compares. The melodramatic overtones mixed with the contextualized and detailed areas just resonates with me so well. The inherently fun exploration that gets even grander as you unlock more and more abilities, the addicting platforming mixed with tight action controls; it’s all here in full force to make you want to keep playing and playing. I can’t help but explore every area every time I play.They’re begging to have their every detail examined and every enemy obliterated into a bloody explosion. The inverted castle is a bit of a bother to explore but it’s still mechanically fun because of how well Alucard controls and feels to handle. Beautifully orchestrated tracks fit every scenario perfectly and bring out their ideas into a melody of which expands their ideology. I know I may be exaggerating here, but that’s just how I feel. I love this game to death in all its glory.

Sonic had a Rough Transition to 3K

I can finally bring my sonic oc power fantasy to life

Society's opinion on music:
you a stupid hoe you a you a stupid hoe (Amazing)

sonic heroes sonic heroes bind you confine you defying your reign (Stupid, emo, gay)

Wtf has this world come to.....

(This game was played through the recent 2019 "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy" collection)
Ace Attorney is probably the winner when it comes to a franchise that instantly captivated me, and now has become one of my favorite series of all time.
The game is designed where finding contradictions as well as new evidence from the crime scenes are events where fun are to be had. The witty and timeless dialogue never gets old either. The characters aren't the deepest thing in the world here, but they are improved upon tremendously in future entries, overall having a super memorable and fun cast.
Case 1 of this game is (in my opinion) an extremely easy opening case, especially compared to later entries. A little too easy, perhaps, as it makes the second case feel like a difficulty spike. However, the case is good enough at giving you a feel for how the courtroom gameplay is.
The Second case is much harder then the first one, however it is able to still be fair and not too difficult. This case also introduces us to Maya and Edgeworth, two extremely pivotal characters to the overall narrative. For a second case this one is solid.
Case 3 falls under an unfortunate growing pain of the series, where the third case is overall the most filler and uninteresting case in it's respective title. This isn't a bad case per se, but probably the second weakest in the game.
Case 4 wraps up the main story in a nice bow, finishing up some character development and delivering a satisfying end to this chapter of the series. Definitely the second best case this title has to offer.
With the first English release of Gyakuten Saiban (or Ace Attorney as we all know it), an additional fifth case was added, to show off the DS's new features. This case in my opinion is the strongest one this game has, and is able to have a great entirely new narrative without being several chapters long. Most fans argue that this case is too long, and I have to disagree. This case feels like a nice final challenge to players of the first four cases, and has an extremely nice and satisfying end to it when you finally put the case to rest. For sure one of my favorite cases in the whole franchise.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is a phenomenal first entry in the series, and I can say that this is the perfect starting point for the series. If you are a fan of the visual novel genre, please give this one a shot. 4.5/5

(Played through the 2017 3DS port)
Apollo Justice is a game that seems to have has a revival by the fanbase in recent years, and more people have began to favor this entry the older this game gets. And in my opinion, it is getting the credit it deserves.
Apollo Justice plays the same as the first 3 games in the series, being a half visual novel/half courtroom simulator game. This entry does add a new minigame however, called "perception". Perception is finding the phrase of testimony that makes the witness tick, and while it can take a while to find with how slowly the dialogue scrolls, it's an ok replacement for AA2/3's magatama.
(Spoiler free Case reviews below)
Turnabout Trump is probably the greatest opening case in the series. Not only is this case good at introducing you to the general feel of the courtroom gameplay for newcomers, but it's also good at being a fun and challenging one too. The case is longer then say, the first Turnabout (from AA1), but isn't as obnoxiously long as The Foreign Turnabout (From AA6). Overall, a great opening case and one of my favorites in the series.
Turnabout Corner is another great case from this game. We get our proper introductions to Trucy and Klavier, (My favorites in the series when it comes to the Assistant and Prosecutor roles respectively), some fun banter with our new characters, and some nice twists and turns along the way.
Turnabout Serenade is often known as the worst case in the game, and the criticism is fair. While I don't find it to be a "bad" case particularly, it is for certain the weakest and most ridiculous chapter in this game's story.
Turnabout Succession is a case that is somewhat good at wrapping up AJ's overarching plot, and is one of the few times a video game made me audibly gasp in surprise. This chapter has a lot of content to go through and has some really awesome events unfold that I will let you blind players see for yourself. While being one of the weakest final cases in the series, I can't help myself for liking this one.
Apollo Justice is also the winner when it comes to soundtrack, definitely the best OST the series has to offer. Nearly every track I could listen to multiple times and never get tired of, it's that good. One of my favorite things to listen to during my free time.
Overall, Apollo Justice is a game you can either hate or love to death. If my score (and review) hasn't said enough, I'm someone who is the latter. Apollo Justice was a game I had a genuinely great time playing and I love revisiting this one from time to time. 4.5/5

I introduced one of my friends to this series several months ago and yesterday he sent me pics of him eating burgers with a png of maya on a monitor claiming it was a date what have I created